Not understanding the hate for HSA's, if you're young, start one up (first year is difficult). You can still use the money in the account later if you decide to change to a PPO. My worst case scenario for my HSA/HDHP is $5,000 (per year out of pocket), I already have that after 2 years. If you have an existing medical issue or take prescriptions/medication, then yeah HSA's suck. But for someone who's relatively healthy and rarely goes to the doctor, HSA's are great. Sure the copay is high ($80 doctors visit, $120 emergency care)... but the PPO premium (monthly somehwere between $10-$80 from what I've seen) + copay (usually around $20-$50), the difference isn't that much considering the interest earned from the HSA, makes things just about even for me.
On-topic: This is not the way to go for health care Jeb...