"There are currently rumours doing the rounds that Rainbow was nearly axed due to an 'obscene' edition being made that contained a lot of sexual innuendo about balls, twangers, plucking and soforth, a clip of which was shown on a late-night Channel Four comedy show. In fact, this edition of Rainbow was never meant to be broadcast 'properly', it was an in-joke performed by the cast and crew for a Christmas party at the production studios. It has long been a tradition within the British television industry for the videotape editing department to produce 'Christmas shows' consisting of bloopers, X-rated moments and suchlike fare to be shown at the seasonal gatherings, and the 'adult' Rainbow was produced with that in mind.
Having said that, anyone with half an ear could tell you that Rainbow wasn't JUST for the kids. There was something disturbing about Geoffrey, a middle-aged man dressed up like a six year old but pretending to be twenty, living in a house with an obviously gay pair of puppets (George was the submissive half of the relationship, Zippy was the macho dominant half) and a camp six-foot talking bear, with three hippie folk-singers for neighbours. Adults had a lot of fun with it too, and Zippy continues to be a cult figure on the back of some Marmite sandwich spread commercials. A great series that holds many happy memories for thirtysomethings"
From imdb.com