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July Wrasslin' |OT 2| Monday Night Raw and Thunder Live!


Why the fuck would you bring back Chuck Palumbo of all people? Dude seems cool, but who is gonna pop for CHUCK? Why not just bring in the fucking Outlaws again? Or Chris Masters, he at least is young and got better after getting dropped from WWE. Maybe let Evan Bourne and RVD smoke pot and bring them back in. Fuck it, bring in Bruce Tharpe and Rob Conway and do an NWA invasion. Make this 1000% weird.

OR WWE could make good on Smackdown being the opportunity show and just push younger guys who can (potentially) draw for another 10-15 years, instead of the 2-3 they may be able to squeeze from these retirement home wrestlers.

I understand that he's salty.

But he has nothing better going on lol. Be cool and help out your cousins before they're fired.

Carlito is getting paid as fuck in Puerto Rico and doesn't have to work the WWE tour schedule to do it. Plus, you never know if he still has an issue with painkillers or not.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Why the fuck would you bring back Chuck Palumbo of all people? Dude seems cool, but who is gonna pop for CHUCK? Why not just bring in the fucking Outlaws again? Or Chris Masters, he at least is young and got better after getting dropped from WWE. Maybe let Evan Bourne and RVD smoke pot and bring them back in. Fuck it, bring in Bruce Tharpe and Rob Conway and do an NWA invasion. Make this 1000% weird.

OR WWE could make good on Smackdown being the opportunity show and just push younger guys who can (potentially) draw for another 10-15 years, instead of the 2-3 they may be able to squeeze from these retirement home wrestlers.

Carlito is getting paid as fuck in Puerto Rico and doesn't have to work the WWE tour schedule to do it. Plus, you never know if he still has an issue with painkillers or not.
There ARE no younger guys. The only younger guys on the show are Crews, Corbin, Bray and American Alpha. They knew people wanted to see Alpha so they held them off for a week and Ziggler went over leaving Bray without anything to do until they make up someone for him to get angry at.


I feel like Smackdown needed one of Cesaro, Owens, or Zayn. Someone who's ready but hasn't had their big push yet. Everyone there has either been around a while (Orton, Cena, Ziggler, Miz) or isn't ready yet (Corbin, Crews). I guess AJ would count but I feel like he's already main event level. Maybe they can heat Ziggler up for Summerslam, but right now it just feels like they need someone for Dean to fight until AJ/Cena/Orton are freed up.


thing is now that we've seen what SD has to offer, it's pretty clear the mid-to-top young guys have a lot more to gain from being in Raw, even if it's tougher to stand out, than getting stuck in this mediocre roster.

This shit show may not have a ceiling but it's impossible to get anywhere remotely high if the place doesn't have the right tools.

I feel sorry for AJ
Smackdown sounds like it was a rough watch. I really hope that a separate women's title isn't introduced, they should find some way to have cross promotion title matches at the big PPV's. I'm also really surprised and disappointed that Ziggler is getting the title oppurtunity at Summerslam. Isn't this the same guy that was on the pre-show of a five hour Wrestlemania? The same guy that's been getting his ass kicked by Corbin the past few months (I could be wrong on that last part, I haven't really cared enough to pay attention to their feud). The only person that made since to have the title shot was Bray, but I guess they'll put him in a feud with Crews or something. Of course I would like to have AJ Styles be the #1 contender, but he's currently locked up with Cena.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I feel like Smackdown needed one of Cesaro, Owens, or Zayn. Someone who's ready but hasn't had their big push yet. Everyone there has either been around a while (Orton, Cena, Ziggler, Miz) or isn't ready yet (Corbin, Crews). I guess AJ would count but I feel like he's already main event level. Maybe they can heat Ziggler up for Summerslam, but right now it just feels like they need someone for Dean to fight until AJ/Cena/Orton are freed up.

Cesaro would have really benefited but Zayn and Owens would die a slow death on that roster of old dudes.


Orton should be getting "please retire" chants.
The fans have treated Randy with kid gloves comparatively given the abuse they've shelled out to Cena, Roman, Hunter and others over the years. His current "I'm going to recycle Cena's lame schtick from 5 years ago" face gimmick doesn't work for him, either. There is a face Orton gimmick that works but this shit isn't him and won't fly.

