June Wrasslin' |OT| Break Out Naan And Do The Needful, It's Time For MaharaJEEEEEZUSS

Exactly, and that's a big reason why #5years is a thing. because I don't see them going
"You know, maybe we're looking at this whole thing the wrong way."

No. You want Roman Reigns. You want part timers at wrestlemania getting the big spots on the card and then watching the geeks on the other 364 nights of the year. We're doubling down. FUCK YOU.

Not challenging you, just curious, who are five guys (minimum; name more if you have them) on the roster that need to be carrying the company that are reduced to putting the ring together before rehearsal?

(Open question to anyone to respond to)
Exactly, and that's a big reason why #5years is a thing. because I don't see them going
"You know, maybe we're looking at this whole thing the wrong way."

No. You want Roman Reigns. You want part timers at wrestlemania getting the big spots on the card and then watching the geeks on the other 364 nights of the year. We're doubling down. FUCK YOU.
And you will continue to watch every show and event like you're doing now.


Selling a service without the #1 draw makes no sense. The network without Wrestlemania would be like HBO Now without Game of Thrones.


Well that Ball segment was fucking something. Pretty cringe inducing and cant believe that dude dropped the N bomb on WWE television, but they made it to #1 on /r/all so I guess the WWE is happy?


UFC seems to be doing fine with out ppv on fight pass

Not an analogous business model. WWE buyrates are generally predictable and follow trends. UFC can have back to back PPVs pull in over a million buys.

People should also keep in mind that the cable company takes a huge chunk of the PPV revenue. Up to half for some events.
As Dave's said repeatedly, giving up on the Network would mean admitting they were wrong. With Vince, that's rare, but he's done it before. With HHH, that's impossible.

That's dumb. HHH has given up and tried different things when stuff isn't working a ton of times on NXT. There's nothing in recent history to suggest he's resistant to change things that aren't working.
Well that Ball segment was fucking something. Pretty cringe inducing and cant believe that dude dropped the N bomb on WWE television, but they made it to #1 on /r/all so I guess the WWE is happy?

Vince's hero is MLK.

Don't know what that means but just remembered to mention it.

They're going to get shit for it. My neighbor had to rewind the dvr for me to catch it.


As a worker, HHH doubled down on his entire career to prove he was in Rock and Austin's tier (he wasn't), and wouldn't admit he was wrong. (he was)

As a producer and creator, he has shown over and over again he has no issue with admitting he's wrong with storylines and gimmicks.
UFC seems to be doing fine with out ppv on fight pass

A couple of things are wrong with this comparison. First, UFC never had PPVs on Fight Pass, so the value proposition was clear from the start. In this scenario, WWE would essentially have to tell current subscribers that they are taking something big away from them. And I'm betting a decent amount of them wouldn't be happy with that.

Second, Fight Pass has way less subscribers than the Network, and WWE would never want the Network to have the couple hundred thousand subs FP has in any scenario.
He hates Punk and is one of the big reasons he left

You want a big thing? Punk comes back ever, it's with Vince. HHH won't make the call, nor would he answer one.

And Vince hated Warrior for years too. There's no telling how or what Triple H will feel fifteen or twenty years from now.

It's speculation. And that's not really proof IMO.


You're about to beat up Zach in a run down hotel parking lot hours before tonight's GWF taping.

Which 3 GAF friends do you bring with you, and why?


And you will continue to watch every show and event like you're doing now.

I actually didn't watch raw tonight lol. gym and nba awards.

blackaroni let me tell you this... put a j in front of the second a and a b before the r and you've got my exact opinion of ya!

Selling a service without the #1 draw makes no sense. The network without Wrestlemania would be like HBO Now without Game of Thrones.

not a similar situation at all

wrestlemania is the one BIG show a year. it has always transcended the regular wrestling audience. it doesn't need to be given away for fucking $10.

you're getting more than enough content for $10 a month on that network, both back catalog and new live content. mania was doing a million buys on ppv before the network was a thing. that's fucked.
I actually didn't watch raw tonight lol. gym and nba awards.

blackaroni let me tell you this... put a j in front of the second a and a b before the r and you've got my exact opinion of ya!
I'm sure you recorded it or will check out YouTube for clips. See you tomorrow!
Give up on the Network? What kind of stupidity is that?
That's what happens when you take business advice from Meltzer apparently.


I'm sure you recorded it or will check out YouTube for clips. See you tomorrow!

That's what happens when you take business advice from Meltzer apparently.


i saw the lavar ball stuff all over instagram and i'll listen to review a raw tomorrow while doing cardio
not a similar situation at all

wrestlemania is the one BIG show a year. it has always transcended the regular wrestling audience. it doesn't need to be given away for fucking $10.

you're getting more than enough content for $10 a month on that network, both back catalog and new live content. mania was doing a million buys on ppv before the network was a thing. that's fucked.

