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Journalist Facing 45 Years in Jail for Filming Pipeline Protest in USA

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filmmaker Deia Schlosberg, who was charged earlier this month with three felonies for filming an act of civil disobedience in which climate activists manually turned off the safety valves to stop the flow of tar sands oil through pipelines spanning the U.S. and Canada. The actions took place in Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota and Washington state. Schlosberg is an award-winning filmmaker and was the producer of Josh Fox’s recent documentary, "How to Let Go of the World and Love All the Things Climate Can’t Change." She was filming the action at a valve station owned by TransCanada in Walhalla, North Dakota. She was arrested along with the activists, and her footage was confiscated. Then she was charged with a Class A felony and two Class C felonies—which combined carry a 45-year maximum sentence.

Ryan Bialas, state’s attorney for Pembina County, told The Huffington Post there was no such targeting and said the event at the pipeline was “not a protest” but “a criminal action.”

“People are free to come and protest as much as they want in my county, I just ask they don’t damage any property in doing so,” Bialas said in an email. He also noted his office has offered to return Schlosberg’s equipment and footage and he has “no interest” in keeping it.

None of this is really being covered by media. Rt has a good article on it, but it's a banned site.
Heard a radio piece on this, absolutely disgusting tactics they're using to lock up people. They're pretty much calling any gathering "riots", mind you these are people who are peacefully protesting.

It's not being covered because we need more Trump quotes!


I understand the safety concerns if people just up and turn off pressurized valves funneling how many metric tonnes of crude....

But 45 years just for filming the "civil disobedience".

Some murderers laughing at how absurd the punishment is weighing against the crime.


It's gonna get thrown out.

That's missing the point by a pipeline. One shouldn't have to fight trumped up charges by the state for journalism. We condemn other nations for this type of shit and it's been happening in our own back yard.

ND is still going after the other journalist from democracynow, as those charges didn't stick. They are going to cripple these people financially send a message to the press.

This is time, money, and being terrorized a and taunted by the state for something our troops die to protect.

People are having attack dogs let loose on them. The charges are really only one window into how ND is trying to crush dissent. And it's amazingly bizarre to witness the lack of fucks given nationwide.


Anyone saying it'll get thrown out may be under estimating the corruption and power of oil companies.

How did it even get to this and how are media still ignoring it????



Because ladd erickson is still attempting to prosecute people, And a ton is happening in ND besides charges of high profile reporters.

Others aren't as lucky.
Yer are acting like intimidating the press, by the state, is business as usual in america.


The controversial prosecutions of Deia Schlosberg and Lindsey Grayzel are moving forward after a judge in North Dakota rejected “riot” charges filed against Democracy Now! host Amy Goodman for her high-profile reporting at the Dakota Access pipeline protests.

But authorities in other parts of North Dakota and in Washington state have continued to target other film-makers over their recent reporting on similar demonstrations, raising concerns that the lesser-known journalists are not getting the same kind of public support and national attention.



Goodman also being arrested and charged similarly shows a pattern. The feds need to Crack down on this shit asap.

While they're at it, meet with the thousands of people at Standing Rock, please.
She definitely shouldn't have been arrested. Makes no sense.

However, I agree that shutting down the pipeline is vandalism, not a protest.


Goodman also being arrested and charged similarly shows a pattern. The feds need to Crack down on this shit asap.

While they're at it, meet with the thousands of people at Standing Rock, please.

There's a difference between her and goodman. They are saying she was conspiring. Reading the Guardian, it seems her charges are moving forward as they are continuing after the judge threw out goodmans.

"n Goodman’s case, a judge forced prosecutors to drop a serious “riot” charge, which was centered on Goodman’s viral coverage of the intense Native American-led protests. But prosecutors and sheriff’s officials said they may continue to pursue other charges against the critically acclaimed journalist.

In Schlosberg’s charges, North Dakota prosecutors have alleged that she was part of a conspiracy, claiming she traveled with protesters “with the objective of diverting the flow of oil”."

Also as said above, ladd still wants to go after goodman. Just has to work on charges. None of this is about law breaking.

Snowden pointed out he only faces 30 years.


[...]And it's amazingly bizarre to witness the lack of fucks given nationwide.

nah I think its expected with a self indoctrinating country where the great majority seems to believe to be part of the justice league and one's own side cannot do any wrongs. Events like this would disturb this world view, therefore ignoring it option of choice. ignorance is bliss as they say.

Wait, this isn't a Russian story? Man..

the low number of replies should have given you a hint ;)

(which also goes back to my point above...)


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
This journalist is a really good friend of mine, so believe me I've been keeping up with this story.

Charges don't seem like they'll stick. Deia has been getting numerous support, too, from celebrities all over the world.
That's missing the point by a pipeline. One shouldn't have to fight trumped up charges by the state for journalism. We condemn other nations for this type of shit and it's been happening in our own back yard.

ND is still going after the other journalist from democracynow, as those charges didn't stick. They are going to cripple these people financially send a message to the press.

This is time, money, and being terrorized a and taunted by the state for something our troops die to protect.

People are having attack dogs let loose on them. The charges are really only one window into how ND is trying to crush dissent. And it's amazingly bizarre to witness the lack of fucks given nationwide.
? Dude chill

Of coarse I know how this is fucking attacking our liberties, don't need to get up in my grill. Just saying the state is fight a losing battle on this one and on many others.
TransCanada is currently suing the US government for refusing to build the pipeline- For 15 billion. It's being discussed in another thread ( http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1240528 )

I've already explained my stance that using bully tactics to sue people should not be possible. It reminds me when GM wanted to sue the families of those who wanted a investigation into how the breaks on some of their cars failed.
Having a noble cause doesn't give you the right to ignore the rules, but at the same time, the overwhelming response as a threat is abysmal. I cannot believe that some people are defending it and treating legal agreements like they mean more than people. Corporations should serve people, not the other way around.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
This hits close to home for me at the moment due to some oil billionaires doing some incredibly shady tactics to destroy my father's business, who has been a long vocal person for alternative fuels and done speeches about it around the world during the last 15 years. Oil companies get zero sympathy from me and I can't understate how goddamn slimey they actually can be from witnessing their maneuvers second-hand.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
This is a preview of what a Trump America would be like.

