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James T. Kirk in Enterprise, Frakes to direct Star Trek XI? (and more rumors)

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Kumiko Nikaido

Trekweb.com is your friend:

Berman: Shatner Would Play 'Kirk', Plus: ENT Wedding Bells? and Frakes to Direct TREK XI? (SPOILERS)
By Steve Krutzler / 14:27, 21 July 2004 / Enterprise

The rumor mill shows no signs of slowing down any time soon. Producer Rick Berman let more fly at the UPN fall press preview in Los Angeles yesterday. According to Sci-Fi Wire, the STAR TREK: ENTERPRISE and feature franchise head honcho offered no shortage of spoilers on a range of subjects. On the topic of a much-discussed William Shatner guest appearance on the series, Berman revealed that the actor would most certainly play 'James T. Kirk':

"He had a terrific episode [idea], and we had a nice long lunch meeting with him a couple of weeks ago," Berman says. "And there's a lot of things that need to get ironed out in terms of scheduling, in terms of money. ... But he would play an incarnation of a' Kirk', yes. He would not be playing another character."

Berman also layed out a map for the first few episodes of the season.

"The first two episodes ["Storm Front"] are going to be a small arc," he says. "And then there's going to be a single episode. And then there's going to be a three-episode arc. And there's going to be some levity, and there's also going to be some heavy subjects dealt with."

The second arc he speaks of has been confirmed as a story involving a guest appearance of Brent Spiner ('Data') as the great-great-grandfather of 'Dr. Noonien Soong' who opposes the development of artificial intelligence.

The exec also revealed two more upcoming guest stars: THE SOPRANOS Steve Schirripa will appear in the season premiere; and GIRLFRIENDS' Golden Brooks will do a stint. The former may play one of the NYC mobsters-turned-freedom-fighters that teams up with 'Archer' and 'Alicia Silvers', an African American resistance figher likely played by Brooks.

Joining Berman in the spoiler-filled press conference was Jolene Blalock, who dropped the bomb that her character 'T'Pol' "may" be getting married in episode three. Berman added that the entire Temporal Cold War will be wrapped up by the end of episode two, and that despite contradictory remarks of late, co-creator and co-executive producer Brannon Braga will take on a "more executive role" as Manny Coto is the new "show runner."

On the feature side of things, Berman added more intrigue to the reports of a prequel (possibly STARFLEET ACADEMY, story) film being in the early stages of development. He revealed that he's having a meeting with STAR TREK: FIRST CONTACT and INSURRECTION and THUNDERBIRDS helmer Jonathan Frakes ('Riker') about the project soon. Sci-Fi Wire says Berman has had "talks" with Frakes ahead of the meeting.

"I spoke to Jonathan about a half an hour ago," Berman said "There are very, very early conversations going on about a film project. But they're so early that it's really kind of silly to talk about it now."

He again emphasized that the project has absolutely no relation to any existing STAR TREK characters.

"It would be an entirely new setting and an entirely new set of characters, and it would take place prior to any of the series, including ENTERPRISE."

In related news, Mediaweek reports that CBS and UPN chief Leslie Moonves told journalists that ENTERPRISE was almost cancelled: "If STAR TREK had cost the license fee that it cost a year ago, a different decision may have been made."
"Berman added that the entire Temporal Cold War will be wrapped up by the end of episode two,"

DIE BERMAN! You're throwing away the only thing in this series with potential and finishing it with a 2 parter about alien Nazis? LAME!


Kills Photobucket
Frakes Directing again.

Least some good comes from this article.

As for Kirk, what they need to do it tap into Shatners books and bring back Mirror Kirk. That i'd like to see. Those books amde him a very cool villan.

Brent Spiner. Eh, least it's not Q.


Kills Photobucket
I didn't think Insurection was that bad. It followed First Contact, which is hard to do. I didn't even mind nemisis. It was Wrath of Khan rip off, but hey, there's a lot worse things to rip off. Star Trek 5 is the only trek movie i've really hated.

Wrath of Khan > Undiscovered Country > First Contact > Voyage Home > Search For Spock > Insurrection > Nemesis > Generations > The Motion Picture > Final Frontier
It was terrible in my opinion. Forced, lame humour. Data asking Worf if his breasts feel fuller? He has an emotion chip, but this makes him think men's bodies are just like women's? Data is not that stupid. And a dumb, dumb plot. Even the actors agree:

"Above these practical questions looms a larger philosophical one. Wouldn't it be right to sacrifice the lifestyles of 600 Ba'ku in order to save billions? "I think maybe I would," said Jonathan Frakes, the film's director and co-star, when I asked him that question after the movie's press screening.

"You've got to be flexible," Stewart said. "If it had been left in the hands of Picard, some solution could have been found."

