June Wrasslin' |OT| Break Out Naan And Do The Needful, It's Time For MaharaJEEEEEZUSS


Came for Ultraviolent June and wasn't disappointed.

Oh yeah, a distinct lack of NSFW deathmatch gifs in here;



You better believe this one's NSFW

So NSFW. I mean, goddamn.

I was a little worried about the last gif, but then I realized I saw it from you before.
I've finished my Mona Lisa:


Truly a monument to the fuckery that was the last 5 years.


Oh right, I forgot they went on hiatus at a really goofy spot in their schedule.

(Pretty sure they were supposed to actually do it a few episodes from now since TV Guides had listings for several more episodes at the time.)
So scuttlebutt is WCPW is pulling a TNA with the paychecks.

Was it really youtube ad money propping them up all along?

The standard conversion rate for ads/clicks that I always went off of was 2,000 views is $1 (on average).

I think they said that PPV that they lost all the cash on was like 100k views, so that would have been a couple hundred bucks in ad money (if every view was monetizable).

I don't know the budgets that they're working off of, but I could see that at least making SOME sort of difference in what they're bringing in.

Here's their Socialblade (https://socialblade.com/youtube/channel/UCAl6NLC0tnubiCMzYXawG3g), which isn't the most accurate site, but I find it's usually close enough. Assume they make (or used to make) the middle of whatever the lower/upper limit is per day.


I like how Thea Trinidad appearances in almas matches right now is never acknowledged and you have to notice it yourself.
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