June Wrasslin' |OT| Break Out Naan And Do The Needful, It's Time For MaharaJEEEEEZUSS

Bray Wyatt used to have a family but he took them for granted. He abandoned them like I abandoned my brothers of Shield. We were blood tight and I tore it apart for money and fame. I am sick even thinking about it... but unlike that false Prophet Bray who believes a God is a simgle entity to be worshiped I know that god is in me and god is in all of you. Bray is caught in his heavenly delusion but me? I've got my two feet right on this earthly Los Angeles ground. Bray walks alone but Seth Rollins, he rolls with all of you, the WWE universe. Your applause fuels me, your belief in me is the source of my strength and so at Great Balls of Fire Pay Per View we are going to defeat that walking talking god complexed Bray Wyatt


Bray Wyatt used to have a family but he took them for granted. He abandoned them like I abandoned my brothers of Shield. We were blood tight and I tore it apart for money and fame. I am sick even thinking about it... but unlike that false Prophet Bray who believes a God is a simgle entity to be worshiped I know that god is in me and god is in all of you. Bray is caught in his heavenly delusion but me? I've got my two feet right on this earthly Los Angeles ground. Bray walks alone but Seth Rollins, he rolls with all of you, the WWE universe. Your applause fuels me, your belief in me is the source of my strength and so at Great Balls of Fire Pay Per View we are going to defeat that walking talking god complexed Bray Wyatt

But in seriousness Rollins like uber loooove me suck up geek face character is so cheesy as fuck I kind of love it. It's so hokey it's entertaining


Randy was also booked as a threat to Lesnar last year with the "I only need one RKO to finish the match" and we all know how that ended

So I still don't believe that Joe vs Lesnar isn't going to be a one sided match


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Tozawa vs. Neville is going to be legit great. Hopefully they don't axe 205 live before we get to see that.
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