Hidden One
Cena's 5 knuckle shuffle
Jericho's codebreaker
Brick's German suplex
KO should just steal finishers all day
He should to the GTS
Cena's 5 knuckle shuffle
Jericho's codebreaker
Brick's German suplex
KO should just steal finishers all day
Waiting for the ARMBAR.Achievement unlocked? Breaking out new moves!!
How's the match going?
Probably change from WWE Network to Twitch in 30 minutes to see the Bethesda Conference.
Owens entire move set is like a No Mercy CAW move list lol
So nice of Cesaro to share his tips and insight with up-and-comers in this industry.
Cena acting like a sore Dota 2 player right now. Man the fuck up and spam AAs goddammit.
US Champ Cena has been best Cena, lets hope he does the right thing and goes for the loss.
So basically the hope is for Owens to save the entire company.Gotta admit whoever wins this is a nice match.
Clearly Trips kicked Vince out of gorilla.Michael Cole is actually calling moves!!!
because he is able to work his own story and he doesn't have to work with Vince writers.
I mean cenas mouth is what got him over with everyone years ago as a thug
So basically the hope is for Owens to save the entire company.