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Judge blames 12 year old girl for sex with a 20 year old.

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A JUDGE yesterday freed a man who had sex with a girl of 12 - and said it was her fault they ended up in bed.

Child protection groups were furious after Michael Barrett, 20, was handed a two-year conditional discharge for the attack.

MP Dan Norris accused the judge of "playing into the hands of paedophiles". Barrett met the girl in an internet chatroom and later twice had sex with her at her parents' home when he was 18.

But judge Michael Roach said she was a "willing participant" who instigated sex at the house in Greater Manchester last year when she went to his bedroom.

He said trainee croupier Barrett was not "predatory to children" and told him: "There was no sexual coercion. Her family allowed you to stay in their home. I trust you to behave yourself now."

Judge Roach has come under fire before for leniency with sex offenders.

In 2003 he spared Bristol pervert Gary Templar jail after he assaulted a girl of eight.

And he gave a doctor just one year jail despite a 20 year reign of assaults against eight women.

At least the Judge is consistent.
That's rather ridiculous. A twelve year old girl is not mentally or emotionally equipped to deal with that situation in such a cool and collected manner. It shouldn't really matter who initiated it, as I'm sure the 18 year old was rather familiar with the laws and issues that would bring up.

The judge is probably getting his own action on the side and goes easy on others. Who knows lol


About time they started putting the blame on the girls too. I mean, sure the guy was a douchebag, but come on, the girl had a part in it as well.
You people putting any blame on a 12 year old are sick. She's a kid! He's an adult! Even if she pulled his pants down, he is still fully capable of not being a sleasy pedo and leaving.


Mega Man's Electric Sheep said:
You people putting any blame on a 12 year old are sick. She's a kid! He's an adult! Even if she pulled his pants down, he is still fully capable of not being a sleasy pedo and leaving.
damn...these girls are getting freaking crazy nowadays. but he still should have pulled her off and hosed her down or something. 12 is just a kid.


Unconfirmed Member
Mega Man's Electric Sheep said:
You people putting any blame on a 12 year old are sick. She's a kid! He's an adult! Even if she pulled his pants down, he is still fully capable of not being a sleasy pedo and leaving.
I would safely guess that everyon was "joking" or at least trying to. What is this shit about the parents letting the guy in their home though? "Need more information" as the old multiple choices used to say.


Yeah, we have _no_ additional information on what happened, just the verdict of the judge. And all of those protesters probably know nothing about the case too. I'm just saying it's retarded to argue about something we don't know.

Edit: "There is no way anybody under 16 is able to make a genuine and informed decision about sex." Yeah, right.
Semjaza Azazel said:
That's rather ridiculous. A twelve year old girl is not mentally or emotionally equipped to deal with that situation in such a cool and collected manner. It shouldn't really matter who initiated it, as I'm sure the 18 year old was rather familiar with the laws and issues that would bring up.

The judge is probably getting his own action on the side and goes easy on others. Who knows lol

Just remember women mature faster than men. some 12 year girls are capable of a whole lot of things. Here in Amsterdam where i live, girls start having sex and smoking weed between 12-13.

Not defending the judge or anything


Dudes, when your cock is hard, and her cunt is hot and dripping, it's getting pretty hard to say no. Especially when her mouth is soon trying to swallow all your manhood.

Of course he shouldn't have done it, I'm not trying to defend him here. But don't try to act all sane and holy here. Especially considering how far kids are nowadays, both mentally and physically. Scares the hell out me of sometimes
Even if that's how it is there, I don't know how it could be said that girls that young are having sex and smoking because they're mature, of all things.

There's nothing "holy" about having the mindset to refuse something like that. I can say without a doubt that I'd stop her the second I thought something was even going anywhere near that direction. My brain isn't completely led by my dick.


Is dat in de jaarbeurs!? Ik wist nog en eens dat ze er waren. Moet het nog ff na-kijken. Dat soort dingen doe ik meestal met m'n oom (hij is ook vervoer :D) dus moet ik het nog even aan hem pitchen. Je hoort het later wel


Semjaza, it's like that EVERYWHERE!!

It's pretty scary, and believe me, those girls don't look like 12 either. I'm by no means a pedophile but if she wants it, and I want it.. the timing and scene is right, why not?! (I admit 12 is a littlebit too young though. 15+ is another thing)

Heh, another example. You know the big-headed girl with the summer hit "get out" or something. I think her performer name is JoJo. Most people would hit it like no tomorrow, and she's 13!! Even better yet... go watch the movie 13!


This is what you get when your young female stars are publicized as nice moral girls while they glamourize greed and vanity.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
I've seen some pretty smokin 13 year olds.....then again I've never boned one.....but if I was sure nobody would find out.....


Drexon said:
Edit: "There is no way anybody under 16 is able to make a genuine and informed decision about sex." Yeah, right.

At the age of 12, you can make decisions, but I doubt you'll understand the consequences of it, or realize how strange it is to actually have sex when you're 12. I mean, yeah...we have different ages of consent around the world, but 12?? That's just strange, no matter if she "wanted" to have sex or not. But that's just my opinion...