"Absolutely!" Spiner said. "I think I raised that question more than once."

"I had to be very narrowminded to serve the character," Murphy confessed."

There are only a few great star trek films, but this one is near the bottom for me. It felt like a below average 2 part episode of TNG.


I didn't even know there was a Star Trek movie called "Insurrection". :p

I used to watch Star Trek TNG every afterschool...so I'm kind of a fan...more like a casual fan (who'd wait until their movies come on TV).

I'd like for a new show that's as good as TNG...and I thought DS9 and Voyager had pretty good ones but usually I change the channel.

I checked out this thread because I wanted to see if the new movie would seem any good...I wish they made one that took place after TNG/DS9/Voyager...with Wil Wheaton as the captian of a new ship or something.


The reason everything went downhill with Insurrection was that was the first movie where Patrick Stewart had input on the script, and then later Brent Spiner added his opinion to the mix with Nemesis. It was the worst thing to possibly happen, IMO. The man may be able to act Shakespeare, but he certainly couldn't write it worth shit.


Why do you hate Star Trek so? I doube even Berman would be that stupid...

I think it'd be great, especially if they can round out the crew with these guys...

Here's the Assistant Captain:


And here's the guy who's leading Security:


Oh...and you need a kickass badguy


Kickass! I should be the lead writer of Star Trek. Now maybe you'd think it'd be "bad for the series", but I can probably get twice the viewers!


StarTrek V really isn't that bad. Nemesis the other hand is pure SHIT. I remember I loved Wrath of Khan most of them all but in the recent years Voyage Home has been my favorite and will probably stay like that for an eternity heh.


I still want a DS9 movie, but then again Sisko's not around anymore and the last few seasons were practically movie material on their own. :\


I am by no means a trekkie, but can I be considered a fan if I've only watched/liked some of the movies? I really dug Generations and First Contact. Always wanted to see the wrath oc khan. I've heard so much about it. Really dug that clip that was in that Tupac song, pain.
Belfast said:
I still want a DS9 movie, but then again Sisko's not around anymore and the last few seasons were practically movie material on their own. :\

Sisko is still around. He is with the Prophets and could return at any time because they don't exist inside of time.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
IMO: Nemesis > Generations = First Contact > Insurrection

Nemesis had a good story and good action and it was way better than Insurrection. I thought it had the best balance of story and action of all the NG films.

Generations was a very good bridge movie, imo. When I first watched it I wasn't crazy about it but I began to like it more and more after repeated viewings. Too bad it didn't have hardly any action.

First Contact's story was okay. I wasn't too crazy about the Earth characters like Cochran. It had more action than Generations but it all seemed kinda weak. It kinda seemed like they were holding back to me.

Insurrection just plain stunk.


Serafitia said:
Always wanted to see the wrath of khan.

See, the other ST movies are either good or bad, when compared with other ST movies. But Wrath of Khan is just great filmmaking, period.

After that, watch Search for Spock, which takes place immediately after Wrath of Khan and is sorely underrated--it has the best visual effects, production design, and musical score of the entire series.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
Serafitia said:
Really dug that clip that was in that Tupac song, pain.

I couldn't help but notice your pain... share it with me!

that clip? Star Trek V

Great song too.

Star Trek II is my favorite though.


Prospero said:
See, the other ST movies are either good or bad, when compared with other ST movies. But Wrath of Khan is just great filmmaking, period.

After that, watch Search for Spock, which takes place immediately after Wrath of Khan and is sorely underrated--it has the best visual effects, production design, and musical score of the entire series.

I always felt the same way about Search for Spock. Actually, I really enjoy that whole story arc between Wrath of Khan, Search for Spock, and Voyage Home. That's some good entertainment.


being watched
Mega Man's Electric Sheep said:
"Berman added that the entire Temporal Cold War will be wrapped up by the end of episode two,"

DIE BERMAN! You're throwing away the only thing in this series with potential and finishing it with a 2 parter about alien Nazis? LAME!

Lol. What did u expect? Berman and co. had no 'grand plan' - they were just making it up as they went along. The whole Xindi arc was a fucking joke and now it will be the end of the temporal cold war I bet the totally gloss over 'Temporal Guy' and the Suiliban like it never happened.

"But it never happened...because the time streams have been corrected!".

As for the movies.

I go for:-

Wrath >> First Contact >> TMP (best music in entire series and best Enterprise model - it just looks fucking huge like it should do...not like a teeny shitty piece of CGI like the ones in the TNG movies does)>>> Voyage Home >>> Search for Spock >>> Udiscovered >>> Generations >>> Insurrection >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Nemesis - total shitcake of a movie that's too laughable and badly written to even bother discussing.
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