In principle I agree with you, but Cameron at least wanted a remain result, whereas I have become convinced Corbyn doesn't really care about winning elections.
He has publicly stated this.
In principle I agree with you, but Cameron at least wanted a remain result, whereas I have become convinced Corbyn doesn't really care about winning elections.
Since I don't bother with politics often, genuinely curious why is our country still going to vote Tory? Yeah Corbyns a useless fuck, but the Tories are fucking dangerous. Literally nothing good can ever come from voting them in. So since I don't bother with politics much, why's this about to happen?
Is the hate boner for Corbyn actually that strong or does the country have a bit of a pain fetish it's yet to admit to?
I should point out I've no interest in seeing Corbyn ever succeed at anything, Just genuinely curious why people are about to actually vote in Cruella De'Ville as if it's a better option?
"Strong leader" and the popularity of Brexit. Corbyn doesn't offer a meaningful alternative on well anything and May has positioned herself as one of the people and is incumbent without a heel turn in popularity which would give any PM an advantage in this situation.
The despicable Blairites and their friends in the liberal press act like Corbyn isn't there at the will of the public.
Since I don't bother with politics often, genuinely curious why is our country still going to vote Tory? Yeah Corbyns a useless fuck, but the Tories are fucking dangerous. Literally nothing good can ever come from voting them in. So since I don't bother with politics much, why's this about to happen?
Is the hate boner for Corbyn actually that strong or does the country have a bit of a pain fetish it's yet to admit to?
I should point out I've no interest in seeing Corbyn ever succeed at anything, Just genuinely curious why people are about to actually vote in Cruella De'Ville as if it's a better option?
Since I don't bother with politics often, genuinely curious why is our country still going to vote Tory? Yeah Corbyns a useless fuck, but the Tories are fucking dangerous. Literally nothing good can ever come from voting them in. So since I don't bother with politics much, why's this about to happen?
Is the hate boner for Corbyn actually that strong or does the country have a bit of a pain fetish it's yet to admit to?
I should point out I've no interest in seeing Corbyn ever succeed at anything, Just genuinely curious why people are about to actually vote in Cruella De'Ville as if it's a better option?
Honestly, if the libdems can't get their crap together, I don't see why SNP wouldn't just put up candidates everywhere. This is where we're at.Is there a way for the SNP to revamp themselves into a fully national party? It seems that whatever they have been doing works great in Scotland. Why can't they try going for more than just Scotland?
And I wouldn't surprised if they couldn't list you two policies of Corbyn that they oppose.
Honestly, if the libdems can't get their crap together, I don't see why SNP wouldn't just put up candidates everywhere. This is where we're at.
I feel like they would have to kind of downplay the whole, you know, Scottish nationalism thing in order to win elections in England.
You're not wrong about that.I feel like they would have to kind of downplay the whole, you know, Scottish nationalism thing in order to win elections in England.
Is there a way for the SNP to revamp themselves into a fully national party? It seems that whatever they have been doing works great in Scotland. Why can't they try going for more than just Scotland?
It's not about policy, it's about leadership. Or rather, total lack of it
Saying the right things doesn't mean shit when you can't inspire confidence in anyone. Hell, I know lifelong labour supporters who say he's bad for the party, even though they are clearly there with him on policy
Is there a way for the SNP to revamp themselves into a fully national party? It seems that whatever they have been doing works great in Scotland. Why can't they try going for more than just Scotland?
Yes, the labour members. Including the many young new labour members that Corbyn attracted.
Labour's conceptual base no longer actually voters for them. This wouldnt be a bad thing because of this.Like i say before labour will collapse and new opposition will rise
Another party source highlighted fears that Mr Corbyn and his team are preparing to close ranks and ride out the General Election rather than admit their own failings.
A former MP said he is "preparing for another leadership fight, not a general election".
Ah. So, perhaps a new haircut would satisfy you then? Or some rehearsed outrage and heroic stance on a debate stage? Perhaps a catchy slogan? Because fuck policies, we need someone who looks the part.
I get that. but I have a hard time believing that Scottish Pride is the ONLY reason the SNP does so damn well in Scotland.
Clearly the SNP's policy ideals connect with voters.
I'm sure he wasn't elected leader of the party to kill the party.
Ah. So, perhaps a new haircut would satisfy you then? Or some rehearsed outrage and heroic stance on a debate stage? Perhaps a catchy slogan? Because fuck policies, we need someone who looks the part.
Not voting Labour again until he goes, he isn't fit enough to run his own party let alone the country.
I'm pretty sure he was elected leader to lead a small movement.
Ah. So, perhaps a new haircut would satisfy you then? Or some rehearsed outrage and heroic stance on a debate stage? Perhaps a catchy slogan? Because fuck policies, we need someone who looks the part.
The best thing about Jezzer Corbs is how real and unscripted he is.
Ah. So, perhaps a new haircut would satisfy you then? Or some rehearsed outrage and heroic stance on a debate stage? Perhaps a catchy slogan? Because fuck policies, we need someone who looks the part.
Since I don't bother with politics often, genuinely curious why is our country still going to vote Tory? Yeah Corbyns a useless fuck, but the Tories are fucking dangerous. Literally nothing good can ever come from voting them in. So since I don't bother with politics much, why's this about to happen?
Is the hate boner for Corbyn actually that strong or does the country have a bit of a pain fetish it's yet to admit to?
I should point out I've no interest in seeing Corbyn ever succeed at anything, Just genuinely curious why people are about to actually vote in Cruella De'Ville as if it's a better option?
Ah. So, perhaps a new haircut would satisfy you then? Or some rehearsed outrage and heroic stance on a debate stage? Perhaps a catchy slogan? Because fuck policies, we need someone who looks the part.
Frankly, both sides should want this by now.
New Labour should just leave Labour and form a new party that can actually win elections. Then everybody will be happy.
The problem is mostly just brainstorming names.
Is the hate boner for Corbyn actually that strong or does the country have a bit of a pain fetish it's yet to admit to?
I should point out I've no interest in seeing Corbyn ever succeed at anything, Just genuinely curious why people are about to actually vote in Cruella De'Ville as if it's a better option?
Your snark is misguided, in that wrapping up (hopefully good) policies and content with catchy slogans and engaging presentation is essentially what wins votes.
Many, many voters are not politically minded. They need that 'connect'.
Forgive me for not resenting the man because he doesn't appeal to low-information voters.
Forgive me for not resenting the man because he doesn't appeal to low-information voters.
Forgive me for not resenting the man because he doesn't appeal to low-information voters.
1) People are voting 'Theresa May' rather than Tory, they're rebranding as a more Presidential style campaign, people just seem to like her. Brits vote for people who are confident and show leadership qualities, it's the reason Ed Milliband failed at the last an american with an interest in british politics (but lacking any kind of deep understanding of british culture), this is something that confuses me
is it more an issue of shitty conservative brits, accelerationists, or a combination of both?
Forgive me for not resenting the man because he doesn't appeal to low-information voters. I will be voting Labour and do my part.