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JournoGAF |OT| Road to the Pulitzers

I was worried the kind of impressions I was giving if my blog was going four, five days without a new article. And now I just realized IndieStatik hasn't had a new article since the 13th. So if a fully-staffed site can go days without new content, I guess I shouldn't worry about my blog that much

What do you guys think? Does it look bad to go days without posting any new content?
I was worried the kind of impressions I was giving if my blog was going four, five days without a new article. And now I just realized IndieStatik hasn't had a new article since the 13th. So if a fully-staffed site can go days without new content, I guess I shouldn't worry about my blog that much

What do you guys think? Does it look bad to go days without posting any new content?

I think consistency matters more than volume. One article per day is better than say, seven on a random day of the week. People are more likely to come back on a regular basis if they know that new content could be there. If a site goes 3-4 days without an update, I'm likely only to visit once a week, if that.

Matt Frost

Hello, newbie here posting for the first time on GAF. English is not my first language, so sorry if my words are oddly placed. Need help and from what I read this is the perfect place to ask for it.

Thing is, I want to make a trustful iOS gaming website comprised of real gamers that does reviews, previews, news, special sections and all, posting at least 1 review every two days and news and previews of upcoming games in the meanwhile to fill it, all this in a professional view. Something like Honest Reviews by Hardcore Gamers.

I have someone who can make the website, have servers, hardcore iOS friends who are willing to help and the design on my head, myself... but I am lacking a catchy name that is easy to remember and speaks about us. TouchGamer was a good idea but is taken by Majic Jungle Software, and now I need your help... if someone can help me with a name it would be so awesome.
Hey Frost, welcome to GAF! Always nice to see friends from other forums over here. Yeah, I'm sure you'll get some good advice here

Personally, I think a title needs to stem from what you feel is the core focus or underlying drive behind your site. For me, Indie Game Enthusiast came from the fact that I wanted to express my passion for indies.

Honestly I think TouchGamer is kind of bland, and easy to be confused with other site like a Toucharcade, Touchgen, etc., And on the other forum, you said you hoped for the site to have a bigger scope beyond just IOS games so a name focused on the mobile aspect might not represent the potential scope of your site

Edit: what about Indie Focus or VGFocus?

Matt Frost

Thanks MB! Thanks for the warm welcome, even better by a good friend.

The main focus will be iOS. It has the biggest potential for creativity in the whole gaming realm. Here anyone can make the game they always wanted to make with less effort than other platforms, and that has spawned a new way of gaming never seen before. But there are so many games releasing each week that is hard to spot them all, and that's why I want to do this. To make those games that are worthy and add something to keep going forward not to go unnoticed. To promote a healthier gaming for all of us and to move the platform forward. Indie will be the main focus, but I dont want to make it indie only, or iOS only, as great gaming comes from all places and all systems. I want to cover any kind of game, from freemium to premium, from ustwo to Gameloft to Nintendo. From iOS to PS4 or Steam for example. Any game that comes across the website staff and they want to speak about it. Honest constructive neutral reviews from people who understand video-games and the industry. But again, mostly iOS. I think I will be redundant if I keep adding to this post. But it is basically the idea.

Now that you mention TouchGamer along those other websites, it does have a similar ring to all of them. Sounds too similar. Need to give it a lot of thought, a name is about 50% of a "brand". And it has to be clear and catchy.


Personally I've had a few sites personally email or message me, asking if I wanted to write for them. These sites had found me either because they read my blog regularly or because they had seem my posts on forums (i.e. Reddit, Toucharcade).

Not sure if that answers your question or helps in any way, but that's just my two cents from the "potential recruit" perspective

Ha, time passes fast between replies, even when you have good intentions it seems! Thanks for the suggestion, but I'm always loathe to go out and approach people like this - I raided in WoW for too long and this always feels like poaching to me, although I guess that's something I should try to get over if I want to get a few more people writing for me. Keeping WoW in mind, I'm struck by memories of guild merges to facilitate raiding, and wonder whether I should try to find a smaller blog and see if they would all fancy coming over.

