July Wrasslin’ |OT| The Ring’s a Field, the Field of War, That’s Where We Lay the Law


B-b-but why waste Lesnar at Battleground? Look at this shit. This is exactly why Lesnar should have come out last night and killed John Cena to start this fued off right.

Good promo, but terrible crowd with mediocre reactions. It's like no one gets hyped because they've been beaten into indifference.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA

Should have just had Brock F5 Kane, Roman and Orton while HHH watches, then shakes his hand and says Brock is the man at SummerSlam.

Then had this Paul promo to start Raw next week, but I won't complain too much.

You're getting that same Heyman promo for the next 3 weeks the bonus being the shitty Cena promo that will follow it


I was actually sort of excited to see an Orton/Cena/Lesnar triple threat. That's what I assumed when we got that tease with Orton... just you know... I hate Cena.

Anyway, decent Raw. I'm glad Ziggler, Cesaro, and Ambrose got some good booking.

I miss CM Punk though.
Heyman cut that promo like his life was on the line, but Brock already lost so I dun curr. I mean, I care cause I like to see Brock destroy these girly men, but Brock still lost. It's a waste of time. They should've just let him destroy Reigns and Orton because why not.

Similar complaint with Bray Wyatt. Dude's a loser but keeps cutting those long promos about eating worlds or whatever. It's not that they're bad promos, but he hasn't destroyed any heroes. None. It's a waste of time.


Half way though watching last month's NJPW Dominion.

Kota Ibushi Vs Ricochet.

My match of the year so far. Christ that was insane These two dudes are from opposite ends of the earth, but were born to wrestle each other. Beautiful. Work rate was relentless, and both guys were absolutely perfect, which is nuts considering the ridiculous spots they were pulling off. Didn't drag on, was the perfect length for a spot fest. When the match was over, you could tell both guys realized they did something special. Highly recommend anyone here to give it watch if you haven't yet.
---> Dailymotion Link for match
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