Apparently the Rollins segment was good as well?
God bless. the Rollins segment was good as well?
God bless.
I think it shows how poor the acting is, or as you said, the definitive stature of said characters. I would expect Kofi or Big E to start shaking their hips as Bray's trying to cut this srs promo. Anyway, I don't care. I'm going to watch the Jake/Warrior segments again.Apples and oranges. Even if you don't take the fact that no one on the current roster has 1/10 the character or presence of a Jake/Macho/Warrior, they're totally different products, though still both wrestling, and both can be seen as cartoony.
Oh yeah, the Rollins Report with the fake interview was gold
Savvy Sid Scala winding up Vader on twitter is pretty amazing. Vader's mad, lol;
"Willin seriousness ur taking this shittofar idint know u werean asshole fk u mate and the English horse u rode in on"
Clearly the answer to dwindling ratings is more authority figures
The Review-A-Raw intro clip was Shane saying that Steph "Had seen this movie before"
It's like Fox/DMs "WM2000 is still happening" bat signal.
Rollins Report was his best segment since being about to curbstomp Edge.
which is pretty much all the good I have to say about this weeks show, Rollins and Ambrose did good and the rest was Raw by the numbers as expected.
Man they really cocked up the New Day/Wyatt bit, they got invited out in the middle of the bayou for a night time brawl that overstays its welcome and effectively ends without any actual climax or plot progression. Like why did The New Day even go? I was expecting there to be some Wyatt mumbo jumbo promo stuff.
Oh man, John Pollock nailing it. Perfect description of WWE. Can't believe I ever lapsed on Review a RAWThe things that fall on their laps and they fumble
The New Day went because Big E and Kofi wanted to go because they weren't taking the Wyatts seriously. Xavier was like "You know what I'll go with you but we're going to get annihilated, these guys are a serious threat".
I thought the Wyatt compound segment was really good. I don't get the final deletion comparisons at all. Granted I didn't watch all of Deletion but it just didn't seem too similar. Is it just because they were so close together? I think people are putting too much stock in it being a copy cat.
If there was a boat and fireworks then sure, but Wyatt
Compound was more 70s horror to me
I thought the Wyatt compound segment was really good. I don't get the final deletion comparisons at all. Granted I didn't watch all of Deletion but it just didn't seem too similar. Is it just because they were so close together? I think people are putting too much stock in it being a copy cat.
If there was a boat and fireworks then sure, but Wyatt
Compound was more 70s horror to me
Bischoff kissing Steph? Ewwwww!
Not as strange as Vince being determined to do an incest story line between himself and his daughter, only to suggest his son take his place when Steph said she didnt want to do it.There's something very strange about Vince having booked his former mortal enemy who nearly put him out of business, to have made out with both Vince's wife and daughter.
Judging by Shane kissing Stephanie on the chin and her blowing a kiss to him, I think Vince finally got his wish.Not as strange as Vince being determined to do an incest story line between himself and his daughter, only to suggest his son take his place when Steph said she didnt want to do it.
LOL did that just happen i assume? I havent watched WWE in years but i tend to follow the news (Hence me lurking in this thread).Judging by Shane kissing Stephanie on the chin and her blowing a kiss to him, I think Vince finally got his wish.
LOL did that just happen i assume? I havent watched WWE in years but i tend to follow the news (Hence me lurking in this thread).
Boss Morrissey ‏@BossMoz Jun 22
so scott pushes her onto the table, the crowd cheers as she struggles. She gets away, then they chant "slut" #wwe02
Reminder about how a Steph run show worked last time
New SD logo???
John Pollock cab story is amazing
God, Vince always gets his way it seems...Last night.
Eww. Give me fist or riot.New SD logo???
New SD logo???
Are they really gonna call it Smackdown Live? They did always refer to it as that last night.
I the crowd bored of booing Cena? They've been booing him for almost a decade.
I wonder if they will spring for a separate set design
So each WWE wrestling program has a commissioner and a general manager?
Even within the context of the wrestling's fake hierarchy, I'm reminded of The Office:
Eww. Give me fist or riot.
And Reigns is the one being pushed down everyone's throats now, so I think it won't stop anytime soon, unless the WWE decides to take him to a different direction.
I love it. Looks a lot better than the current design. A bit retro and a bit like the Raw current logo.
I wonder if they will spring for a separate set design.
Steph sides with Owens, Shane with Cena, Linda with Roman and Vince with Braun Strowman.Is GAF ready for a McMahon in Every Corner II at SummerSlam.?
How in the world did Mideon have a job? He looks worse every time I see him. Survivor Series '99 is a new low. He looks like some dude I'd see at a local show in Tulsa.
The crowd is actively booing the prospective of a Shield Triple Threat. Roman has been so thoroughly poisoned nothing short of a total character reboot will suffice.
It's going to be fascinating if they really are full steam ahead with him (in their own awful way of "full steam ahead") when he gets back.
He needs to come back and not talk. Maybe one promo where he says, "I'm done talking" and that's it. Any time anyone interviews him, they hold the mic up to him and he just punches them in the face and walks off. Or grabs their arm and does a short-arm clothesline to them and walks off. If it's Renee and she asks him some dumb shit, he just stares at her like "if this was Attitude Era I would piledrive you" and he walks off. Or, he just smirks and walks away. He can convey his character without dumbass story time and he's proven he can't play to the crowd, so silent wrasslemurderer should be his new shtick. Not Rock 2.0, but more like Nailz on PCP.
He needs to be mad because he tried to be good, he tried to be bad, and none of it worked, so fuck it and fuck the fans and fuck WWE superstars, he's gonna clobber the shit out of fools. No more stupid Superman punch, it always looks shitty and weak, even with the camerawork trying to invent some kind of impact for it. Maybe he keeps the spear, but he loses the vest. If people say "you look sloppy without your vest Roman", there's a skit later where they're walking and a 30-pack of bud light falls on their head and knocks them out. Or there's a shot where the person is walking around a corner and you see their body buckle, because Roman gave that asshole the heart punch and crumpled their ass for daring to talk shit.
And in the meantime, he can become a little more defined physically and at next year's Wrestlemania he can pin Undertaker and Brock simultaneously as he mouths "fuck wrestling this shit is stupid" to the camera or something.
bjork why can't you write for the WWE. why is this world so unfair.
He needs to come back and not talk. Maybe one promo where he says, "I'm done talking" and that's it. Any time anyone interviews him, they hold the mic up to him and he just punches them in the face and walks off. Or grabs their arm and does a short-arm clothesline to them and walks off. If it's Renee and she asks him some dumb shit, he just stares at her like "if this was Attitude Era I would piledrive you" and he walks off. Or, he just smirks and walks away. He can convey his character without dumbass story time and he's proven he can't play to the crowd, so silent wrasslemurderer should be his new shtick. Not Rock 2.0, but more like Nailz on PCP.
He needs to be mad because he tried to be good, he tried to be bad, and none of it worked, so fuck it and fuck the fans and fuck WWE superstars, he's gonna clobber the shit out of fools. No more stupid Superman punch, it always looks shitty and weak, even with the camerawork trying to invent some kind of impact for it. Maybe he keeps the spear, but he loses the vest. If people say "you look sloppy without your vest Roman", there's a skit later where they're walking and a 30-pack of bud light falls on their head and knocks them out. Or there's a shot where the person is walking around a corner and you see their body buckle, because Roman gave that asshole the heart punch and crumpled their ass for daring to talk shit.
And in the meantime, he can become a little more defined physically and at next year's Wrestlemania he can pin Undertaker and Brock simultaneously as he mouths "fuck wrestling this shit is stupid" to the camera or something.