For anyone paying attention, I touched base with Liamc723 and I think he's happy contributing to the site, so that's a bit of a success story right there from this very thread :D
Well holy shit, I usually get between 100+ to 300+ views a day on my blog. Today?
I'm up to 1,138 views
Have no idea where the spike is coming from

Oh, and my next PC Spotlight will be my 100th, going to have do something special for that

Edit: mystery solved
Dat RPS mention
So yeah that RPS mention was amazing. Looking at my page view stats, it's like those graphs of sales figures during a Steam Sale. Low, low, some bumps, low, huge spike.

Today, I actually had more views than yesterday. I wonder how long that increased page views will last.

In other news, I posted the first preview anywhere of the GAFfer made Ashen. So that was cool. The devs said they're getting inquiries to cover the game thanks to my coverage. Hearing that feels so good, stuff like that is exactly why I started my blog. Help spread the word on cool games


Moobabe, would just like to request, please don't post ambiguous article titles like this: http://www.coffeebreakgaming.co.uk/pc-games/dark-souls-2-pc-delayed/

I know this probably wasn't you but yeah, I think for something like release delays in particular it should be as specific as possible with its titling (unless it is a general release delay, of course).

Like the new site, though the images on the front page seem to load a bit slowly.

edit: with regards to the rating bar on the front page, it might do to make it a bit more clear with regards to the user ratings and editor ratings. 9:6 is a bit confusing. (Is it a 96? A 9.6? Two editors? Users and editors? editors and users? etc.)

Urgh - yeah that wasn't me. Unfortunately I don't have too much say over what Jason does. I don't "own" the site, despite producing most of the content for it, he does, and he writes and posts things without ever consulting me.

Don't ask.

Well holy shit, I usually get between 100+ to 300+ views a day on my blog. Today?
I'm up to 1,138 views
Have no idea where the spike is coming from

Oh, and my next PC Spotlight will be my 100th, going to have do something special for that

Edit: mystery solved
Dat RPS mention

Super happy for you Christian - your site really is shit hot.

It may be from the interest of people here, RPS is hiring a writer.

And some of you guys should definitely jump on this - would be a pretty good opportunity for someone.

For anyone paying attention, I touched base with Liamc723 and I think he's happy contributing to the site, so that's a bit of a success story right there from this very thread :D

And this is great news! Was the kind of stuff I was hoping for when I made the thread, some sort of collaboration between people.

Sorry it's not been super active though - I've just settled into a new job, had an interview tomorrow (with King) but now that role has been cancelled. The stresses of real life really limit any kind of writing I can do. Having said that I managed to finish all the DLC for both Dishonored and Bioshock Infinite over the past couple of weeks. Considering bigger articles about the two of those.
Well holy shit, I just decided to search some games on Google and now Indie Game Enthusiast is always on the front page of results. My Alphabeats impressions are higher than 148Apps; my Ashen preview above Rock Paper Shotgun. Hell, my Shattered Planet impressions are before PC gamer's review

Damn...that's pretty awesome


Well holy shit, I just decided to search some games on Google and now Indie Game Enthusiast is always on the front page of results. My Alphabeats impressions are higher than 148Apps; my Ashen preview above Rock Paper Shotgun. Hell, my Shattered Planet impressions are before PC gamer's review

Damn...that's pretty awesome

I noticed that the other day actually - I think I googled The Masterplan to grab the trailer for my preview and you were on the front page for that as well!
I noticed that the other day actually - I think I googled The Masterplan to grab the trailer for my preview and you were on the front page for that as well!
I never expected any of this. I don't know, maybe I'm too modest. My maxim when I started IGE was that if even one person read my impressions, and decided to support a developer because of it, that makes it all worthwhile. I don't care about page views or sponsors; I do what I do to help developers and increase awareness of overlooked games.

My spike from the RPS mention has died down, back to my usual numbers, but this was my best month so far and this discovery just makes me so happy.


I never expected any of this. I don't know, maybe I'm too modest. My maxim when I started IGE was that if even one person read my impressions, and decided to support a developer because of it, that makes it all worthwhile. I don't care about page views or sponsors; I do what I do to help developers and increase awareness of overlooked games.

My spike from the RPS mention has died down, back to my usual numbers, but this was my best month so far and this discovery just makes me so happy.

You definitely are too modest :p

You don't get people agreeing to your indie game promo idea just for fun. They do it because they like you and they trust you to do a great job.


I have an axe to grind - and some advice from more experienced members of the community (or anyone in general) would be super helpful.

