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June Discover mag: "What Came Before DNA?"

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Setec Astronomer

The question took me by surprise. I was sitting in a noisy Boston café with two biochemists who were having a straight-faced conversation about putting together a budget to create synthetic life-forms. Next to me was Jack Szostak of Harvard Medical School, and across the table was Steven Benner, who had flown up from the University of Florida to pay Szostak a visit. The conversation was thrumming along, touching on the efficiencies of chemical reactions and the like, when Benner abruptly turned to me and asked, “How much do you think it would cost to create a self-replicating organism capable of Darwinian evolution?”

The question was not “Will we ever create life?” but simply how much money creating life would cost. “Twenty million dollars,” I said, choosing the number completely at random.

Benner nodded:“That’s what Jack says.”

Szostak, whose large glasses and round face make him look like an affable owl, had been letting Benner do most of the talking. Now he smiled, nodded with a slow blink, and said, “Sounds right.”

Sounds right? As we strolled back to Szostak’s lab, past the long lines of idling ambulettes parked by the Massachusetts General Hospital emergency room, I did some calculations in my head. Sequencing the human genome cost roughly $500 million, and essentially all that scientists had to show for the money was a long string of letters that make up human DNA. By contrast, for less money than a middling movie makes in a weekend, Szostak hopes to transform chemicals into a single-celled organism that will grow, divide, and evolve—and soon. [...]

Read the whole article before responding, please. ;)


Setec Astronomer
Oh, and here's the text portion of a picture heavy article from the same issue:

Useless Body Parts said:
What do we need sinuses for, anyway?

IN THE FIRST CHAPTER OF THE DESCENT OF MAN, CHARLES DARWIN identified roughly a dozen anatomic traits that he gleefully described as "useless, or nearly useless, and consequently no longer subject to natural selection." The list included body hair, wisdom teeth, and the coccyx--superfluous features that served as Exhibit A in his argument that humans (lid not descend from "demigods" but rather from a long line of fur-insulated, plant-chewing creatures that sported tails.

Darwin's catalog of oddities was far from complete .... our bodies are littered with parts we don't need. Some are vanishing leftovers from our prehominid ancestors, such as muscles useful for walking on all fours or hanging from trees that appear in various atrophied forms. Others are by-products of a natural redundancy inherent in human sexual development, including nipples on men and the tiny vestigial sperm ducts lurking behind the ovaries of women. Then there are curiosities that, having outlived their apparent usefulness, linger simply because there's no real reason to leave: What good or bad is hair on the little toe--or even the little toe itself?

Nearly a century and a quarter after Darwin's death, science still can't offer a full explanation for why one outdated anatomic trait lingers in the gene pool and another goes. Modern genomics research has revealed that our DNA carries broken genes for things that seem as though they might be useful, like odor receptors for a bloodhound's sense of smell or enzymes that once enabled us to make our own vitamin C. In a few million years, humans may very well have shed a few more odd features. So look now before they're gone.


The nasal sinuses of our early ancestors may have been lined with odor receptors that gave a heightened sense of smell, which aided survival. No one knows why we retain these perhaps troublesome mucus-lined cavities, except to make the head lighter and to warm and moisten the air we breathe.


Early humans had to chew a lot of plants to get enough calories to survive, making another row of molars helpful. Only about 5 percent of the population has a healthy set of these third molars.


This small muscle stretching under the shoulder from the first rib to the collarbone would be useful if humans still walked on all fours. Some people have one, some have none, and a few have two.


Lactiferous ducts form well before testosterone causes sex differentiation in a fetus. Men have mammary tissue that can be stimulated to produce milk.


This narrow, muscular tube attached to the large intestine served as a special area to digest cellulose when the human diet consisted more of plant matter than animal protein. It also produces some white blood cells. Annually, more than 300,000 Americans have an appendectomy.


Often mistaken for a nerve by freshman medical students, the muscle was useful to other primates for grasping with their feet. It has disappeared altogether in 9 percent of the population.


Lesser apes use all their toes for grasping or clinging to branches. Humans need mainly the big toe for balance while walking upright.


A tiny pit on each side of the septum is lined with nonfunctioning chemoreceptors. They may be all that remains of a once extensive pheromone-detecting ability.


A common ancestor of birds and mammals may have had a membrane for protecting the eye and sweeping out debris. Humans retain only a tiny fold in the inner corner of the eye.


A remnant of an undeveloped female reproductive organ hangs off the male prostate gland.


What might become sperm ducts in males become the epoophoron in females, a cluster of useless dead-end tubules near the ovaries.


This trio of muscles most likely made it possible for prehominids to move their ears independently of their heads, as rabbits and dogs do. We still have them, which is why most people can learn to wiggle their ears.


A small folded point of skin toward the top of each ear is occasionally found in modern humans. It may be a remnant of a larger shape that helped focus distant sounds.


A set of cervical ribs--possibly leftovers from the age of reptiles--still appear in less than 1 percent of the population. They often cause nerve and artery problems.


This long, narrow muscle runs from the elbow to the wrist and is missing in 11 percent of modern humans. It may once have been important for hanging and climbing. Surgeons harvest it for reconstructive surgery.


Bundles of smooth muscle fibers allow animals to puff up their fur for insulation or to intimidate others. Humans retain this ability (goose bumps are the indicator) but have obviously lost most of the fur.


Brows help keep sweat from the eyes, and male facial hair may play a role in sexual selection, but apparently most of the hair left on the human body serves no function.


Our closest cousins, chimpanzees and gorillas, have an extra set of ribs. Most of us have 12, but 8 percent of adults have the extras.


More than 20 percent of us lack this tiny, triangular pouchlike muscle that attaches to the pubic bone. It may be a relic from pouched marsupials.


These fused vertebrae are all that's left of the tail that most mammals still use for balance and communication. Our hominid ancestors lost the need for a tail before they began walking upright.


I always wondered why most peoples' wisdom teeth are fucked up. I guess it's just evolution pains as they aren't needed anymore so they don't properly come in because we are losing that dna data?


I have healthy wisdom teeth

I guess it's just evolution pains as they aren't needed anymore so they don't properly come in because we are losing that dna data?

It doesnt really work that way. As our features have changed I think wisdom teeth just may not have the room to come in anymore. It doesnt really have to do with the loss of the wisdom teeth genes


How would we end up getting rid of those? That seems pretty impossible to me
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