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"Japanese Game Graphics" is one for the library

I just bought this book today and I have to say I'm pretty impressed with its content. For covering so many titles it gets reasonably involved with the tools and techniques used to bring the games alive. There is also some great production artwork for most of the game.
Sounds interesting...


I've seen it. Save your money. Its got not very much that will interest any gamer. Great FF cover.. rubbish inside.

get it only if its cheap
I flipped through it in the bookstore and wasn't too impressed. Which is strange considering I buy *every* book about video games. I didn't want to buy this one.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Great book, goes into some heavy detail about some of the techniques used. Already used a couple for the game im working on. Highly recommend for anyone interested in 3d graphics especially games.


Doc Holliday said:
Great book, goes into some heavy detail about some of the techniques used. Already used a couple for the game im working on. Highly recommend for anyone interested in 3d graphics especially games.

Mind giving some examples of the "heavy detail"?
Doc Holliday said:
Great book, goes into some heavy detail about some of the techniques used. Already used a couple for the game im working on. Highly recommend for anyone interested in 3d graphics especially games.

How detailed intensive does it get? I work at an art school, for the computer art department actually, and plenty of students want to get into video games. This might be worth picking up for them.
not at all. You can sort of gauge the book by the cover - its really bad - very game gfx lite. It doesn't go into anything with any depth. I was appalled.
I do game art for a living and I think they actually went in and dug up some impressive info considering how many titles they actually cover in the book. You may be thinking of "1000 Game Characters" or whatever. The Panzer Orta section alone in great. Anyone thinking of picking it up, go to your local mega bookstore and take a look at it to see if it is for you.


Wtf, for a book that's supposed to be about graphics, it has one of the most amateur book covers I've ever seen. How do they expect you to take it seriously?


Which games do they cover in the book? Also like how much of it is useful information? Like is there enough information to understand how they are doing things differently than you (if you do this for living)?


FortNinety said:
How detailed intensive does it get? I work at an art school, for the computer art department actually, and plenty of students want to get into video games. This might be worth picking up for them.



Street Fighter IV World Champion
Kobun Heat said:
I flipped through it in the bookstore and wasn't too impressed. Which is strange considering I buy *every* book about video games. I didn't want to buy this one.

Speaking of which, when's your book out Mr K?

*nudges to suggest time to plug*


Sho Nuff said:
Jesus Christ, that's some of the worst art design I've ever seen. THERE ARE OTHER FONTS ASIDE FROM ARIAL.
Font selection is the least of that designer's worries. Pretty much everything else is ten times worse.
Doc Holliday said:
dude, do I know you? Graduated in 99 from illustration.

Maybe... if you check my profile, it has all my personal info, like the link to my own site. As well as a means to contact me.
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