June Wrasslin' |OT| Break Out Naan And Do The Needful, It's Time For MaharaJEEEEEZUSS


Offtopic from the match.. I thought Otunga was only gone for a few weeks? Wasn't that like - two months ago?

(Not complaining!)
They're going to have to go a while.

In what world does Nia deserve anywhere near this kind of booking.

She's big.

Nia is getting over tonight quite nicely

So previously buried Sasha Banks is for sure winning this

Previously buried? When was she buried? Or do you mean when they tried to use her to get people to watch 205 Live? Or when she lost to Alicia so she's buried forever and the office hates her?

Either way, she's still super over and significantly better than Nia. A better choice for the win here.
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