So - recently I finished the third Bioshock Infinite DLC - SPOILERS AHEAD

When I finished it I started to think about the Bioshock series as a whole and if I should write about it. I mean, i LOVE the games, but it was a broad subject; with three mainline games, 4 DLC (I think?) and a book to cover as well.

I started reading around Infinite first - since it's the most recent that I played. I headed over to Eurogamer first - but it wasn't really 'critical' enough for me, it was more a review, which is fine too.

I went to Rock Paper Shotgun and read Alec Meer's coverage of the Infinite saga. Now I'm a big fan of Alec's work - I feel like he's someone who "gets" Bioshock, or at least who's opinion I can relate to.

Anyway - I read his review of Burial at Sea episode 2 and came away with one major niggle;

It also includes the single most unpleasant – and frankly needless with it – moment I’ve ever experienced in a videogame.

For context - SPOILERS - there is a torture scene in the DLC. You experience it through Elizabeth's eyes and it's not very pleasant (what torture is?) I have no problem with Alec Meer suggesting this is an unpleasant moment, or even the most unpleasant moment, he's seen in a game. I strongly disagree - but who am I to say what's unpleasant to an individual?

It was Meer's justification for this that bothered me - I mean really bothered me:

As well as this moment seeming to me to crave shock-horror outrage, it’s both jarringly unlike anything else in any BioShock and – spoiler of a sort, although you’ve probably guessed this is already – there’s an uncomfortable undertone to the fact that we’re given so much detail for so long of a terrible thing happening to a female character when equally, if not more, gruesome situations that the BioShock series’ male characters suffer are, while grisly, rather more cursory and spared such horrific lingering. Like the torturer, the game seems to revel in what it’s doing to a woman, as opposed to a ‘strong’ man. Honestly, I don’t think there’s anything more odious going on than shock factor, but I don’t think it was a smart choice to have the only time the series does something like this also be the only time it stars a woman. Especially given that said woman has already been repeatedly defined by her victim status.

Sorry for the wall of text - the crux of Meer's argument is that this unlike anything in Bioshock (I disagree) and that the game revels in doing this "to a woman." His final point, too, is something I disagree with as well - but that's more down to interpretation (or agenda.)

That riled me - but that's fine - that's what good, engaging criticism does. But I used the word "agenda" to describe Meer's focus on the torture of Elizabeth as some sort of white male enjoyment of torturing a helpless woman (who has demonstrated she's capable of killing in cold blood throughout the game.)

I then read this article by Robert Florence. Again - I'm a big fan of some of his work - in case you didn't know he covers boardgames for RPS and this time he's talking about Cards Against Humanity.

There's some context here - the co-creator of CAH has been accused of rape (the link is his response.) Now let me be clear - rape is a disgusting crime - but such is my criticism of the article and its position (and this broader "agenda") that I feel compelled to state that.

Florence's article is nothing. It's a non piece. He even confesses at the end that:

I have no idea if the allegations are true. I know nothing about it, and neither do you. I have my assumptions, that’s all.

Yet here we are - a few thousand words later seeing that. But why? This is the paragraph that irks the most:

And, y’know, some people might ask why I even bothered going into all of this. I know for a fact that there are survivors of sexual assault in the gaming community (and among creators), so it’s all relevant. I’m a straight, white guy – I have all the upside. The least I can do is write a few words about some heavy and serious shit when it’s happening within my area of interest.

I'm sorry - the accusations of rape make this a relevant story? Perhaps you could argue such - but, here it is again, the "straight, white male" card. Is there some kind of guilt I should be feeling? Some kind of club I need to sign up for? The furore over the Giant Bomb hirings, Florence's compulsion to speak up 'for the underdog,' Meer's blindness to other, extended, acts of violence in Bioshock (including its most famous scene...)

My question (after all this) is; is this something I'm missing? I know, and understand, sexism and racism and understand how prevalent they are in society and gaming - but are outlets looking for any opportunity to be holier than thou? Are they creating tensions and and issues when there aren't any because this is a hot button topic?

Sorry for the ENORMOUS rant - is this something worth writing about? Or do I risk making myself look racist/sexist while being tarred and feathered in the process?
I'm with you. Maybe Alec Meer hasn't played Outlast Whistleblower if he hasn't experienced lingering torture on a man. Because oh boyyyyyyyyyyy!

