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Its time: Rank the trilogies.

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Out of the major Geek movie Trilogies:

Star Wars Original Trilogy (SWOT)
Star Wars Prequel Trilogy (SWPT)
Lord of the Rings (LotR)
Matrix (Matrix)
Indiana Jones (Indy)

Rank them from best to worst (all in your opinion, of course). Ties are allowed

1. SWOT / LotR (Tie)
2. Indy
3. Matrix

Optional (my choice in parenthesis):

Best single movie (Empire Strikes Back)
Best Acting (Sean Bean as Boromir)
Best Director (Tie - Irvin Kershner (Empire) / Peter Jackson)
Best SFX (Revenge of the Sith)
Best Art/Design (LotR)
Best Soundtrack (LotR)
Best Action Sequences (Raiders of the Lost Ark)



I agree with all your optional things save one

Best action sequences for me would be Empire

Nothing beats hoth for me.


Bregor said:
Out of the major Geek movie Trilogies:

Star Wars Original Trilogy (SWOT)
Star Wars Prequel Trilogy (SWPT)
Lord of the Rings (LotR)
Matrix (Matrix)

Rank them from best to worst (all in your opinion, of course). Ties are allowed

1. SWOT / LotR (Tie)
2. Matrix

Optional (my choice in parenthesis):

Best single movie (Empire Strikes Back)
Best Acting (Sean Bean as Boromir)
Best Director (Tie - Irvin Kershner (Empire) / Peter Jackson)
Best SFX (Revenge of the Sith)
Best Art/Design (LotR)
Best Soundtrack (LotR)
Best Action Sequences (Matrix #1)
Sean Bean , when is this guy not an awesome actor....

anyway for me

Back to the Future

The Crow Trilogy

The Substitute Trilogy

Matrix Trilogy

[edit] oh damn I forgot about Indy and the godfather *smacks head* although I only count two Godfather movies so it dosen't really count as a trilogy imo


+1 for sticking in Back to the Future...

But surely you cannot forget about THE Triliogy... not Godfather...



themadcowtipper said:
the lack of Die Hard is sickening....

I don't consider it one of the major trilogies. Of course, nothing is stopping anyone from putting it in their own list. You make your choices, I make mine.


LOTR / Indy
SW 70s
SW 00s

In terms of being a "higher" form of cinema, LOTR Trilogy destroys them all. Art, SFX, Cinematography, acting. Die Hard is not a "nerd" trilogy, so don't include it.

In terms of "Wiz Bang COOL" I'd have to tie SW 2000s and Matrix.


The only one of those three I've watched through is Matrix trilogy. I've seen Star Wars Episode 1 out of all the rest of everything, and thats it. Oh yeah I saw Back to the Future 1 and 2 if you include that.

Die Hard and Lethal Weapon need to be up there (even though there's 4 LW's). Nothing beats bomb on toilet, and the original stealth man, Bruce Willis.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
for the record anyone who rates the PT below matrix is a bitch and deserves to be hunted down. complain about the falling aspects of the PT as much as you want, but any single matrix sequel was shittier shit shit worse than all of the PT AND howard the duck combined. seriously, talk about apologists. fuck was that shit.


star wars (it is a singular story. stupid to split up a singular story for one saga but not the rest)
back to the future
halloween 5 and 6
black sista call 46, 47, 48
dried shit caked to the bathroom wall
rotting cat

wait, no, I would take death above matrix.

edit - for the record, I think The Matrix (the movie) was one of the most ground breaking, inspiring, and visually fantastic movies I have ever seen. I walked out of Reloaded. I later found out there was only around 15 minutes or so left in the movie but still never regretted it. It was shit. Finally never even went to see Revolutions until my wife picked up the two without etlling me for like $15 for the both of them. We then sat down and watched revolutions after which point she apologized to me and said she should have believed mne when I told her it would be shit as well.


indiana jones
back to the future
el mariachi

i dont like star wars and i havent seen any LOTR's (waiting to get my own home theatre to watch them).
The Star Wars saga as a whole, and the Lord of the Rings, tower above everything else. The first Matrix film was awesome, it went down hill fast after that. If I were force to rank, I guess I'd go with this:

Star Wars OT/LOTR
Indiana Jones

*tons of other films that are a series/trilogy*

The Matrix
Matlock said:
the length of the lotr films kills much of my enjoyment :\

It certainly makes them much harder to watch on a regular basis. I can throw in a Star Wars DVD any time, but LOTR is much more of a viewing committment. Agreed.


borghe said:
for the record anyone who rates the PT below matrix is a bitch and deserves to be hunted down. complain about the falling aspects of the PT as much as you want, but any single matrix sequel was shittier shit shit worse than all of the PT AND howard the duck combined. seriously, talk about apologists. fuck was that shit.


star wars (it is a singular story. stupid to split up a singular story for one saga but not the rest)
back to the future
halloween 5 and 6
black sista call 46, 47, 48
dried shit caked to the bathroom wall
rotting cat

wait, no, I would take death above matrix.

edit - for the record, I think The Matrix (the movie) was one of the most ground breaking, inspiring, and visually fantastic movies I have ever seen. I walked out of Reloaded. I later found out there was only around 15 minutes or so left in the movie but still never regretted it. It was shit. Finally never even went to see Revolutions until my wife picked up the two without etlling me for like $15 for the both of them. We then sat down and watched revolutions after which point she apologized to me and said she should have believed mne when I told her it would be shit as well.

