It seems TNA tapes good shows in England but once they go back to America is back to crap crowds and crap booking.
That was in Scotland!
It seems TNA tapes good shows in England but once they go back to America is back to crap crowds and crap booking.
Just imagine if The New Day was the top heel stable in WWE.
Or the Rosebuds. Or Tyson Kidd and an army of cats.
I need me a Beast Mode hat and hoodie.
You need to watch him playing Mortal Kombat X
I nearly lost it at work watching that clip
'What the fuck was that?!'
And the completely random Mario Kart tangent
Ehhhh, I don't know...Cesaro & Kidd.
Does anyone know the ideal settings to make WWE 2k15 competitive and/or fun?
Does anyone know the ideal settings to make WWE 2k15 competitive and/or fun?
Adrian Neville does a lot of flips and Alex Riley rightly called him out for that b.s. on commentary.
Ehhhh, I don't know...
Yo that's a cool move.
You're right. Won't stop people from doing it, though.You guys need to stop giving attention to TNA.
It's a fucking cool move.Yo that's a cool move.
Does is have to be legitimately fun or are you ok with badwrongfun?
Just like the Outlaws were banned for life for trashing WWE in their Shoot Interview.
You mean Hostess Hero.Fat shaming SMH
been enjoying hoss hero
You mean Hostess Hero.
Because he likes to eat Twinkies.
Because he's a fatty fat fat.
At this rate the only people left on the WWE blacklist are Chyna and J-E-DOUBLE F J-A-DOUBLE R-E-DOUBLE T, Ha-ha, ain't he great?
I wouldn't go so far as to call the brother fat, I mean he got a weight problem. What's the dude gonna do? He's Samoan.
The Royal Rumble was an unbelievable indictment that Vince McMahon would let the exact same thing happen two years in a row. The first year there were some signs, but given that crowds had never turned on a match on a major pay-per-view like that, I couldnt call it predictable, but this year, it was basically the exact same scenario, and they learned absolutely nothing. Thats not a good sign at all.
And Im so sick of this idea that its just these hardcore fans, and youve got to ignore them to appeal to a larger audience, like theyre these two completely disparate groups. I trust the hardcore audience to know whats likely to appeal to the masses a lot better than one promoter, because even putting aside Vinces questionable instincts in recent years, its just so much bigger of a sample size. Youre talking about one person with the two Yes men in the office, and thousands of people that attend the shows regularly and watch the product and let them know what they think. The people watching right now, to me, are a lot better indication of the tastes of those who might watch, than one mans guess. And thats what the debate is: whether to listen to the fans, who the fans cheer the most, or to ignore them and assume that other guys who get less cheers or get boos are really the guys who are best for business.
And to me your hardcore fans should be your biggest allies in spreading interest in your product. Theyre the ones who are most into your product. Theyre the ones who still watch. Theyre the ones who still care. They should be your ambassadors to your product. Theyre the ones who are the keys to bringing in more people.
There are a bunch of people that Im friends with that are some version of a lapsed wrestling fan. Some of them were big into wrestling and dont watch right now. Some of them were never really that big into wrestling, but they watched it here and there when it was hot. Those people from time to time in the conversation, it will come up, Hey, hows wrestling these days? And what theyre looking for is, Is it worth checking out a show sometime? And my answer to them is a key to whether a few people are going to check out the product, give it a chance and see if they might be interested in watching more. And my answer more often than not in recent years has been, No, its not worth checking out! Thats who all of these hardcore fans are. All of them know people. All of them are asked about the product. And their willingness to spread positive word-of-mouth, to say good things about the product, is one of the key ways that they can grow their product. And if their perception is, Its a product that isnt intended to appeal to me, then why are they going to say anything positive about that product?
Moreover, theres this idea that those biggest fans are just impossible to please. Theyre so hard to satisfy. Theres nothing you can do to satisfy these people. I call bullshit on that too. Its not like these hardcore fans were shitting on the top acts when business was hot. There wasnt a problem when the business was at its peak with large numbers of people booing Austin or booing Rock or booing Sting or booing Goldberg. Theyre shitting on the top acts now. And business is weak. That should tell you something. Its Vince whos been the champion of the guys who havent been able to bring in the new fans, not them.
And its not some sort of generational thing either. Every year in pro sports, about half the teams are winning teams and about half the teams are losing teams. Now, do the fans of those losing teams turn on their teams the way weve seen fans turn on WWE so often in recent years, like youd expect if it was this generational thing where people are just so much more hostile? No, that doesnt happen. Not even close. You only occasionally get loud booing and heckling when a franchise is genuinely wretched for a long period of time and fans lose all patience with the people running the team. And when it does happen it becomes a big news story. It was a big news story with the Bears this year, where the fans just got fed up with what was going on. And invariably in sports when that happens, it leads to the coach being fired, it leads to the general manager being fired, it leads to new people being brought in with a different philosophy. Only in WWE, the coach and general managers continue on with the exact same model. Thats what WWE is. Its a terrible sports franchise. Its been having losing seasons for a really long time. And the fans reactions should be a kick in the pants to do things differently, only they keep doing things exactly the same.
The reaction on Sunday wasnt about the fans; it was about the WWE.
I reject the notion that Reigns has never been booed before. I think thats blatantly false. There were scattered boos for various things hes done for months. Moreover, you wouldnt expect him to have those sorts of scattered boos for the things that he was doing given that has hasnt done anything for them to dislike. He only turned last year. He wins absolutely ever match that hes in. Hes booked to be this monster destroyer that gets the better of the heels absolutely every time. Theyve given this guy every advantage possible, and the fans turned on him at the point that it was apparent that they were going with him as the top guy. You started to see the little signals here and there when they were just pushing him really strong. But the point where you would expect the fans to give their opinion of what they think of the guy is when it becomes apparent that he is now the top face. Hes now the guy challenging for the title at Wrestlemania. Thats the moment of truth. Thats when you find out what people think about this guy. And you saw the reaction.
