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This is awful television.

I almost feel this roster, Cena going part time, and the disrespect of the product is Vince trying to either troll Shane out of the business or is the ultimate test to see if he can take over the company.
SD should've gotten the Cruiserweight division, or have more balanced draft picks both in terms of numbers and quality
Well Raw needed all they can considering they drafted team wellness policy(Brock&Roman), team fragile and small(Sami & Seth), and that's wjat they're banking on.


The Chuck Norris of Peace
I have just no love for Orton, people say HHH is overrated, but Orton is the true king of boring top of the card-guy for no real reason imo.


I feel like starting with a Battle Royale of guys not good enough to get into the actual match was not a good way to start and I don't think a talk show segment on the first episode of the wrestling show was a great idea, even if its there to set up Orton squashing the Interncontinental title (making the title even more irrelevant than it already is).
Burying mid-card champs while JBL squawks away in the background was clearly something Shane and Daniel Bryan loved about WWE booking when they called for change.


There was more to RAW than it been a hotshot show. It felt well put together from top to bottom. Each segment flowed well into the next. The whole show felt like one fun package. SD feels like a pile of shit thrown at a wall with hope some will stick

We'll see if they can maintain that same focus in the weeks and months to come.
I have just no love for Orton, people say HHH is overrated, but Orton is the true king of boring top of the card-guy for no real reason imo.
I imagine it's because he was a younger guy that they sort of kind of booked like Stone Cold

He RKO'd everybody, then he punted everybody, now he makes jokes about everybody?
lol I mean he hasn't been doing it for awhile but damn

I laughed out loud.

And he is going to fight Brock at Summer Slam.....he's going to be out for another 9 months
Brock is going to annihilate Orton, good thing I have insurance on him. That means I get two picks from nxt if he does 😀

Pro Wrestling Sheet has learned that many of the wrestlers competing in the Cruiserweight Classic have been offered WWE contracts … but one big name couldn’t accept the deal quite yet.

Multiple sources tell us Zack Sabre Jr. was recently offered a contract. However, the young wrestler couldn’t sign it at this point in time due to a personal matter.

Good news though, we’ve learned he’s expected to take them up on the offer sometime next year.

Additionally, one well-placed source says contract offers have also been extended to TJ Perkins, Cedric Alexander, Noam Dar and Akira Tozawa. If all goes to plan, they’ll report for duty in September-October.

According to PWTorch, Kota Ibushi and Gran Metallik have inked deals as well. Ibushi has since done an interview though saying he hasn’t signed on the dotted line yet.

And lastly, tweets from Johnny Gargano and Tommasso Ciampa seem to suggest that both will soon be exclusive to WWE after finishing up their final indie appearances this summer.
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