Don't really get that perspective, if his point is about comparing the time length given to such a subject. GTA V came out just a little while ago, got a lot of attention and was plenty lingering. I really don't see some gender bias in torture representation.

Rab Florence's piece felt more like just bringing up a story because other outlets aren't covering it (also cause he's into card/boardgames) and just in general talking about rape allegations to the reading audience. The few things he has to contribute is wanting to interject that witness testimony is still evidence, the rarity of false accusations, and that consent is not that grey, which are valid. The rest is just shitting on the Cards Against Humanity game while trying to tie it back to the story. Neither of these stories were enlightening to me even though I'm fine with them being written, personally but then I'm not in a position having to write up something every week.


I'm with you. Maybe Alec Meer hasn't played Outlast Whistleblower if he hasn't experienced lingering torture on a man. Because oh boyyyyyyyyyyy!

Don't really get that perspective, if his point is about comparing the time length given to such a subject. GTA V came out just a little while ago, got a lot of attention and was plenty lingering. I really don't see some gender bias in torture representation.

Rab Florence's piece felt more like just bringing up a story because other outlets aren't covering it (also cause he's into card/boardgames) and just in general talking about rape allegations to the reading audience. The few things he has to contribute is wanting to interject that witness testimony is still evidence, the rarity of false accusations, and that consent is not that grey, which are valid. The rest is just shitting on the Cards Against Humanity game while trying to tie it back to the story. Neither of these stories were enlightening to me even though I'm fine with them being written, personally but then I'm not in a position having to write up something every week.

It's not even that - he makes out like the "powerful men" in the Bioshock series, and the fates they suffer, aren't as drawn out - the Andrew Ryan scene stands out to me as longer and much, MUCH more graphic than the scene he dislikes.

That's one white, straight male asserting his absolute power over another. But does it deserve less of a mention because of that?
It's not even that - he makes out like the "powerful men" in the Bioshock series, and the fates they suffer, aren't as drawn out - the Andrew Ryan scene stands out to me as longer and much, MUCH more graphic than the scene he dislikes.

That's one white, straight male asserting his absolute power over another. But does it deserve less of a mention because of that?

It's clear that it's more shocking to Alec Meer when it's done to a woman because that's not as frequent. But that's more on him than the franchise, as you point out (never played the games that far to know).
Wanted your opinion on something.

I title my articles as PC/IOS Spotlights, Watchlist, etc. rather than Reviews and Previews. I've noticed that my articles are recently turning up pretty high on Google searches, but I'm torn between keeping the current label or switching to PC/IOS Reviews (or PC/IOS Spotlight Reviews) and Watchlist Previews.

I feel like having Review and Preview in the article title would make the articles more visible while searching. For example, I posted my Nightmare Cooperative impressions earlier today, and when searching, the Google link turns up on page 3, but I imagine that it would be even more visible if the article has been titled as a "PC Review" rather than a "PC Spotlight"

The reason why I'm kind of against switching to the other title is that I don't really see myself as a reviewer. I write about games I enjoy because I like to spread the word and help out devs, impressions rather than critical reviews. I do mention and discuss negative aspects if it impacts a game, but I tend to focus on the positives.

What do you think?


Wanted your opinion on something.

I title my articles as PC/IOS Spotlights, Watchlist, etc. rather than Reviews and Previews. I've noticed that my articles are recently turning up pretty high on Google searches, but I'm torn between keeping the current label or switching to PC/IOS Reviews (or PC/IOS Spotlight Reviews) and Watchlist Previews.

I feel like having Review and Preview in the article title would make the articles more visible while searching. For example, I posted my Nightmare Cooperative impressions earlier today, and when searching, the Google link turns up on page 3, but I imagine that it would be even more visible if the article has been titled as a "PC Review" rather than a "PC Spotlight"

The reason why I'm kind of against switching to the other title is that I don't really see myself as a reviewer. I write about games I enjoy because I like to spread the word and help out devs, impressions rather than critical reviews. I do mention and discuss negative aspects if it impacts a game, but I tend to focus on the positives.

What do you think?

It's an ugly, ugly SEO issue. I get sick of talking about with the people I write with/for.