I hope it was at least worth getting rid of PPV bonuses for talent

Oh by the way, they're still waiting on an update on that. Legitimately. When the Network started years ago and talent wanted to know what was up with PPV bonuses in the immediate aftermath, HHH essentially told them "we'll get back to you on that". Almost July 2017, everyone's still waiting

Like, we didn't forget. I know some members of the roster who didn't forget. Fans who didn't forget. And HHH damn sure didn't forget.


not a similar situation at all

wrestlemania is the one BIG show a year. it has always transcended the regular wrestling audience. it doesn't need to be given away for fucking $10.

you're getting more than enough content for $10 a month on that network, both back catalog and new live content. mania was doing a million buys on ppv before the network was a thing. that's fucked.

Wrestlemania and GoT are the #1 draws for their streaming services. Both services get a boost when their respective shows run.

Kneecapping their $160+ million in network revenue for ~$30 million from one PPV (50% of 1 million buys) would be incredibly dumb.

In 2013, the last year prior to the launch of WWE Network, payper-view revenues were $82.5 million, representing 16% of total net revenues.

Network subscription net revenues were $168.3 million, $138.8 million and $69.5 million, representing 23%, 21%
and 13% of total net revenues in 2016, 2015 and 2014, respectively.
I think over the last couple of years WWE devalued their own PPVs because of the subscription service. Nobody will pay $40 or whatever for Great Balls of Fire. They use Mania to try and bring in subscribers, they are just too incompetent a company to keep them.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
I love the fact that the most over guy on Raw (Braun) is over not for cutting good promos, not for putting on sick matches, but purely for showing up and beating the shit out of Roman Reigns week after week.
I love the fact that the most over guy on Raw (Braun) is over not for cutting good promos, not for putting on sick matches, but purely for showing up and beating the shit out of Roman Reigns week after week.
Let's hope everyone continues to care about Braun this much after his feud with Roman is over...If it ever ends.


I think over the last couple of years WWE devalued their own PPVs because of the subscription service. Nobody will pay $40 or whatever for Great Balls of Fire. They use Mania to try and bring in subscribers, they are just too incompetent a company to keep them.

They hold on to a good amount. From their numbers about half of the people who signed up last Wrestlemania stayed on.
Other fun facts WWE don't want you knowing about (But it's okay, really, don't shed #5Tears for them):

I think over the last couple of years WWE devalued their own PPVs because of the subscription service. Nobody will pay $40 or whatever for Great Balls of Fire. They use Mania to try and bring in subscribers, they are just too incompetent a company to keep them.

It's especially hurt monthly. Why wait one month to see how a story's going when you can just skip everything until the Rumble or Mania, and just watch then what you missed before? And you can do it all with one free 3 month trial they'll beg you to take. Which is by no means a stable, successful, or healthy financial approach (which HHH has acknowledged previously) because that money won't be there monthly when people notice and take advantage of it, and it's by no means a fan-friendly process because it's basically acknowledging at least 9 months of the product they support with their time and/or cash is wholly skippable And Being Upfront About It All Too.


Wrestlemania and GoT are the #1 draws for their streaming services. Both services get a boost when their respective shows run.

Kneecapping their $160+ million in network revenue for ~$30 million from one PPV (50% of 1 million buys) would be incredibly dumb.

Oh wow, never saw the figures. So I guess they're stuck eh?

Would be a real shame if those numbers start dwindling. Or if they lose a bunch of money on their tv deal...


Oh wow, never saw the figures. So I guess they're stuck eh?

Would be a real shame if those numbers start dwindling. Or if they lose a bunch of money on their tv deal...

Yup...as is the network has actually saved their asses. They counted on one thing a lot of modern companies bank on: most people are too lazy to cancel subscription services.

Here's their press release from the last Wrestlemania: http://corporate.wwe.com/investors/news/press-releases/2017/04-03-2017-210002063

Paid subscribers reached 1.66 million (+14%), including 1.24 million domestic (+12%) and 424,000 international (+23%) subscribers as of April 3, 2017


Why would Matt and then Jeff turn heel on Finn Balor after zero prior story while the Hardys are in the middle of a feud with Sheasaro that saw those guys just turn heel.

You're doing heel turns for heel turn sakes.

You're Russo not me.

Because if they do Broken Matt they are different types of heel.

I'm also not sure they jump at giving Jeff the push, but they are going to have to.
Because if they do Broken Matt they are different types of heel.

I'm also not sure they jump at giving Jeff the push, but they are going to have to.

Umm yeah but a) They don't have the rights to the gimmick yet and b) they sure as fuck weren't going to do it on a Random Raw in a random tag match on Finn Balor who they'd never even interacted with prior all while being engaged in a feud with a freshly heel turned Sheasaro...


You suffered through Raaaawww, why are you still discussing it.
It is like puking and then staring in the toilet reliving the moment.

Tonight we have young lord Bushi vs Kushida @Kizuna Road 2017
Rejoice in Choice.

Sanada gives no fucks!

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