She's going to get burieddddddd.
Also I seriously doubt Punk would leave because of anything having to do with Bryan's success. That really flies in the face of his MO.
If Punk seriously quit because Bryan MIGHT be getting to lose at WM30 in the main event, I lose a lot of respect I have for him.
Oh look, everything's on fire.
How far was Punk's contract away from expiring? Several months? He should have at least finished it out and not burnt bridges. But yeah, I too feel like he has accomplished almost everything of note and taking a break from wrestling would be good for his psyche.
Wait, doesn't Kofi travel with Punk?
Well no wonder Punk hasn't been motivated. Look who his travelling buddy is.Punk kicked him off the bus already.
Dude has been riding with Big Show.
Punk leaving is what's best for him so I'm not sad. Dude needs a long break from wrestling. They brought him back too early last year when he got his much needed break, and then worked him just as hard right away. He needs 6 months to a year off to recharge and figure out if he actually wants to wrestle again. He sure hasn't seemed like he's given even half a shit since Summerslam. Kind of understandable with the Ryback/Axel shit and general meandering he's been given since then, but still. It's been a bummer seeing him come out and not give a shit at all. He should have pitched a heel turn run against Bryan before he left, though.
She's going to get burieddddddd.
That makes no sense at all considering they've been good friends for years and Punk has been pushing for a bigger Bryan role for years. If any of this is true and not an angle, his last tweet was "The view never changes" which seems to imply something with part timers and Cena/Orton still being the focus no matter who is more over.
That's weird. I don't know why they'd release him if not for backstage shit or wellness violations. There are several other guys that are just as average as him that didn't get WWE in mainstream news for a few daysNot a good look for WWE if true.Apparently PTP is breaking up because Darren Young is getting released soon.
If this actually leads to Bryan/HHH, storyline-wise it makes sense, but man Bryan needs to be in that Triple-Threat if you don't want the whole dome shitting on your unified-title match.
Daniel Bryan vs. Triple H at Mania... if Bryan wins, he gets added to the main event and it becomes a triple threat.Fuck it, put Bryan in both matches.
If this actually leads to Bryan/HHH, storyline-wise it makes sense, but man Bryan needs to be in that Triple-Threat if you don't want the whole dome shitting on your unified-title match.
If this actually leads to Bryan/HHH, storyline-wise it makes sense, but man Bryan needs to be in that Triple-Threat if you don't want the whole dome shitting on your unified-title match.
The thought of working a program with Kane drove him out.
If this actually leads to Bryan/HHH, storyline-wise it makes sense, but man Bryan needs to be in that Triple-Threat if you don't want the whole dome shitting on your unified-title match.
That's a step up from his 18-second defeat two years ago. Good for D.Brine... climb that ladder!ECW style. Bryan is eliminated in the first 30 seconds from a Batista Bomb and RKO.
ECW style. Bryan is eliminated in the first 30 seconds from a Batista Bomb and RKO.
I guess that would explain why AJ jobbed Monday from a butt in her face
I guess that would explain why AJ jobbed Monday from a butt in her face
Wait, doesn't Kofi travel with Punk?
"So you say you can work double duty, huh? Sure. You can have your title match, little man. You'll just have to survive ME!"
If Punk walked out on Vince this is shades of Austin 2002....
What are the chances of Punk showing up at TNA? .0001% or .0000001%? Its unclear why Punk departed from WWE but if its for booking reasons then his anti authoritarian screw the power personality might drive him down there.
Why he's the new investor of Impact Wrestling! Tune in Thursday to see him in action.What are the chances of Punk showing up at TNA? .0001% or .0000001%?
What are the chances of Punk showing up at TNA? .0001% or .0000001%? Its unclear why Punk departed from WWE but if its for booking reasons then his anti authoritarian screw the power personality might drive him down there.