Honestly? I think you're doing a great job; people find your stuff, you cover a wide variety of games and you do a good job of it. The question your essentially asking is this; do you want more exposure? Who doesn't - but do you want more exposure specifically through manipulation of Google and search engines.

There's a reason why when you read articles you'll see the game name featured about 50 times.
It's an ugly, ugly SEO issue. I get sick of talking about with the people I write with/for.

Honestly? I think you're doing a great job; people find your stuff, you cover a wide variety of games and you do a good job of it. The question your essentially asking is this; do you want more exposure? Who doesn't - but do you want more exposure specifically through manipulation of Google and search engines.

There's a reason why when you read articles you'll see the game name featured about 50 times.
Yeah, it does feel kind of...idk, sleazy to attempt that. I think I'll try an experiment today, title my Claire impressions as PC Review #104 and observe what happens

Actually the biggest reason I'm against this is that if it does mean more visibility, then I'm probable going to have to edit 190+ article titles and tag labels. There's a reason I haven't gone through my site to fix all the broken images, just so tedious

But I do think it's pretty damn cool that I can search "The Nightmare Cooperative", no other search terms, and my article is on page 3.


Yeah, it does feel kind of...idk, sleazy to attempt that. I think I'll try an experiment today, title my Claire impressions as PC Review #104 and observe what happens

Actually the biggest reason I'm against this is that if it does mean more visibility, then I'm probable going to have to edit 190+ article titles and tag labels. There's a reason I haven't gone through my site to fix all the broken images, just so tedious

But I do think it's pretty damn cool that I can search "The Nightmare Cooperative", no other search terms, and my article is on page 3.

How did your experiment go man?
How did your experiment go man?
Went well. My articles labeled PC Review and IOS Review got about a third to 50 percent more page views than other articles

My Lex and Marble Drop IOS reviews are on the first page when you search, along with the Pocket Gamer and 148App review links. Claire review is on page 2. Shadow Blade PC review on page 1
August 21st will be the one year anniversary of Indie Game Enthusiast. I've been thinking of how to move forward and what I could do in the next year to continue improving my blog. This whole debacle with Toucharcade had made me realize I love discussing games as much as I love spreading the word and writing about them, so I've decided that I'm going to look into starting an IGE forum. It's been suggested a few times to me to start a forum, but I never entertained the idea, never felt like I needed to expand and really I'm not sure I have the dedication or experience to maintain a forum.

But I am reconsidering the idea now. Need to do some serious research, but I think this is a worthwhile endeavor to pursue

Broken Joystick

At least you can talk. Who are you?
Start my 3 year journalism degree in exactly two weeks. Got what I needed to get into university. Pulitzers, here I come.

While I was searching for degrees to do a year or so ago, I was quite surprised that Staffordshire do an actual games journalism course. I applied for it (have to apply for five in case you don't get into the one you want, I got all my five offers ;-) ), but ultimately chose Winchester (looking at league tables, they were miles better and have all the proper certifications, plus, why separate yourself into one specific set of journalism?). They keep emailing me to see if I'll change my mind too haha. Thought it might be of interest to anyone who's thinking about it.

So, I guess I'll post again in three years time. That way I can be a real games journalist.
Closing in on 1k followers on Twitter. Getting into social media was probably the best choice I made when I started my blog. My main sources of views comes from Google and Twitter.

I never expected to get so many followers. I mean, I'm just a college student who writes about games as a hobby. I never did things like "Follow me for a giveaway" or stuff like that. I certainly could since I have codes and keys to share, but I always felt that was just artificial. People following you to win something, not because they're interested. Maybe my thinking is just naive like that.

What are your thoughts on that?

But hey, I'm doing great. My blog had the most views ever last month, daily views are increasing, and I'm still doing freelance writing for the mobile gaming site Game Mob, which has been a nice experience.
Hey GAF, I wrote another feature entitled Video Games as Art: Is the Label Necessary?

Hope you guys can give it a read.

My thoughts on the matter:

There are artistic games, games whose purpose is to evoke emotions and themes through visuals or narrative or music, but all games are art. Just like movies and books are creative works, so are games.

