June Wrasslin' |OT| Break Out Naan And Do The Needful, It's Time For MaharaJEEEEEZUSS


And people call 2k crap.

Look at this. This is clearly an illegal pin
Lucha Underground is tonight! As one of the 4 people here still eager to watch it. Here is a list of all of the LU Champions. Notice the SHARP decline in Season 3, but there's no getting off of this Telenovela train we're on!

Is it possible that the long lost POWER OF JUNE could return to spike interest in WWE for about two months before things get Punk'd?

Or should we just go all in on the ultraviolence instead?


Anth0y, what will you do when WWE dies in 5 years?

You know that Vince McMahon gif where it cuts between his face and the bodybuilder

Basically that

And then I'd watch the new Japan super show live from Houston, Texas drawing 78,000.
Sephzilla, I meant to crap on GWF, but I forgot about that low rent promotion. Here's this instead:

What's wrong with your state?


Seems like WWE has some type of deal with ICW and Progress:

Seems Barrios is implying, at the least, WWE has made deals to purchase or otherwise gain video rights of ICW and Progress events.

ICW deal with fight network Canada also ends soon.
Seems like WWE has some type of deal with ICW and Progress:

Seems Barrios is implying, at the least, WWE has made deals to purchase or otherwise gain video rights of ICW and Progress events.

ICW deal with fight network Canada also ends soon.

I thought they already had a deal with those two companies?
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