Which are all probably equally prejudice, since in most cases, judging and entire freakin' country is retarded.ChiTownBuffalo said:Oh, I judge Japan based on so many other things, you weeaboo.
They have ads which pay for the content so that they can pay the original content producers.Instro said:Same thing with fansubs really, this is stuff available for free on TV is it so wrong to download it. Hell most major networks in America stream all their shows online for free these days.
Xater said:Wait all of America isn't like 4chan?
Instro said:I dont understand the gripe, scanlations are the only way for people to read manga that isn't being published over here. Sure theres stuff like Bleach and One Piece that tons of people pirate as well but is it really any different then the person who walks into Barnes and Noble, and reads a couple mangas or comics without paying for them?
Same thing with fansubs really, this is stuff available for free on TV is it so wrong to download it. Hell most major networks in America stream all their shows online for free these days.
NH Apache said:Page 1 is coming up on chrome as malware detected...
Dresden said:I'm getting malware warnings from the first page.
ChiTownBuffalo said:Japan just keeps making it difficult for me to like them.
zoku88 said:Which are all probably equally prejudice, since in most cases, judging and entire freakin' country is retarded.
Altazor said:yeah, me too... wtf?
Altazor said:yeah, me too... wtf?
I'm saying it doesn't matter. Whatever it is, it's dumb. You're just one of the many sources of needless hate in the world.ChiTownBuffalo said:I'm glad you can assume what I judge them on. So please tell me where my Japanese prejudice comes from and why I have a problem with them.
Hcoregamer00 said:There is a massive difference
GDGF said:It's a user who doesn't care that their avatar is hosted on an infested site. This shit just happened last week. You'd think people would learn to be careful.
zoku88 said:I'm saying it doesn't matter. Whatever it is, it's dumb. You're just one of the many sources of needless hate in the world.
But, IIRC, you're Korean. So I would guess it's related to history, not that it matters.
Because reading it in the store requires you to actually get to the store, and the manga is never yours for you to view at any time, whenever you want, as opposed to scanlations.Instro said:You gonna explain it then, or should I start guessing?
RSLAEV said:Wow I'd actually be upset if being an american didn't own so fucking hard.
Instro said:You gonna explain it then, or should I start guessing?
NH Apache said:Barkley something or other...
Both of these sites sound like quality locations for gentlemen to shoot the breeze.
Well, we are extremely jealous by nature.Sage00 said:All of Korea (and their emigrants) must be full of extremely jealous types with a chip on their shoulder who secretly wish they were born in Japan going by ChiTownBuffalo.
Sage00 said:All of Korea (and their emigrants) must be full of extremely jealous types with a chip on their shoulder who secretly wish they were born in Japan going by ChiTownBuffalo.
Dresden said:Because reading it in the store requires you to actually get to the store, and the manga is never yours for you to view at any time, whenever you want, as opposed to scanlations.
I don't mind a hug, as long as you get rid of your immature hate ^^ChiTownBuffalo said:Aww...c'mere and give me a hug.
Instro said:And yet neither of them pays for it. Most people reading scans are reading chapters that havent been released in America or wont be released, meanwhile the guy who walks into the store is reading stuff thats been professionally translated and localized. Seems like he is causing just as much "damage".
zoku88 said:I don't mind a hug, as long as you get rid of your immature hate ^^
ILikeFeet said:take away my Franken Fran and futa, and I'll wish the place will be burned off the face of the planet
Instro said:And yet neither of them pays for it. Most people reading scans are reading chapters that haven't been released in America or wont be released, meanwhile the guy who walks into the store is reading stuff that's been professionally translated and localized. Seems like he is causing just as much "damage". In the case of a site like One Manga a person cant download the scans anyway correct, so I don't see how a person visiting a site and a person visiting a store to do the same basic activity are much different.
Hcoregamer00 said:Sankaku Complex is such a stupid site.
This is not news, more like sensationalist crap to rile up weeaboos.
Trojita said:The Xenophobes are likely pirates as well. They just don't want anything from their "glorious nippon" to touch the hands of filthy gaijin.
Hellion said:This wouldn't have anything to do with their stance on VK2 psp?
ChiTownBuffalo said:Actually most of the is true, except that last part. It should read "openly wish Japan would die in a fire."
But for clarification, I don't want them to die in a fire. I just wish the entire country would read a book or two. One not approved by their education ministry.
Hcoregamer00 said:-Promotion of pornography
cosmicblizzard said:They still do that whole "selective history" (or whatever it's called) thing? Or is that not what you're referring to?
ChiTownBuffalo said:Yeah, still with the selective history.
A scanlation site does not link you to websites to purchase a legal version to support the publishers.
Love this one.Mailenstein said:Its the fault of those idiot publishers for doing nothing. Whilst Hollywood was busy protecting its copyrights they just let it slide. You reap what you sow.
Hcoregamer00 said:Nope, it has more to do with:
-Idiotic sensationalist titles
-Promotion of pornography
-Poorly written, stupid articles
ILikeFeet said:I thought that was their only appeal? I found some good futa there
Lain said:That's why I have them bookmarked.
That's not really an excuse though. (and your school sucks. That was specifically the focus of the Spanish American War section of our books. Although, treated more like a 10-year massacre than a war.Hcoregamer00 said:All countries are selective in their history.
I was never taught in history classes about about the Filipino-American War until College, even then it was heavily sanitized compared to what really happened.