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Julia Child dead at 91

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I was scared that you meant the author of Bone had died, like Fone Bone, I assume. It did seem a little odd to mention him in a thread about Julia Child.
Aww shit, The Frugal Gourmet is gone too? Man, that sucks. It was so sad what those people did to him by completely ruining him because of unfounded lies. He lost his show and a lot of his money fighting the lawsuits. Very sad. I used to watch his show all the time. It was very educational; he would show the background of the food he was about to prepare, tell you a little about the country of origin, etc.


Last time I saw Julia (live that is, not old reruns) was a few years ago or so on the, yuck!, Rosie O'Donnell show. Julia looked good, but it seemed like she had kind of a hard time breathing, she keep wheezing a lot during her time on the show. Anyway, she lived a long life doing what she loved doing, that's about the most anyone can hope for.
My favorite episode was where she shook about in an uncontrolled manner while her co-host/care-taker lead her around the kitchen by her elbow, nodding to each insane statement to leave her lips with a kind smile.
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