This is really bad for WWE, as he is the cover of WWE2K17 and he's wrestling at SS
The questions arises of how he never failed a WWE test in the 4 years he's been there
More serious than Roman Reigns suspension because of the publicity of it
Alvarez points out that Lesnar passed 5 of 6 tests in a 3 week span, and failed the 6th, so that's weird. Meltzer however mentions that this has happened before.
Once Nevada starts a hearing, and if he's suspended by the commission, he will be suspended from any commission in any state that regulates prowrestling too, which means that he wouldn't even be able to fight in SummerSlam (NY)
This is bad for UFC, because they've had 3 pops too close to a fight (Jones, Silva, Lesnar, although Lesnar and Silva actually fought)
There's precedent on suspending/firing people for failing outside drug tests (Billy Gunn)