It's a story I remember reading when I was little, and after staring at the first book of the trilogy, "The White Mountains", which is sitting on my bedroom floor, it makes me think: Wouldn't it make a great movie (or set of movies - maybe even just two)?
Yeah, I'm aware of the BBC series they made - it was actually pretty good from what I remember - perfectly suited to a serial-style storytelling, but they only ever covered the first two books. And the damn aliens looked crappy (from my memory).
I just remember the exhiliration of of waiting for the next episode to come out, especially when the characters made it into the city of gold (2nd book).
For the unitinitiated, The Tripods trilogy is a science-fiction series written in the 1960's about a post apocalyptic future which is ruled by giant mechanical Tripods. The world has sort of degenrated into a rural, ye-old-English style towns, with little 'technology'. People are kept under control by a coming-of-age ceremony where they get 'capped' with a metal mesh which is fused to the skull. It follows a partiuclar boy who is at this age, but feels uneasy about his capping, and runs away when he hears of a rebellion.
A cool read.
Anyway, who here has read/seen it? And what other great children's books/series would you love to see as a full-fledged movie (seeing as CGI has advanced pretty far, and damn-near anything is possible, visually)?
Yeah, I'm aware of the BBC series they made - it was actually pretty good from what I remember - perfectly suited to a serial-style storytelling, but they only ever covered the first two books. And the damn aliens looked crappy (from my memory).
I just remember the exhiliration of of waiting for the next episode to come out, especially when the characters made it into the city of gold (2nd book).
For the unitinitiated, The Tripods trilogy is a science-fiction series written in the 1960's about a post apocalyptic future which is ruled by giant mechanical Tripods. The world has sort of degenrated into a rural, ye-old-English style towns, with little 'technology'. People are kept under control by a coming-of-age ceremony where they get 'capped' with a metal mesh which is fused to the skull. It follows a partiuclar boy who is at this age, but feels uneasy about his capping, and runs away when he hears of a rebellion.
A cool read.
Anyway, who here has read/seen it? And what other great children's books/series would you love to see as a full-fledged movie (seeing as CGI has advanced pretty far, and damn-near anything is possible, visually)?