FortNinety said:
As long as it has a strong internet connection and can accept food deliveries and Amazon packages, I'll do fine.
It really doesn't matter to me...I'm just amazed that people say they hate watching sports because of all the jerk athletes, as if they've got the market cornered on jerk types. There are jerks in every walk of life. Music and movies are full of jerks, but does that stop people from listening or watching them?
But hell, maybe you're better then me (no sarcasm here)...while you reject the negatives of pro sports by ignoring them altogether, I'm completely apathetic to them. I see all sorts of bullshit in sports, but I just accept it, ignore it, and continue to watch. I'm still a Vince Carter fan, despite the fact he demanded a trade from here, pretty much dogged it until he was dealt, then said in a TV interview that he never gave it his all. Many people hate his guts...I just shrug my shoulders. :lol It's just easier for me to take what I like out of something and ignore the crap, cause I realize money, bullshit and corruption infects every single molecule on the face of the earth. As long as I can get some entertainment out of it, I really don't care. Gaming isn't much different...plenty I dislike about the industry, but at the end of the day I enjoy playing the games I like, so I keep going on.
As for pro sports, it's a's always been a business. The Yankees buying up titles now is no different then it was in the 50's or 20's. And the Babe was getting paid more then the US President. Nothing's really changed, except for the dollar amount. That reality doesn't bother me.
I'd also argue that amateur sports is every bit as corrupt as pro sports, and in some ways I find it worse since they preach this "we're pure because the athletes don't get paid" mantra, yet groups like the NCAA and IOC rakes in BILLIONS every year off the backs of these people (and in the case of the Olympics, there's quite a few pro-amatuer athletes now anyway). I find stuff like that to be more deplorable in some ways, due to the self-righteousness and hypocrisy of it all.