Alyssa Gutierrez was 11 years old when she fended off three attackers with a gun. Go ahead and google her. Make sure you include Internet bad ass with your search terms. Kids can do amazing things in dire situations.
Where are the rallies for this child and his parents? I have not heard of this until a few days ago.
Unlike the Trayvon Martin case, this was investigated as soon as it happened.
You can't really be this dense can you? So one random 11 year old was able to fend off attackers it means all of them could? The old man was double his size. He wasn't frail at all. It's a black 13 year old kid just accosted by a 75+ year old white man with a gun in his face. The last thing he thought would be that this psycho would shoot him.
Kids can do amazing things, but they can also do stupid things. Trying to attack someone pointing a gun at you is stupid 99% of the time.
I've probably seen dozens of videos where they get blasted in the face because the attacker got the trigger off and only one video where some white skaters got a gun away from some Hispanic gangbanger and beat the shit out of him.
Save the outrage for the old fuck that shot him, not the poor kid who couldn't do anything.
Why didn't the kid tackle the crazy fucker when he was pointing the gun at the house? Kid had to know he was going to get shot.
The other one was too. Sanford crime scene was there gathering evidence that night.
Why didn't the kid tackle the crazy fucker when he was pointing the gun at the house? Kid had to know he was going to get shot.
If he did that his murderer would have walked even with video evidence.
It's not Internet bad assery, dipshit. It's called flight or fight. If someone pulled a gun on me and then pointed it elsewhere while standing right next to me, you bet your ass I'm going to try to make my life longevity longer than the next few minutes. If someone pulls a gun on you, you're probably going to get shot (unless its just a robbery).
The old guy wasn't double his size. He's a fucking frail old senile shell of a man. Since his mom was watching, I'm going to assume he was pointing the gun at her, even more reason to intervene. I'm not saying the kid was a coward, I'm saying he had an opportunity to alter the outcome of the situation and missed it.
Alyssa Gutierrez was 11 years old when she fended off three attackers with a gun. Go ahead and google her. Make sure you include Internet bad ass with your search terms. Kids can do amazing things in dire situations.
Not sure why you think I'm outraged. I gave an unemotional opinion. I did not criticize the kid.
The old guy wasn't double his size. He's a fucking frail old senile shell of a man.
Since his mom was watching, I'm going to assume he was pointing the gun at her, even more reason to intervene.
I'm not saying the kid was a coward,
Alyssa Gutierrez was 11 years old when she fended off three attackers with a gun. Go ahead and google her. Make sure you include Internet bad ass with your search terms. Kids can do amazing things in dire situations.
As someone who has had a weapon pulled on him during robberies, believe me your fantasies of going all batman on some creep are quite out of line. You 99% likely will freeze up and just try to survive the next 90 seconds or so.It's not Internet bad assery, dipshit. It's called flight or fight. If someone pulled a gun on me and then pointed it elsewhere while standing right next to me, you bet your ass I'm going to try to make my life longevity longer than the next few minutes. If someone pulls a gun on you, you're probably going to get shot (unless its just a robbery).
So an 11 year old with a gun fighting off three dues is the same as a 13 year old with no gun being attacked by an old man with a gun?
Insert coins for logic.
This has to be a troll right? Not everyone thinks they'll die. He didn't think his neighbor would start shooting him. Probably thought he was being threatened. What if he tried going for the gun and then was shot?
I'm sorry, I just can't believe you think the kid would be strong, brave, or courageous enough to tackle an armed man double his size at 13 years old.
I don't know what I would do in this situation if it played out but let's not pretend here. Any 13 year old could take any 76 year old. This pairing seems like a no brainer, old guy looks like a slight breeze could knock him over.
So you're saying that you'd bet on the 13 year old when the 76 year old has a gun pointed at him.
Am I in some bizarro fantasy-world right now?
Maybe if Spooner was intending to take him on in unarmed, hand to hand combat, with fair warning, preparation and coaching. Maybe.I don't know what I would do in this situation if it played out but let's not pretend here. Any 13 year old could take any 76 year old. This pairing seems like a no brainer, old guy looks like a slight breeze could knock him over.
Couldn't bring myself to watch that video. How is that even on youtube?
Aryan Brotherhood or Nazi Lowriders. Not necessarily by choice, but he will need them for his protection.
I don't know what I would do in this situation if it played out but let's not pretend here. Any 13 year old could take any 76 year old. This pairing seems like a no brainer, old guy looks like a slight breeze could knock him over.
So you're saying that you'd bet on the 13 year old when the 76 year old has a gun pointed at him.
Am I in some bizarro fantasy-world right now?
No, you're on the internet, where people say they can outfight a gun.
Imagine someone saying that in real life. You wouldn't even respond, you'd probably look at everyone else in a sort of "let's just smile and nod and let the little psychopath live his fantasy out."
Where are the rallies for this child and his parents? I have not heard of this until a few days ago.
After reading the second sentence, I have to assume the first sentence was you describing yourself.Senile old man.
I am totally not for gun control but when a man becomes old and senile they should by all means have their guns taken away.
lol are people really in here wondering why a 13 year old didn't go badass mode and snatch a gun from a guy pointing it right at him? Is this really happening?
It's only one person.
people = twoIt's only one person.
people = two
I don't support life without parole sentences (it's a violation of the Eighth Amendment IMO).
I dunno.
There was a moment when the older man lowered his gun, and had it pointing more towards the home than the boy. At that point, the boy should have known that he could have grabbed the arm with the gun in both hands, tucked himself towards the old man's center of mass, twisted his body with a jerk of the man's arm, and hip tossed the old guy. When he lands, he'll be alert but confused, and while the man is still on the ground, the boy could then put him in a elbow-based arm bar, which will force his hands to relax, releasing the gun. He would then keep him immobilized by holding the arm bar yelling for help until his mother showed, or someone called the police.
I mean seriously, he's thirteen. Why WOULDN'T he think of something like this when he has a gun pointed at him? I would have yanked that gun out of his hand and slapped him for making my chores take longer than they should have.
Georgia?and now the taxpayer gets to pay for his healthcare.
awesome. i wish we have penal colonies sometimes for murderers like this SOB
Reading this thread.. i guess movies and videogames ARE dangerous for certain people.