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Did you guys read the rest of the article?

Barrett first met the girl at a 2002 concert in London after contacting her via the internet and phone. He was invited to stay with her family, who did not believe the relationship "inappropriate", the court heard."

There you go.


DarienA said:
Did you guys read the rest of the article?

Barrett first met the girl at a 2002 concert in London after contacting her via the internet and phone. He was invited to stay with her family, who did not believe the relationship "inappropriate", the court heard."

There you go.

So if the parents think it's OK, it makes the situation OK? How about if the parents just didn't care? How about if they're just irresponsible parents?

And also, you have to wonder what kind of guy he is if he falls for 12 year olds. I mean yeah, they can look mature...but only to a certain degree. You can still see they're way too young, even with make-up and stuff. And if he for some reason didn't notice, he must've found out by someone telling him. Must be a pretty desperate guy...
The guy didn't force her, she wanted it, the guy gave it to her,

Am not trying to defend the Judge nor the guy, but it seems the girl was in on it


Still, 12 years old is too young to be held accountable for such things. The judge seems like he may be up to something shady on the side of being a judge, when it seems he's going easy on all the molestation cases. I just can't understand why a 20-year-old would want to make it with a 12-year-old girl.


DarienA said:
Did you guys read the rest of the article?

Barrett first met the girl at a 2002 concert in London after contacting her via the internet and phone. He was invited to stay with her family, who did not believe the relationship "inappropriate", the court heard."

There you go.

Regardless, the protesters will still be there. Reminds me of the guy in college who was a accused of rape however found not guilty. She set it up and later apologized to the court in addition to confessing. However, when the media questioned the protestors, it really woke me up. I always knew of the other sides of things (girls using the rape card as revenge or to keep a guy or what not when there was no rape etc.. also seen it done.) however this really made me skeptical about protestors/activists etc.. in general.

As to the guy, from what I remember, his life was destroyed and much much later he sued her. The protesters would contact any college/university's student group and victims' advocacy center to give the guy hell. I wonder if he could/has sued the original group. We'll have to google it up.


norinrad21 said:
The guy didn't force her, she wanted it, the guy gave it to her,

Am not trying to defend the Judge nor the guy, but it seems the girl was in on it

I dunno, a 12 year old. What if a 10 year old wanted it? Would it still be OK, just because she "wanted it"? I still don't think people at that age comprehend things well enough to "want" sex.

For me, that's kind of like saying it's OK to have sex with a drugged woman just because she, in a state of confusion, at one time said she wanted to have sex with you.
No where in that article did they mentioned the family was disfuctional. They knew she met him online, they invited him into their home, what is the probelm here and whose fault is it?


I dont think we have any right to judge this, we dont know either person and who's to say this 12yo girl is your typical 12 year old.
DSN2K said:
I dont think we have any right to judge this, we dont know either person and who's to say this 12yo girl is your typical 12 year old.

Thats a exactly my point. i.e Portman could have f**ked Leon if she wanted to


Cool said:
Still, 12 years old is too young to be held accountable for such things. The judge seems like he may be up to something shady on the side of being a judge, when it seems he's going easy on all the molestation cases. I just can't understand why a 20-year-old would want to make it with a 12-year-old girl.

I would say just like anyone else. Did you actually READ it. However i'm convinced as with many people in general, you have selective attention. He was 18 .

Now onto other things. The 18 with 12 card, believe it or not, I'm not too outraged a bit. Unfortunately this is do to having witnessed a relationship like that go really well. (I don't know the sexual details.) That girl who I knew up until 17 left that relationship after year and a half and she was pretty much normal i guess.

HOWEVER, I'm am very skeptical. Least during my time, and before my time, the seniors (jocks, socs, <insert stereotype here>) were known to be sexual predators in highschool preying on the freshmen etc..


I don't know for 12 but last time I went to a club a 15-16 year old was rubbing her ass all over me. So according to US laws I would be pedophile and a rapist if I had sex with her? Pfft ridiculous.


She was probably a mature 12-year old and he was probably a 14-year-old-looking 18 year old at the time. That seems like the most plausible reason for her parents to have allowed it to go on.
Luscious LeftFoot said:
"Her family allowed you to stay in their home"

WTF?! So... basically everyone involved in this case if fucking stupid.
That's just how it works. Haven't you seen any pedophile movies? Or is that vampires?


I lost my virginity at 12. I fully understood what happened, but I didn't have anyone to talk to about it b/c it is so taboo. Kids are quite capable of having sex and handling the consequences at the ages of 11 and older, maybe even younger. The problem is the society that has placed a taboo on the act and makes it impossible for kids that young to function normally once something like this happens. For me, it kinda made me objectify women for a bit, seeing the act of sex as nothing more than an act. I didn't really get emotional about it, and still don't. For me, it's getting your rocks off and that's about it. If we weren't so afraid that our "innocent little angels" were going to go to hell the minute they saw the opposite sex naked, it might be possible to handle the situation better and educate them better.