Viperville? Pshaw.

The Summerslam card already seems pretty great from a match quality perspective.

Seth vs. Finn
Brock vs. Orton
Ambrose vs. Ziggler
AJ vs. Cena
Charlotte vs. Sasha
New Day vs. Gallows/Anderson
Still have plenty of holes to fill, too. No match for Roman the Loser (despite his presence on the Summerslam title banner). No match for KO. No match for Zayn and his three 2016 MOTY candidates resume. No match for Cesaro. No match for Bray. No match for the super over Enzo & Cass. No match for US champ Rusev. No match for IC champ The Miz. No match for Jericho. I would say no match for Del Rio but they can't even make time to give him a match on a week with 8 1/2 hours of television.

Last year was the first 10-match SummerSlam card since 2000... and I'm not sure 10 matches will be enough to cut it this time around.

Tonight was your first show? Then you should definitely go back and watch Raw from last night. One of the best Raws ever. Super great show.
Okay... now you're getting a touch hyperbolic.
It was a fine RAW. We've had good RAWs over the past few years.
They just do a shit job of following them up.
Saying it was "one of the best ever" less than two days afterwards... c'mon, you need to let perspective treat this one properly.

I think the idea of these guys returning is a lot more exciting than the reality. Even Kurt. Most of them would be super exciting at the beginning, and then immediately would taper off and just become guys who have the same flaws they've always had. And they're just coming in to put over new guys, so it's not like any of them will get a lot of shine.

The only guy I'd be truly excited to see back is Jeff Hardy, but I will readily admit that's only because I'm such a fan of his and always have been. He falls into the same stuff as the rest of them though in terms of the idea being more appealing than the reality.
How excited are we to see the Dudleys now compared to when they returned to the WWE a year ago? Exactly.


Man, Smackdown really has a fuckton of work to do with guys who are either old or that have been compromised by 50/50 booking or who are brand new.

It'd be fine if it was a show with the stakes of an NXT but this is meant to be your second A show and it's clear that it is not.


For what reason? Some weird liking of super tall men and super small women?

She can be the Enzo to his Cass. I just think it's amusing when you see all the wrestlers out on the apron and can compare them. It's not that noticeable in the ring (although she is usually always the smaller one.)


Smackdown was reaaaaaally rough...
-Why is our beloved Heath Slater getting gored by Rhyno in 2016?
-Carmella is a HOOOOORRIBLE talker, holy shit
-Ziggler main eventing Summerslam after that fantastic Corbin feud, yikes
Hyped for Shelton and AA though
yeah, smackdown was terrible. Maybe Zigger turns heel or something. I know this match is just to free up Styles and Cena but damn, I would have been happier with Wyatt.

Also, Styles must have some good shit coming to him. Eating the pin at Battleground and now eating a pin to Ziggler..


yeah, smackdown was terrible. Maybe Zigger turns heel or something. I know this match is just to free up Styles and Cena but damn, I would have been happier with Wyatt.

Also, Styles must have some good shit coming to him. Eating the pin at Battleground and now eating a pin to Ziggler..
I wouldn't hold my breath
So, how have they screwed the messaging so badly on this split? SmackDown is pushed as the different wrestling show to Raw's "entertainment" establishment show, then week 1 SmackDown gets a dodgy roster, battle royals, 1 women's segment where everyone gets squeezed in to cut a scripted nonsense promo ("bliss") hell even less set changes! Raw gets Finn Balor pushed to the moon, and a 20 minute big women's title win. :/


Also, Styles must have some good shit coming to him. Eating the pin at Battleground and now eating a pin to Ziggler..
Dude's 39. The good shit coming to him might be trying to get a half-decent match out of Baron Corbin after giving Cena his win back at SummerSlam.
He's also got a Wrestlemania date to put over Finn Bálor next year.