Its happening right now under Obama as this article shows. And it will continue to happen and accelerate under either President going forward unfortunately. That is the madness of what money in politics does to the system and why exactly these kinds of actions are allowed to deter journalists from putting these things to paper. Obviously it will not be covered by the news, same with Amy Goodman's case.

Let's not make this about specific politicians, but instead the system in general that needs to be cleaned up. Its something we have to deal with regardless of whether Trump or Hillary get into the White House.
Absolutely bullshit she is being charged.

They're just doing this to her to have a chilling effect against the protests because oil money means so fucking much to them.


Elden Member
Are the people who actually messed with the valve being charged? They are the ones who should be punished (though no where near 45 years, but fined for sure, so long as no one was hurt by there actions)
The silence regarding this from mainstream US media is sickening (but not surprising).

Only foreign news agencies and independent news outlets in US are covering it at all.

In fact, Jill Stein and Amy Goodman also had charges brought against them for showing support for the protest (writing something on a bulldozer) and reporting on it respectively (the charges were dropped for Amy Goodman).

But this is another example of police and the judicial system protecting private corporations over people. This is what America is now.


Charged with a Class A felony for reporting.

For reference: Class As include murder, rape, kidnapping, arson...

Fuck America. Fuck my country.


Obama hasn't been that great here either if we're being fair.

You understand of course the irony considering that the story in the OP is happening in Obama's America?

This is a state doing this not the feds

The silence regarding this from mainstream US media is sickening (but not surprising).

Only foreign news agencies and independent news outlets in US are covering it at all.

In fact, Jill Stein and Amy Goodman also had charges brought against them for showing support for the protest (writing something on a bulldozer) and reporting on it respectively (the charges were dropped for Amy Goodman).

But this is another example of police and the judicial system protecting private corporations over people. This is what America is now.

what its been for a while perhaps always as far as the police is concerned.
Wait, this isn't a Russian story? Man..
Disgusting abuse of power, and it really does read like something you'd expect to happen in Russia, or some other supposedly "backward" nation.
The good folks from the "I hate Russia" thread will probably stay away from this. They'd probably stay out of a 'Saudi war crimes in Yemen' thread too.
TransCanada is currently suing the US government for refusing to build the pipeline- For 15 billion. It's being discussed in another thread ( http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1240528 )

I've already explained my stance that using bully tactics to sue people should not be possible. It reminds me when GM wanted to sue the families of those who wanted a investigation into how the breaks on some of their cars failed.
Having a noble cause doesn't give you the right to ignore the rules, but at the same time, the overwhelming response as a threat is abysmal. I cannot believe that some people are defending it and treating legal agreements like they mean more than people. Corporations should serve people, not the other way around.
That is so infuriating. Like, you didn't pump a lick of oil through the pipeline but you want to sue for lost profits? Soon, corporations will just start putting forth proposals they know that will get rejected just so they can sue - for "lost" profits. That's TTIP, CETA, and TPP for you... selling us out to perpetuate the welfare queen corporations.
This is a state doing this not the feds

what its been for a while perhaps always as far as the police is concerned.
True. I also expect the feds to side with status quo, i.e. business interests.
nah I think its expected with a self indoctrinating country where the great majority seems to believe to be part of the justice league and one's own side cannot do any wrongs. Events like this would disturb this world view, therefore ignoring it option of choice. ignorance is bliss as they say.
Agreed. And I got banned for saying this same thing in not so many words. I think the banning was political though; seemed really vindictive on the mod's part given the shade thrown in the ban statement.


This is a state doing this not the feds.

That's the problem with 'states rights', which I support because an all powerful Federal Government is even more terrifying.

The Court and Legislative systems are supposed to be the check on the states's police powers. When one of the checks fails (for whatever reason) then the whole system fails.

Today everyone can be a journalist. We don't need special laws for the press, we need to enforce the laws that protect individual freedoms.

It's also why I'm such a huge supporter of Carlos Miller and PINAC.


I'm sure that I am in the minority but I must say that I don't disagree with the charges although (and I want to be clear on this) I do think that the charges are overboard. I see they've already started to pare back on them a bit so I hope that this eventually tumbles down to fines and nothing more.

Generally speaking, I agree with the prosecutor in this case...this wasn't a protest, it was industrial sabotage plain and simple. We may all agree with the tenants of their beliefs and even like what they did but it was still illegal and it could have ended very poorly for them and the environment they are trying to protect.

I do agree that the journalist in this case should be treated differently than the others but if she is complicit (planned and actively assisted) in the act of breaking in and turning off the valves, she is as guilty as the others.

Why is the oil industry always filled with such crude people?
The good folks from the "I hate Russia" thread will probably stay away from this. They'd probably stay out of a 'Saudi war crimes in Yemen' thread too.

Hey how are you nice to meet you here with your whataboutism

this is terrible

Saudi Arabia also killing civilians in their strikes in Yemen is also terrible

the Houthis are also terrible

Russia is also terrible

and Assad is also terrible

the list of terrible things are vast and some outweigh the others in the vastness of their crimes

you can hate more then one thing Monsieur

you can also focus your time on one thing in order to change it then move on to the next when that one thing gets resoved

people are not expected to be everywhere at once
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