Swagger/ Zeb face turn
Shit really?
Swagger/ Zeb face turn
Bo is so corny that it's hilarious. I love it.
That's not PG.
This makes me think Bryan's first feud after recovery is going to be with Bo. Why would they even make this promo then.
This makes me think Bryan's first feud after recovery is going to be with Bo. Why would they even make this promo?
The bigger man walks away from a fight.
So inspirational.
Is Bo wrestling Nikki?
I have to admit, hearing GAF shit on Bo all the time made me think he was terrible.
These puns and his character are terribly hilarious. I can't help but find this shit funny.
I just love that out of the whole brodus clay gimmick thing the two dancers are the ones that got over and survived.
Bo's gimmick is so much better knowing he just married Sarah Bäckman. No words.
Wait a second.... Where's Brodus Clay?
So Cameron cool now, or nah?
Who's that?Wait a second.... Where's Brodus Clay?
Wait a second.... Where's Brodus Clay?