GTA, Fallout, The Last of Us, Hotline Miami, Papers Please, the aftermentioned Journey and Flower, Device 6, Monument Valley...creators sharing their visions, their ideals and values, with an audience through the medium
There are artistic games, games whose purpose is to evoke emotions and themes through visuals or narrative or music, but all games are art. Just like movies and books are creative works, so are games.

This is pretty similar to the message of my article (which is why I argue that "art games" isn't a good term to be used).
This is pretty similar to the message of my article (which is why I argue that "art games" isn't a good term to be used).
Yeah, was trying to think how to discuss that. I agree. "Art game" pigeonholes too strongly. It's like the way people use "walking simulator"; I think that's a fairly accurate effective term, but it's often used in a negative mocking way.

Simply describing something as an artistic game works best IMO. An adjective, that still allows that other elements of the game to shine, rather a definite defining label, that allows critics and others to dismiss something as "One of those games..."
I'm Nick Capozzoli. Freelance officially, regular reviewer at Gamespot in practicality.

Always nice to have a place to share great writing from others. I'll see about tossing some links to my favorites in a bit.
So! Maybe this thread's dead in the water, but I figured I'd return to share some good writing all the same.

Memory Insufficient, a digital magazine with a loose focus on games and history, just put out a new issue, and it's got a lot of great pieces in it. I want to highlight L. Rhodes in particular, one of my favorite video game critics, for the piece on the shared history of divination, games of chance, and modern gaming:

Memory Insufficient Vol. II Issue V

A small disclaimer: I've served as a guest editor for the mag previously, for its issue on food & games. Also note: there are spoilers in there for Bioshock Infinite, and a few classic JRPGs, in their respective pieces.

Here's a recent review I enjoyed, from David Wolinsky over at Kill Screen. It's for Sunset Overdrive.

Games—software—typically just don’t collide with this sort of way of thinking. Creating software of any magnitude is an intensely detail-oriented process. It requires meticulous work that quashes any possible mistakes. Bugs. Glitches. Punk isn’t about any of that. It’s about embracing those mistakes and cold-shouldering any instinct of trying to impress anybody.


I'm a big fan of this sort of review, one that's able to lift its head up from the minutiae of the game proper and see the broader cultural context. More of that, please.

I love testifying to the great game criticism that's out there. Would be nice to see this thread regain its feet.


Damn..so many years and I never noticed this thread :D

Anyway, I'm pretty much full time editor (I'm technically freelancer, but I steadily work with only one website) at Gry-Online.pl, which is the biggest polish gaming website.
Been there since 2009. Easily the best job I've ever had :)

I'm fan of written word, but now trying to get my ropes creating video content. I don't think it will ever fully replace text, but if I want to continue doing what I love I feel like at least some video skills will sooner or later become absolutely required.


As Sartre noted in his contemplation on Hell in No Exit, the true horror is other members.
Hey guys just a quick bump to point out that I made another thing that got spun up into a Kotaku article:


From the crowd-sourcing contributer angle, Gamesbeat is totally inaccessible to me right now, I can't log in to my account, if you look at one of my articles and then click on the author name link you get a 404. I hit up some friends and got in touch with a friend who put me in touch with some people over there who were very apologetic, game me a free game, even. Tech problems, apparently? Lack of resources committed to it to help them sort it out, I'm told.

Really a shame to see what happened to the old bitmob. I'm looking at repurposing those articles for my own site now, continuing any writing and parody images I do there, instead of reddit. I don't know.


Didn't know a thread like this was on Gaf.....hope you guys don't mind me jumping in :).

Hello, my name is Robert Kellett aka RK128 on Gaf and Twitter. Been writing a lot of retrospectives on NeoGaf in the past and post a lot in the PSN thread but got a lot of writing work done in the past few months.

I am a writer for the site 3wirel and do some writing work for Crashy News (Link: https://crashynews.wordpress.com/author/rk128/) and Press Start AU (Link: http://press-start.com.au/author/robertkellett/). Been starting writing a lot of stuff since early this year, with my work on Press Start being focused on Retrospectives and Crashy News focusing on....well, Crash Bandicoot!

My work on 3wirel extends to writing a lot of the sites content, working on various reviews for anime/games/film and posting news articles a few times a day. Give the site a visit if you guys have the time and hope you enjoy it :D.

Edit: I would love to be part of the list OP, so I hope you consider adding me to the OP List if possible :).
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