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Jet Grind Radio appreciation thread!


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Waitwaitwait, JSRF doesnt have enemies or even a time limit? How could that possibly be good?

Anyways, I enjoyed JGR, it was really good, challenging. I like how they didn't focus on doing tricks like Tony Hawk or something, it was about grafitti gangs vs police and that was that. If you practiced a lot you could do some really awesome things.


Reading this thread reminds me of the poor Sega of now. When they turned 3rd party I was hoping that they would release even more high profile games like JSR was at its time, but it has been exactly the opposite.

Anyway, JSR is my personal favorite game ever just along with the Shenmue series. The music, the aesthetics and the gameplay were totally groundbreaking, and are still excellent IMO.

JSRF is a great game too. In my opinion, it's slightly better in some areas, like speed, graphics (the 60 fps are noticeable), and overall crazyness (the level design is more chaotic adn exaggerated). However, it's slightly worse in some others, like the soundtrack (which is awesome anyway but a little step below the original) and in that sense o urgency and challenge some of you mention.
urgency aside. JSR was whacky as. One of the biggest highlights of the game was what that detective would throw against you next in terms of military action. I still remember them upping the ante with better and better opposition and sitting there thinking "bloody hell.. this game rocks"

dogs > police > riot police > tanks > helicopters > mad yakuza types > crazy rocket pack freaks > motorbikes > firebombs.
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