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Judge blames 12 year old girl for sex with a 20 year old.

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Grandma's Chippy
Some of you better hope you don't have daughters...cuz lemme tell you, once they hit 12-15 years old, it is a never ending boy crazy fest.

Add to that the internet where girls learn about shit WAY TOO EARLY and then lie about their age/experience

Then of course there is school pressure where being sexually active is "cool" and in some cases being "bi" is cooler.

Well, it's a never ending parental stress bomb to say the least.

My daughter is 13, and I am amazed at the stuff she and her friends pick up at school. I stricktly control her internet access nowadays so that isn't as big an issue as it could be.

As for the guy in that news story, well he is lucky. I have no doubt he is a sick perv IF he knew she was too young...but I see 13-14 yr old girls that could pass for years older all the time...so you never know.

Moral of the story...

Ask for ID :D


Hooker said:
Dudes, when your cock is hard, and her cunt is hot and dripping, it's getting pretty hard to say no.

Sounds like a good excuse for rape.

darscot said:
WHy is that in ever thread like the whole slut card has to be dealt. She is twelve year old girl and the guy is 18. That's just fucking wrong. He probable had to clear her bed of Barbies and Teddy bears before they went at it.

:lol Talk about a fucked up mental image...

Loki said:
Just the latest in a long line of foolish, ill-considered remarks from you. Yes, Lonestar, we can't do anything to "thwart" a female's "advances". You're a model of restraint, self-control, and poise. Surely a man to be emulated-- a man for the ages.

Hardly a surprise...just look at his shoe-giving hero. :lol

Judge Roach has come under fire before for leniency with sex offenders.

In 2003 he spared Bristol pervert Gary Templar jail after he assaulted a girl of eight.

And he gave a doctor just one year jail despite a 20 year reign of assaults against eight women.

This here is the kicker for me. As an isolated case I'm finding it harder to get all indignant about cases like these, particularly when the girl's parents literally gives the guy the fucking keys. But for this judge to have been so fucking incompetent (at best) in these two cases is disgusting. This cock stroke reminds me of the clueless, incompetent boobs that are masquerading as judges in this province, and they literally make my blood boil. So my ire isn't directed at the accused...it's directed somewhat at the parents, but it's mainly at this sicko judge.

If I knew the girl and I wanted to take revenge for such a lightweight sentence, it's the judge that would get a lead pipe in the skull...
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