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John Rocker is unbelievable

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Apparently he has stepped headfirst into shit again.

I just heard on Mike and Mike in the Morning that John Rocker stated the following, paraphrased:

John Rocker's ignant ass said:
People don't know what I've been through. You know that Jackie Robinson and Hank Aaron had to put up with stuff, but I guarantee they didn't have to deal with it for six years.

Fucking unbelievable.

He'll never get it. Mike Golic quipped that Hank Aaron is still getting death threats.
Stuff like this is sorta why I avoid traditional (American) sports. I can't stand hearing dicks shoot their mouths off and still get paid plenty for effectively playing with balls.

If there were less asshole in sport, I'd be more inclined to watch.

MC Safety

John Rocker now has a personal assistant/media advisor/image coordinator, whatever you want to call it. He's so incapable of talking to the press that this woman must accompany him to each and every interview he takes part in.

He's pathetic, really, a child who was given the gift of a solid pitching arm and cursed with a mouth that can't stay shut. To call him a tragic figure is a slap in the face of all the tragic heroes out there -- because, if nothing else, they're able to realize their flaws at the end whereas Rocker never, ever will. Not even if his surrogate mommy tells him.


FortNinety said:
Stuff like this is sorta why I avoid traditional (American) sports. I can't stand hearing dicks shoot their mouths off and still get paid plenty for effectively playing with balls.

Rocker isn't getting paid much more than any of us at this point. He's playing very minor league ball at this point.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Fei said:
Rocker isn't getting paid much more than any of us at this point. He's playing very minor league ball at this point.

ummm his millions he made as a star closer should pretty much mean he never has to work again... as well as his kids and his kids kids...if he is smarter with his cash than he is with his mouthpiece...


FortNinety said:
Stuff like this is sorta why I avoid traditional (American) sports. I can't stand hearing dicks shoot their mouths off and still get paid plenty for effectively playing with balls.

If there were less asshole in sport, I'd be more inclined to watch.

You shouldn't let the Rockers, Freddie Mitchells, and Terrell Owens of the world scare you away from American sports as a whole. Heck that's the only three asshats I could think of out of however many professional athletes there are in the US.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Wellington said:
You shouldn't let the Rockers, Freddie Mitchells, and Terrell Owens of the world scare you away from American sports as a whole. Heck that's the only three asshats I could think of out of however many professional athletes there are in the US.

Think harder CK... much harder...


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Ninja Scooter said:
holy shit thats hilarious. Fox News needs to give him a show now.

The poor guy... I mean 6 whole years... What does Jackie Robinson got on that?...6 freaking hard years for Mr. Rocker... I mean of course Hank Aaron could have decided not to be black or not break Babe Ruth's HR record.. but poor John never had a choice and now had to live through 6...count them 1, 2 , 3, 4. 5, 6 years of pain and suffering.



http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/news/story?id=2054529 :lol
The guy is really out of his mind. I work at the stadium that Long Island Ducks play as a food vendor and I got to meet him the other day. Well, not really meet him. My co-workers and I were all talking in our storage room, where we were waiting for gametime. Now the storage room has a metal fence all around it, and it actually shares a space with the player's weight room and batting cage. Now a tarp covers most of the fence, except for a little gate near where we were all gathered. We were laughing and joking around and Rocker just came up to the gate and was like, "What is this? The fucking lunch room?" He then proceeded to shake the fence like a caged animal for no particular reason. No one knew what the hell to say.


it's going to come out of you and it's going to taste so good
PuertoRicanJuice said:
"What is this? The fucking lunch room?" He then proceeded to shake the fence like a caged animal for no particular reason. No one knew what the hell to say.

:lol For some reason I found this very very amusing.
PuertoRicanJuice said:
The guy is really out of his mind. I work at the stadium that Long Island Ducks play as a food vendor and I got to meet him the other day. Well, not really meet him. My co-workers and I were all talking in our storage room, where we were waiting for gametime. Now the storage room has a metal fence all around it, and it actually shares a space with the player's weight room and batting cage. Now a tarp covers most of the fence, except for a little gate near where we were all gathered. We were laughing and joking around and Rocker just came up to the gate and was like, "What is this? The fucking lunch room?" He then proceeded to shake the fence like a caged animal for no particular reason. No one knew what the hell to say.

:lol :lol :lol

What the fuck?


