D DJChuy Member Jul 27, 2016 #20,161 Is everyone being interviewed right after the match now? Gladnto hear Benjamin is coming back
H Hidden One Member Jul 27, 2016 #20,162 Smackdown 💀💀💀💀💀💀
T TheSchwab_7 Member Jul 27, 2016 #20,164 Is it me or is Natalya really slow? Lmao Eva's entrance wtf is this
M Morfeo The Chuck Norris of Peace Jul 27, 2016 #20,167 This is pretty fun, introducing all the jobbers. Are they going to get a championship to fight for? And wow at Eva Marie, she really is the she-Roman.
This is pretty fun, introducing all the jobbers. Are they going to get a championship to fight for? And wow at Eva Marie, she really is the she-Roman.
R ramoisdead Member Jul 27, 2016 #20,169 Carmella really needs Enzo and Cass. Also I think this is exactly what Eva Marie needs to be Queen Heel.
Carmella really needs Enzo and Cass. Also I think this is exactly what Eva Marie needs to be Queen Heel.
UberTag Member Jul 27, 2016 #20,170 Laws00 said: What is happening on smackdown............... Click to expand... Nothing but trash... from the B+ general manager.
Laws00 said: What is happening on smackdown............... Click to expand... Nothing but trash... from the B+ general manager.
T truly101 I got grudge sucked! Jul 27, 2016 #20,175 Eva Marie showered with boos like rose petals. So is here where they have the women's universal belt?
Eva Marie showered with boos like rose petals. So is here where they have the women's universal belt?
A Angry Grimace Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?" Jul 27, 2016 #20,178 lol Eva heat
M mightynine Member Jul 27, 2016 #20,181 Dammit, I just want Graves to run out for Eva even with the split. This intro is a great idea, though. Do it every time.
Dammit, I just want Graves to run out for Eva even with the split. This intro is a great idea, though. Do it every time.
F Fantomex Member Jul 27, 2016 #20,194 What the hell is going on? I feel like my grandma when she heard me playing Wu Tang
M MetatronM Unconfirmed Member Jul 27, 2016 #20,195 Fucking LOL at this entrance. And fucking LOL at Eva Marie being the big dog of the Smackdown women's division.
Fucking LOL at this entrance. And fucking LOL at Eva Marie being the big dog of the Smackdown women's division.
J Jimmy King Member Jul 27, 2016 #20,196 That was really sad. I'm ready to call it right now, blue. Smackdown is done.
U Unspeakable Evil Member Jul 27, 2016 #20,197 Eva Marie is Miz and Maryse's daughter from the future and can't tell me otherwise.
R Raw64life Member Jul 27, 2016 #20,200 So all the Smackdown women just want to be the _________ of Smackdown. Hard to care with no belt in play.
So all the Smackdown women just want to be the _________ of Smackdown. Hard to care with no belt in play.