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ITT, We all have to agree on a game better than Super Mario 64

I personally think Super Mario Galaxy 2 is the best 3D Mario there is.

Mario 64 does have better movement mechanics though, which is important in a game like this, but it's not like the Galaxy games play like Bubsy 3D, so it's not a big deal.
I liked the idea for this thread... but then OP started it off with MGS3. Which is an apples and oranges comparison if I ever saw one.

Can we keep this limited to similar games? I guess Mario 64 does some things Sunshine, Galaxy and 3D World don't, but I'd like to see someone disagree on Banjo-Kazooie.


Sorry for ruining your thread but i don't agree that any game is objectively better than Mario 64.

Pack it up guys and sorry once again.


Whenever a game uses "middleware," I expect mediocrity. Just see how poor TLOU looks.
Super Mario 3D World is the best Mario game. It's the perfect blend of the old 2D style Mario with Mario 64.

Is there any wonder why it's the highest rated Wii U game on Metacritic?


Like most N64 games, I'm sure they were great back in the day but most of not all of them didn't age well at all. Some have somewhat like SM64 and OoT.

And yes games have improved and are "better" it's games like Zelda LttP and Mega Man 2 and even the original SMB that have stood the test of time. Most N64 games haven't.
eeew thats just disgusting

My nominees I suppose

Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is a better game than Super Mario 64

Portal is a better game than Super Mario 64
Nah, Ocarina's puzzle design is mostly "hey we're in 3D," the core gameplay is very dull, both then and now, and it always was a mediocre game.

At least SM64 has good gameplay.
Super Mario 64 is a basic game. I appreciate it's legacy and what it's done for the industry but that's it.

Really just a basic game. It's like the epitome of the idea of a video game when someone pictures one.

Super Smash Brothers 64 is a better game than SM64
Super Mario 3D World is the best Mario game. It's the perfect blend of the old 2D style Mario with Mario 64.

Is there any wonder why it's the highest rated Wii U game on Metacritic?
Ayyy, a mechanically simplified game that is a complete and utter cakewalk to get through with an awful emphasis on co-op is totally better than SM64.


Super Mario 64 was outclassed generations ago. The hub world design is no longer unique, as is Mario running around a 3D environment collecting stars.

Absolutely agree. It's 2016 folks, claiming Super Mario 64 is still somehow at the top of every other game ever created comes across as just utterly snobbish.


This is the kind of stuff that warms my heart and restores my faith in GAF!

(Also, those posts were back to back, well done people!)

Super Mario 3D World isn't even really 3D, it plays more like an isometric 2D game and the controls are completely shit. Also, no camera control. You can't even look back (!). And no analog movement? You press a button to run? What year is this? This game is the most dumbed down Mario experience, after that runner game maybe.

I think i will agree with Banjo-Kazooie though. Even though i still think Mario 64 has the best controls/physics/feel, i still had more fun with B-K thanks to it's better level design, size and much better graphics.
I liked the idea for this thread... but then OP started it off with MGS3. Which is an apples and oranges comparison if I ever saw one.

Can we keep this limited to similar games? I guess Mario 64 does some things Sunshine, Galaxy and 3D World don't, but I'd like to see someone disagree on Banjo-Kazooie.

I intentionally picked something that would cause disagreement and didn't want to take the more obvious choices.

Though I hear ya, apples and oranges.

Think of it this way .. you have to pick between Super Mario 64 and any other game, or your family would be killed.


64 is 20 years old and still has some of best 3d platforming ahahahaha


But I do like Galaxy 2


I really do think this thread should have been restricted to platformers or something. I do love SM64, but I am largely an RPG gamer and therefore find almost every RPG I like is better than SM64 to me.

So I am going to say:
Jak and Daxter is a better game than Super Mario 64.
This thread is asking the impossible. Everyone has varied tastes. I personally have no love for mario games. Im just not into platformers. Best games of all time to me are more like y
The original xcom, street fighter 2, bloodborne, original doom, ut 99, dune 2 etc.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
My disagreements, I am ONLY posting disagreements to games that I personally have played and that have not been challenged before (because this would be redundant).