PuertoRicanJuice said:
The guy is really out of his mind. I work at the stadium that Long Island Ducks play as a food vendor and I got to meet him the other day. Well, not really meet him. My co-workers and I were all talking in our storage room, where we were waiting for gametime. Now the storage room has a metal fence all around it, and it actually shares a space with the player's weight room and batting cage. Now a tarp covers most of the fence, except for a little gate near where we were all gathered. We were laughing and joking around and Rocker just came up to the gate and was like, "What is this? The fucking lunch room?" He then proceeded to shake the fence like a caged animal for no particular reason. No one knew what the hell to say.

I almost just suffocated from laughing so much.

:lol :lol :lol


FortNinety said:
Stuff like this is sorta why I avoid traditional (American) sports. I can't stand hearing dicks shoot their mouths off and still get paid plenty for effectively playing with balls.

If there were less asshole in sport, I'd be more inclined to watch.

If you're gonna avoid things due to the number of dumb fucks involved, you might as well find some desolate cave and hide away from the human race for the rest of your days.


LOL! I think it's hilarious that he signs the SI article that led to the demise of his career. What a 'tard. :lol PEACE.
Wellington said:
You shouldn't let the Rockers, Freddie Mitchells, and Terrell Owens of the world scare you away from American sports as a whole. Heck that's the only three asshats I could think of out of however many professional athletes there are in the US.

Ron Artest, the entire Portland Trailblazers squad, Ray Lewis, etc.
Shinobi said:
If you're gonna avoid things due to the number of dumb fucks involved, you might as well find some desolate cave and hide away from the human race for the rest of your days.

As long as it has a strong internet connection and can accept food deliveries and Amazon packages, I'll do fine.

But seriously, its seems like I've touched a nerve. For the record, I do enjoy some sports, though mostly MMA, and I love seeing good sportsmanship, which I really don't see in American sports at all.

I recall being in junior high and being a major basketball fan; this was during the hight of Jordan's career. When the Olypmics Dream Team was announced, I was super psyched. Till I saw the rude behavior or Barkley, and then it sorta hit me. By the time they got the gold, and there were problems with them accepting the medals due to their offical uniforms being made by Reebock, resulting in a few draping a flag over their shoulder purely to cover the logo (those under contract by Nike), I had my fill with pro American sports.

Okay, maybe that's a bad example, but my point is that there's plenty of reasons why I'm rather disgusted with sports and the people who participate, and I've outlined yet another. I thought sports was an emphasis of the human spirit and fair game, but these days its all about attitude and money, and the fact that most seem to love it so much bothers me even so. Perhaps I shouldn't be so blinded my some bad apples, since I know that not every athlete is an asshole. But I just don't have the patience or interest to ignore the negatives.

But for sports fans out there who can stomach it, more power to them.


FortNinety said:
As long as it has a strong internet connection and can accept food deliveries and Amazon packages, I'll do fine.


It really doesn't matter to me...I'm just amazed that people say they hate watching sports because of all the jerk athletes, as if they've got the market cornered on jerk types. There are jerks in every walk of life. Music and movies are full of jerks, but does that stop people from listening or watching them?

But hell, maybe you're better then me (no sarcasm here)...while you reject the negatives of pro sports by ignoring them altogether, I'm completely apathetic to them. I see all sorts of bullshit in sports, but I just accept it, ignore it, and continue to watch. I'm still a Vince Carter fan, despite the fact he demanded a trade from here, pretty much dogged it until he was dealt, then said in a TV interview that he never gave it his all. Many people hate his guts...I just shrug my shoulders. :lol It's just easier for me to take what I like out of something and ignore the crap, cause I realize money, bullshit and corruption infects every single molecule on the face of the earth. As long as I can get some entertainment out of it, I really don't care. Gaming isn't much different...plenty I dislike about the industry, but at the end of the day I enjoy playing the games I like, so I keep going on.

As for pro sports, it's a business...it's always been a business. The Yankees buying up titles now is no different then it was in the 50's or 20's. And the Babe was getting paid more then the US President. Nothing's really changed, except for the dollar amount. That reality doesn't bother me.

I'd also argue that amateur sports is every bit as corrupt as pro sports, and in some ways I find it worse since they preach this "we're pure because the athletes don't get paid" mantra, yet groups like the NCAA and IOC rakes in BILLIONS every year off the backs of these people (and in the case of the Olympics, there's quite a few pro-amatuer athletes now anyway). I find stuff like that to be more deplorable in some ways, due to the self-righteousness and hypocrisy of it all.
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