And as far as the story going forward and, just one crowd, I guess well see. If it ends up being just this one crowd, and this Philadelphia crowd ends up being an anomaly, and you dont hear boos going forward, then yeah, obviously that was just an anomaly.
But I dont think the possibility of that being the only crowd we hear boos for Roman Reigns going forward is conceivable. I dont think for a second that thats going to be the last you hear about it.
Last year when Batista came back he got an okay reaction on television. He didnt get a great reaction on television, but it wasnt like people were booing the guy. And then he showed up at the Royal Rumble and he got booed. And he didnt even get booed as badly as Roman Reigns. They hated Reigns more than they hated Batista. But Batista never got another positive reaction on television again. And that was without them airing the Royal Rumble on free television the next day last year. If anyone thinks thats the end of Reigns getting booed, theyve got another thing coming.
But if these hardcore fans at the Rumble every year only want to see Daniel Bryan win, were going to have a problem! Thats a facetious argument. Theres these people that dont get it, and just always want Daniel Bryan, no matter what. Heres the story of Daniel Bryan over the last year. Heres a guy who never got handed anything, who worked his way all the way to the top. And finally, after they never gave this guy his proper due, they never gave him his chance, the fans let the promotion know they really wanted this guy to be in the top position. So they finally gave this guy his chance. And he succeeded massively. He delivers fantastic performances. He gets fantastic reactions from the crowd. And then he suffers a career-threatening injury. Hes out of action. You dont know if hes going to comeback. His father dies. Hes in this terrible situation. You don't know if hes ever going to be able to return. He finally works his way out of it. He comes back. He works his way to the top. He never loses that title. The title run he was supposed to get after all this time was two months because of that injury. He comes back. He gets thunderous reactions. And they said, Well, he gave you your pity run last year. Were on to other things now. Of course they reacted to Daniel Bryan that way. Because they wanted this guy to get a shot on top. He got injured through no fault of his own. And when he came back from injury, they just moved on with someone else, despite the fact that the crowds were reacting in a way that suggested that they wanted this guy on top.
This isnt just, Oh, these presistent fans, they keep cheering for Dolph Ziggler, year in and year out, we cant listen to them and just give them Dolph Ziggler. This is like if after Shawn Michaels got beat up in the night club and if they said, Ya know what? We got Diesel. Fuck this Shawn Michaels. Lets just bury him on the undercard. Of course people are going to want Shawn Michaels in that position. Because he was a really good performer. He was getting hot. And he had a sympathetic thing that made people want to root for him more because he was coming back from this big injury. And they went the absolute other way.
I dont think theres any sort of indication that fans are just going to perpetually want Daniel Bryan on top. But how about just giving him his chance? I dont even think that Daniel Bryan is the long-term answer. I still think Dean Ambrose is the guy. But right now the crowd wants Daniel Bryan. So give them Daniel Bryan.
But what if they just hadnt brought Daniel Bryan back before the Royal Rumble. Would we have gotten the exact same reaction for Roman Reigns? Exact same? No. Still getting boos? Yes. Because it ties into the larger theme of not caring what fans think, and just going with their own top guy.
Lets remove Daniel Bryan from the equation and look at what else happened. We were just talking about Dean Ambrose. Look at the other guys in that Royal Rumble. They booked weakly every other guy that the fans liked, just to make sure everybody knew Roman Reigns was the only one that mattered. Dean Ambrose comes in late. He does basically nothing, gets dropped out like a sack of garbage. Dolph Ziggler comes in late. He does basically nothing, gets dropped out like a sack of garbage. Sandow is getting a following, so he was thrown out basically immediately and treated like a joke. Bubba's big return lasted less than five minutes. Meanwhile Roman Reigns throws out the two giants, he throws out the evil Russian, he moves into tenth all-time in Rumble eliminations in just his second match. And he gets the endorsement from The Rock, who they fly in just to put over Roman Reigns. Reigns is literally the only face booked strong in the entire match. So of course people are going to react negatively to that.
If Vince has confidence that Roman Reigns is the guy, then let him swim, let him prove himself. Reigns has been gifted everything from day-one, whereas other guys have been gifted nothing. And those guys who have been gifted nothing, in some instances, have accomplished so much more, and connected so much more with the audience despite not getting booked to win every single match and look like the unstoppable monster from day-one.
Fat shaming SMH
been enjoying hoss hero
Does anyone know the ideal settings to make WWE 2k15 competitive and/or fun?
I can play on Legend Undertaker vs Sting and still put him away with one tombstone, the fuck is that?
This dude is pretty much right on the moneyIf you have an Observer subscription, definitely give the Todd Martin show this week a listen. He spit some truth like I haven't heard anyone do in a while.
Even if you don't agree with it all, that put things in perspective much better than I could have.
Drew Galloway came out for a promo and said he feels the passion from the real wrestling fans tonight. At one point, the handheld camera man had to point to Drew where the hard camera was, which was quite funny. Drew went into the crowd and talked about companies shoving people down our throats. He asked the fans for a show of hands of who wants to take back wrestling.
This is hilarious. From the TNA gimmick is champion of the wrestling fan giving out this promo:Drew Mcintyre
The promo doesn't make sense because he is on the wrong show. Plus who are these fake wrestling fans?
Should we start using the Feb thread now?
Thanks for being so proactive Sanjuro.
Austin isn't going to do shit. He pushes back enough to keep his cred, but he let Vince shit on the entire roster. As "one of the boys" you'd think he would defend them at least a bit.