What's new in iTunes 4.8:
iTunes 4.8 includes new Music Store features and support for transferring contacts and calendars from your computer to your iPod (requires Mac OS X version 10.4 on your computer). Additionally, addresses a buffer overflow exploit.
Download: http://www.apple.com/itunes/download/
You can also make Smart Playlist with movies, and play movies in the album art window, presumably so that iTMS may bundle music videos along with the album art on songs purchased through the iTMS so that you may play it simultaneously while listening to a song. Note that it only plays .movs & iMovie DVs, not .avis.
iTunes 4.8 includes new Music Store features and support for transferring contacts and calendars from your computer to your iPod (requires Mac OS X version 10.4 on your computer). Additionally, addresses a buffer overflow exploit.
Download: http://www.apple.com/itunes/download/
You can also make Smart Playlist with movies, and play movies in the album art window, presumably so that iTMS may bundle music videos along with the album art on songs purchased through the iTMS so that you may play it simultaneously while listening to a song. Note that it only plays .movs & iMovie DVs, not .avis.