Just consider that adolescence (puberty) sets in around that age. The body is developing and homones are swirling. I know kids were eating out girls from 7th grade, and some were having sex that early. Most of us had already fingered girls and shit by that age, and in my school in particular, we were a bunch of hornballs. He felt up girls left and right, I mean, just reaching under their skirts and grabbing the gold. Some of them got into it, which is probably why we kept at it. Go figure, it was a catholic school. :lol We had sex ed, but not until 8th grade, by which time my friend had already told me how to jackoff and I'd already had my first sexual experience the Summer before. Too little too fucking late. We just gotta be realistic about it. Nature or God made us to be able to handle that sort of situation at that age. We can keep out heads in the sand about it and feign outrage whenever someone like this happens, or we can get on the ball and start educating kids earlier, or do something at least. I teach mostly freshmen, and I can tell you that they are a very sexually active bunch. Not all of them, but a considerable number. The girls aren't innocent either as they are just as curious as the guys. Girls mature faster anyway, so it's bound to hit them first. Were it not for the uniforms, I can't imagine how "trampy" they'd dress. But at the same time, I have no problem with that. Sexuality is becoming more accepted these days, so girls are bound to dress more provocatively. What can I say, times are changing, are we gonna keep up or just pretend it's still the 50's? PEACE.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
As he knew that she was 12, I'd say it was wrong. Given that she was a willing participant I think the judge should have given him a more lenient jail term than what you could get in these cases, but not just let him off like this.

Now if he hadn't known she's 12, that's a whole different matter. A 12 year old can easily look 16, what with make up and all the slutty clothes it's quite normal for them to wear nowadays as they can buy them from any clothes shop on the street.

In fact, where I used to live there was a 12 year old girl living next door. Now she was clearly younger than 16, you could see it in her face, though I'm sure she'll be very attractive when she grows up. But we had this sort of street party thing once and I had some girl friends round for it who'd never seen her, and when she walked in the room, you should have seen their faces at the realisation that she had bigger tits than any of them.

And she's 12! So this girl has a body of a woman, and there are plenty of girls out there with mature faces, so put the two together and I'm not surprised these things happen.

However, back to my original point...if you know she's underage, just don't do it. Especially if she's that much underage.


Count of Concision
Some of you guys in this thread need to get a grip.

"We mustn't judge! We mustn't judge!"

Err, sure...whatever you say. I'll be over here with the rest of the sane people who think that the guy shouldn't have gotten off with a mere slap on the wrist. Sure, depending on the specifics of the case (did he know her age? Did he or she initiate the act? etc.), he may or may not deserve to be strung up, but no penalty at all? Bogus imo.


WHy is that in ever thread like the whole slut card has to be dealt. She is twelve year old girl and the guy is 18. That's just fucking wrong. He probable had to clear her bed of Barbies and Teddy bears before they went at it.

I'm so sick of all weak men and the slut bit. Guess what women like sex just as much as you do. Also when a chick does something to somebody else you wished she would do to you, that does not make her a slut.


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
The guy had sex with a 12-year-old... man, that's pretty low. However, we also cannot ignore the emergence of more and more slutty girls. The whole media and fashion trend for girls are aimed to be slutty nowdays ! Therefore, while there's still quite a lot of objectification of females, the girls really aren't helping to improve the situation... I am deeply depressed for the world.


ok, maybe now I can try to coherently understand what the hell just happened. I don't know what to think about the girl's part in this really. On one hand I don't feel like we can blame her, because I get the feeling she was manipulated by this creep. But then she might have just wanted it from the beginning. I know it's a long-dead (at least in the US) instant messaging service but ICQ's random chatter thing used to get me random messages from girls who were like 13-15 and naively hitting on me and probably any other guy they find who's 17 or older. It sounds to me like this was a case where the girl in question ran into a true sicko.

But then her parents sound really messed up, too. Maybe they didn't know what was really going on (which I'd guess they didn't if they'd let their daughter get this far along with someone from the internet, 6 years older than her) but they should have realized what was up way before this happened.

And most importantly, I think the guy should have gotten punished to the full extent of the law instead of being let off so easy.


HalfPastNoon said:
if a girl wants to fuck, she wants to fuck. not much you can do to thwart her advances.

Well, except saying "no, you're 12 years old, you're a little too young for me."
It IS possible NOT to have sex with a girl. It CAN be done. Surely, you can't be desperate enough to have sex with any girl that seems to want it? Especially a 12 year old... :|


Count of Concision
HalfPastNoon said:
if a girl wants to fuck, she wants to fuck. not much you can do to thwart her advances.

Just the latest in a long line of foolish, ill-considered remarks from you. Yes, Lonestar, we can't do anything to "thwart" a female's "advances". You're a model of restraint, self-control, and poise. Surely a man to be emulated-- a man for the ages.


Saint Cornelius said:
if there's grass on the field, you can make the horse drink! or something.
I'm not commenting on the issue, but this post cracked me up. Yogi Berra couldn't have put it better!
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