Dark Souls is a better game than Super Mario 64
Dark Souls is a lot of busywork, it's controls are far less immediate and its level design is mechanically way less interesting than Mario 64's. I think Dark Souls is a game that plays considerably worse than Mario 64 on all levels. Well, maybe not in regards of camera control.

Resident Evil 4, Red Dead Redemption, The last of Us....

What am I saying, there are hundreds of games better than Mario 64.
I only know Resident Evil 4 out of those: Resident Evil 4 has a very uneven difficulty curve and quite a few very boring scenes. It also plays way clumsier than Mario 64.

Advance Wars is a better game then Super Mario 64.
Advance Wars has elements of chance, therefore is automatically inferior to Mario 64.

To me, SM64 isn't even the best N64 Mario game (that award goes to Paper Mario), so I can think of a hundred games I consider better, many of which are part of the same franchise.

As an example, Super Paper Mario is better than SM64 (and every other Mario game too, it's my favorite Nintendo game).
Super Paper Mario has super-redundant elements like this "walking on a treadmill" stuff. There are numerous scenes that are just there for a joke and have no gameplay value. Therefore it is considerably weaker than SM64.

Super Mario Bros. 3 is a better game than Super Mario 64
Weak disagreement here: SMB3 and SM64 are on the same level of quality. SM64 is more innovative, but SMB3 puts every other game previously released to shame, so even in these secondary criterions it's impossible to give the edge to one of them. Since the thread is asking for something that is better than Mario 64, I have to refute SMB3.

I binge played all of the God of wars before ascension came out (in chronological order) and I know ONE of them I think I legit liked better than Mario 64, I think it was 2 where you fought hades? Or 3?

Idk, the god of war series as an experience is better than Mario 64, but that's unfair

OH Super Mario 64 Multiplayer (with a friend obviously) is a better game than normal m64
I have only played God of War 1 & 2, but both are way weaker than Mario 64. The fights are mindless, the puzzles are too simplistic and there is too much in the game that is there purely for presentational reasons without any gameplay value, that is even disrupting gameplay.

And I just hopped on the GTA online train after a long hiatus Black Friday week, and I feel like that may be a better game than Mario 64

If we're talking purely gameplay mechanics I like twisted metal (PS3) better than Mario 64
GTA5 is unfocussed, has too much mechanical fluff and is overall an abysmal game, so certainly not better than Super Mario 64.

At the very least I agree with the first fifteen posts.

Catherine is a better game than Mario 64.
Catherine has too much fluff in between the puzzles, the controls are clunkier than SM64's and it is not varied enough in its challenges.

Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy is my favourite Plaformer so I'll pick that.
J&D1 has very floaty controls, and some real stinker levels, particularly that forest area.

Knack is just absolute trash, which SM64 is not, so it is certainly a lot weaker.

Bloodborne is one of the only better games I can think of.

And Streets of Rage 2.
Streets of Rage 2 bores me to death, not better than Mario 64.
Can we start with every Mario game?

Both Mario Galaxies, Sunshine, Super Mario Bros 1-3, Super Mario World 1-2, Super Mario Lands for Game Boy
Galaxies have already been challenged, I have already challenged SMB3 (and already said that it itself is better than 1 & 2). Super Mario Land is way too short, too easy and too stiff, Super Mario Land 2 is quite imaginative, but it has worse controls and a very uneven difficulty curve. Sunshine has already been challenged. Super Mario World is a similar case to Super Mario Bros. 3: As good as Super Mario 64, but not better. I won't challenge Yoshi's Island though (so I challenge all the games in the list other than Yoshi).

Spyro 3 is a better game than Super Mario 64.
Spyro is utter junk. The developers had absolutely no idea how to use collectibles to structure a game and instead just dumped them into the game. The overall level design is just plain boring and the controls are significantly worse than Mario 64's.

Resident Evil 4 is a better game than Super Mario 64.
I have already challenged it above.

Bayonetta is a better game than Super Mario 64.