So, how have they screwed the messaging so badly on this split? SmackDown is pushed as the different wrestling show to Raw's "entertainment" establishment show, then week 1 SmackDown gets a dodgy roster, battle royals, 1 women's segment where everyone gets squeezed in to cut a scripted nonsense promo ("bliss") hell even less set changes! Raw gets Finn Balor pushed to the moon, and a 20 minute big women's title win. :/
The message is clear. Shane McMahon is an actor. Daniel Bryan is a B+ general manager. Steph knows how to run a wrestling show better than either of them and we should respect the hell out of her, damn it... and not those hypocritical frauds who challenged her and then put out the laziest product imaginable with a bunch of over the hill retreads and super-green rookies.

In other words, we don't respect Stephanie enough. That's the message we're being given.


So, how have they screwed the messaging so badly on this split? SmackDown is pushed as the different wrestling show to Raw's "entertainment" establishment show, then week 1 SmackDown gets a dodgy roster, battle royals, 1 women's segment where everyone gets squeezed in to cut a scripted nonsense promo ("bliss") hell even less set changes! Raw gets Finn Balor pushed to the moon, and a 20 minute big women's title win. :/

I still think that the original plan was that Smackdown would get to be the wrestling show with a good roster but then someone told Vince that the "internet people" want exactly that so he changed the plans because fuck what the people want

How much NOAH have you watched in the last 2 years?

Dude dragged Maybach Taniguchi to a very good match this year, and the Shiozaki title defense wasn't terrible. He's just flat if not motivated.

From the other thread:

Meiko Satomura vs. Io Shirai from Sendai Girls' 10th Anniversary Show in July was, as you'd expect, awesome. They're both competing at incredibly high levels, and the match just breezes by even though it's 20+ minutes long.

Io Shirai would like to remind everyone that joshi wrestlers don't fuck around.

And that Charlotte isn't the only woman wrestler who can hit the moonsault:

I'm sure we'll see this spot from Cesaro or Elgin soon, and everyone will lose their minds when they should be losing their minds now:

Dude's 39. The good shit coming to him might be trying to get a half-decent match out of Baron Corbin after giving Cena his win back at SummerSlam.
He's also got a Wrestlemania date to put over Finn Bálor next year

I want to disagree with you but you're probably right.

It honestly seems like the SD roster is for the people WWE has no idea what to do with.
This week you don't. In future weeks there may be a decent AJ Styles, John Cena or American Alpha match to watch.

But not this week.

Give your time investment to the CWC instead.

Yeah especially with 3 hours of Raw being a good watch this week I can cut Smackdown for now. Hyped to see where the CWC ends up and how it rolls into Raw.
avengers23, any recommended matches from All-Japan lately?

I liked the top three from the June Korakuen show, especially Big Guns vs. Strong BJ for the tag titles and Miyahara vs. Mashimo. This month's show has a rematch for the tag titles and Miyahara vs. Akiyama, but no one is really paying attention with the G1 happening. I'm watching this month's matches soon.


Smackdown? More like...Doomed-to-fail-down.

Vince fucked his own show. Can't believe Raw is getting the cruiserweights too. Smackdown is quickly going to drown.


Smackdown? More like...Doomed-to-fail-down.

Vince fucked his own show. Can't believe Raw is getting the cruiserweights too. Smackdown is quickly going to drown.
I love how they're already pulling Cena for international Raw tours at the expense of him making Smackdown-exclusive PPV appearances. Just to rub salt in the wound.
Styles is going to put Cena over at Summerslam and then Cena won't even bother showing up at Backlash while Styles will try to get a decent match out of someone else (probably Orton).
The SmackDown roster features the likes of
Mojo Rowley
Erick Rowan w/out the family
The Vaudevillains
The Ascension
The Usos
Baton Corbin
Green as fuck Carmella
Green as fuck Eva
Vanilla as fuck Apollo Crews

That's 1 away from half the roster.


Just finished smackdown and well, at least is something different. Give some different dudes a chance.

Also, Heath Slater deserves better than being a jobber.

I'm in with this new Smackdown. The roster is thin but there's a lot of talent here that hopefully will be better used than they would on Raw.


I really hope they have some big plans for Neville in that cruiserweight division because if not, he would've been a better fit for SD
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