:lol :lol totally agree

IMO, it's:
Indiana Jones
Matrix (although the first one is one of my favorite movies)


SW original trilogy
(Three Colors)
Lord of the Rings
Indiana Jones
(Back to the Future)
SW prequels
(El Mariachi/Desperado/Once Upon A Time in Mexico)
(Once Upon A Time In China)


Iceman said:
(Three Colors)

SORRY, NO ARTHOUSE FILMS ALLOWED. Did you not see the "geek" bit in the subject ("geek" as in sci-fi/fantasy nerd).

2. Star Wars 4-6
3. LoTR
4. Indy!
5. Star Wars 1-3






6. Matrix (sucks)


If Star Wars 3->5 was a trilogy, I would vote this number 1.

But, from the choices given, my favourites are:

Star Wars Original Trilogy (SWOT)
Indiana Jones (Indy)
Lord of the Rings (LotR)
Star Wars Prequel Trilogy (SWPT)
Matrix (Matrix)


eh, I'm a different type of geek.

Drunken Master 1-3 (Even though the third one is mor elike a neglected step child since it doesn't star Jackie Chan)
Police Story 1-3
Smith's New Jersey Trilogy

I don't even understand how The Matrix could make the cut.


Original Star Wars
Indiana Jones
Lord of the Rings

I love Lord of the Rings, but they aren't in the same class as the first two trilogies. And none of the other trilogies were any good (meaning all 3 movies).


DaMan121 said:
While individual movie in there are fantastic, as trilogies they have no flow, consistency, and are a mess. Most of the other stuff listed on here I agree with.

and The Matrix does? :O Trilogies don't have to focus on one ongoing storyline. :/


1. Lord of the Rings
2. Back to the Future
3. Indiana Jones
4. Star Wars Original Trilogy
5. Matrix

Pretty soon the Spiderman trilogy will take over number 2. Unless they somehow manage to fuck the 3rd one up (unlikely).


and The Matrix does? :O Trilogies don't have to focus on one ongoing storyline. :/

Sure, but thematically they have to be consistent.. We were bashed with "there is no fate but what you make" in T2.. now suddenly in T3 nothing matters its inevitable.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
1. Star Wars OT
2. Indiana Jones
3. Back to the Future (very close to #2)
4. Star Wars PT
6. The Matrix (as a trilogy, the first one is easily better than anything LOTR offered)

If you asked me to name my favorite trilogies, I would never even consider those last two.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
wow.. I get the PT bashers under the premise that they simply can't deal with the fact that george didn't make the movies they had hoped for for 20ish years, but I don't get LOTR haters/non-fans at all.. seriously I can't think of one bad part of any of the single movies.. ???


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
borghe said:
wow.. I get the PT bashers under the premise that they simply can't deal with the fact that george didn't make the movies they had hoped for for 20ish years, but I don't get LOTR haters/non-fans at all.. seriously I can't think of one bad part of any of the single movies.. ???
Please, even the biggest LOTR fans have to admit it sucked watching Legolas surf around on a giant elephant's trunk.

Anyway, I wrote out my extensive complaints with the LOTR trilogy here. Some stuff on page 1, more on page 2.


not as bad as it sucked to watch Keanu Reeves pretend he was some kind of hybrid of Jet li and Superman. :/
1) Star Wars Trilogy
2) Lord of the Rings Trilogy
3) Godfather Trilogy
4) Indiana Jones Trilogy
5) Back to the Future Trilogy
6) Star Wars Prequel Trilogy


-The Matrix Trilogy (special honors for the first movie, I'd wish the next two didn't exist)


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
karasu said:
not as bad as it sucked to watch Keanu Reeves pretend he was some kind of hybrid of Jet li and Superman. :/
Hence why LOTR is above Matrix on my list (although as I also said, The Matrix as a singular film is far, far better than anything LOTR had).


well not really...yet
From the ones listed and plus back to the future:

Star Wars OT
Back to the future
Star Wars PT

Ash Housewares

The Mountain Jew
Star Wars
(Evil Dead)
Indiana Jones
(Star Trek II-IV :D )
(Romero Dead)
(Back to the Future)
New SW crap

did I forget any?



:lol Seriously though, I hated the second one and never watched the third. And I hate these topics, as no one really reads anyone else's list.

We need some sort of elaboration. I think an interesting discussion might be, which is better, the SWPT or the Matrix Trilogy and why, not just listing them. Either way though, those types of topics tend to degenerate pretty quickly. Carry on :)
Lord of the Rings (LotR)
Indiana Jones (Indy)
Star Wars Original Trilogy (SWOT)
Matrix (Matrix)
Star Wars Prequel Trilogy (SWPT)

Matrix would go a lot higher it it were just one movie! Or if it had even ended satisfyingly. Likewise, if SWPT had just been the last movie, it would have ranked higher.
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