But also
Bayonetta is a great character action game, but it has a lot of empty areas and puts too much emphasis on stylish sequences over pure gameplay. Not better than Mario 64.

Metroid Prime is a better game than Super Mario 64, because it did to the Metroid franchise what 64 did for the Mario series.

The thread eventually turns into "I will name my favorite videogame of all time".
Metroid Prime is a similar case to SMB3: It does the same thing as Mario 64, successfully bring its series to the third dimension. It is focused and has amazing gameplay and level design. So does Mario 64 though and I see no difference in quality here. So I challenge Metroid Prime because it is not better than Mario 64, but just on the same level.

There are a lot of games better than Super Mario 64.

Like Paper Mario: TTYD.

In TTYD you had to walk around the whole game world in the end to collect some super dumb collectibles. There was no challenge to it, just busywork. Busywork is always inexcusable. Therefore TTYD certainly is not better than SM64.

Tetris is a better game than Super Mario 64.
Tetris has elements of chance to it, so it cannot be better than SM64.
Nah, Ocarina's puzzle design is mostly "hey we're in 3D," the core gameplay is very dull, both then and now, and it always was a mediocre game.

At least SM64 has good gameplay.

I'm not a huge fan (or a fan at all really) of OoT, but it's still a really good game. The problem with it compared to SM64 is the fact that you could release that for the first time ever today and it'd still hold up fairly well. OoT wouldn't. It suffers from a lot of performance issues, and it has an overworld that is tiny in scale to what we have nowadays, and is practically devoid of anything to do/a reason for existing.

That's the main reason it isn't better than Mario 64.
Lol props to Yoshi for going through and responding to all of those. In my defense though I was mostly just saying that as a response to "this is a name your favorite game thread." It's hard to compare Catherine and Super Mario 64.


Super Mario Galaxy 1 & 2 are way better than 64. I'd even put 3D World above it in terms of my enjoyment. I think it's easily the weakest 3D Mario aside Sunshine. I understand it was an amazing experience at the time, but many games in its own genre already far surpassed it imo. I think the more linear design of the later games lends better to the level design from a creative standpoint.


Metroid Prime is a better game than Mario 64.

It did a similar job (successfully transfered a 2D iP to 3D) but it did so without being completely different than it's predecessors, like how Mario 64 is compared to it's 2D games. But it was still different enough to fully embrace the 3D technology (first person perspective and the visors). Which makes it also better than Zelda Ocarina of Time that was way too similar with the 2D games.
This is my pick I think.

God help any who disagree.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
Lol props to Yoshi for going through and responding to all of those. In my defense though I was mostly just saying that as a response to "this is a name your favorite game thread." It's hard to compare Catherine and Super Mario 64.

Absolutely no reason to defend anything, that's the nature of the thread. I agree that comparing SM64 and Catherine does not make a whole lot of sense, but neither does MGS3 and SM64 (I'd probably challenge MGS3 as well if I knew it, considering I hated all three MGS I have played - 1,2 and 5).
Crash Bandicoot is dull, limited, and shallow. Mario 64 offers superior level design not stuck on rails, as well as better combat with more variety in dispatching enemies.

I still enjoy Crash games more than any Mario game.

And regarding Mario Galaxy, Mario 64 is waaayyy better than Galaxy. Motion controls ruined Mario Galaxy! I just can't go back to them.


Absolutely agree. It's 2016 folks, claiming Super Mario 64 is still somehow at the top of every other game ever created comes across as just utterly snobbish.

Yeah, I agree. It's weird, I had the impression that people didn't see 64 this way anymore (on GAF at least) and the concensus was that while a legendary and revolutionary game, it had been outclassed many times years ago.

As someone who loves the game, was shocked by how good it was back when it released and admits it helped shape 3D games for the better, I'd be hard pressed to pick a game from my list of favorites that I /didn't/ consider better lol. Like I dunno, Super Metroid? Star Fox 64? Bloodborne? Bayonetta 2?

For the sake of fairness tho, I consider Banjo Kazooie the better game. Same for obvious stuff like the Galaxy games.
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