Boss Doggie
all my loli wolf companions are so moe
What? You never heard of the Transfer Student from Hong Kong?
Heh, thanks for reminding me
What? You never heard of the Transfer Student from Hong Kong?
I detected instant dogwhistle when I read, 'USA, Brazil, Japan, and Africa.'
Like, seriously, pick a fucking country.
So where do we think the other four schools are?
My guess is at least Australia and the Middle East. But it seems Uagadou is pretty large, so...
China? India?
I'll never accept the Dumbledore is gay one... it's like she was filling a quota. The books don't even hint at that...
It's like she decided it when she was asked, not something that was planned from the start. Not that she didn't do that before anyways...
Not to go too far down this road (again), but I honestly don't know how people didn't realize he's gay on their own in Deathly Hallows. There's an entire side tangent about his teenage years where he was incredibly close with a boy who was his favorite person he'd ever met. They wrote letters to each other and Dumbledore almost went to the dark side for this boy. Hell, even Dumbledore's brother talks about how pissed Grindelwald was for him trying to come between the two of them.
If the other person had been a girl that Dumbledore knew as a teenager, people would have immediately seen it for what it was. Not that young men can't be friends, of course, but there is very little subtlety in these books when it comes to who someone is attracted to. Hermione and Ron was telegraphed from around book two. It seemed super obvious to me that Dumbledore was super into this dude. (The only surprise was that JKR acknowledged it.)
Which, to bring it back to the school names: subtle is very rarely something JKR has used in these books and one of the only times she did (Dumbledore being gay), people accuse her of it never even happening. I can see why she opts for heavy handed.
And none of this is as lazy as "Cho Chang."
Where did you read 'USA'? All I ever read was 'North America'.
I *HOPE* there is one in Germany (or Austria), I *THINK* there'll be at least another one in Asia, I *DOUBT* Australia will get their own school.
Where did you read 'USA'? All I ever read was 'North America'.
I *HOPE* there is one in Germany (or Austria), I *THINK* there'll be at least another one in Asia, I *DOUBT* Australia will get their own school.
J.K. Rowling ‏@jk_rowling
That information will be revealed in due course!
dan debuf @dandebuf
@pottermore @jk_rowling where do aussie wizards go? ⚡️🇦🇺⚡️
And none of this is as lazy as "Cho Chang."
Cho Chang was best girl, btw
Anyone who says otherwise is a super duper liar
This, I'm afraid.Probably my thread title.
Cho Chang was best girl, btw
Anyone who says otherwise is a super duper liar
Is that even a real Chinese name?
I still want to get send to Bulgaria and join the Sons of Durmstrang.
Probably my thread title.
So where do we think the other four schools are?
My guess is at least Australia and the Middle East. But it seems Uagadou is pretty large, so...
China? India?
Cho and Chang are both Korean last names. Neither is a traditional Asian first name. The character herself is supposed to be Chinese.
edit: "To JK Rowling, from Cho Chang."
Brazil yes, but the North American School isn't stated to be in any particular country, and given it's location it could be USA or Canada.
Could also be in Mexico.
Cho and Chang are both Korean last names. Neither is a traditional Asian first name. The character herself is supposed to be Chinese.
edit: "To JK Rowling, from Cho Chang."
Already three major schools in Europe.
Not to mention the Triwizard Tournament was supposed to be between the biggest in Europe. If there was a 4th European school in this list of 11 Great Wizarding schools then the Tournament probably would have been set up for 4 schools. Dumstrang was also described as not being all that big to begin with.
Cho and Chang is also a Chinese surnames. It's also common with Asian titles to list the last name first.
Hogwarts is actually the smallest of the three in terms of students according to the Beauxbatons entry.
Root for Germany or I'll send a giant box full of Butterkuchen to your house!
Is that even a real Chinese name?
That's really odd. Krum describes Durmstrang as a small 4 story castle. Must be really packed in there.
Maybe she forgot herself. Or I misunderstood "both Beauxbatons and Durmstrang have a larger studentship than Hogwarts" , does it rather mean that the two of them together has more students than Hogwarts?
Ilvermorny seems to be a strange name for the North American/US school.. curious to learn more about that.
Can't wait til Fantastic Beasts comes out.
According to Google Translate, Île Vert Morne should mean Dull Green Island in French.
Being that Ilvermorny seems to be on the US/Canada border, it would likely have a French influence, so if what I posted on the last page is true:
then that could be the source of the name corrupted into English. But I don't know French so I don't know if Google Translate is correct there.
I have it on good authority from Rowling herself that the Australian school was closed after a Care of Magical Creatures class killed everyone.
I have it on good authority from Rowling herself that the Australian school was closed after a Care of Magical Creatures class killed everyone.
I have it on good authority from Rowling herself that the Australian school was closed after a Care of Magical Creatures class killed everyone.
ok so while HP people are here
How does Wizard-Muggle marriage work? If they don't know about the wizarding world are you not breaking the statue of secrecy by marrying them? If you get divorced what then?
That's really odd. Krum describes Durmstrang as a small 4 story castle. Must be really packed in there.
Now I really want a Persona style Harry Potter game set in Mahoutokoro
I have it on good authority from Rowling herself that the Australian school was closed after a Care of Magical Creatures class killed everyone.
I imagine it's not too different from having a magic user come from a family of muggles.ok so while HP people are here
How does Wizard-Muggle marriage work? If they don't know about the wizarding world are you not breaking the statue of secrecy by marrying them? If you get divorced what then?
MUGGLES GET OUT REEEEEEEEEEI just realized muggle is pretty much an equivalent term for normie