David Otunga discusses his new role as commentator for WWE Main Event and WWE Superstars
I'm happy for him especially being one of the nexus originals. Even though he's a Harvard graduate.
They must be getting him ready for smackdown.
holy shit Zach Gowen is on ANW RIGHT NOW
I'm happy for him especially being one of the nexus originals. Even though he's a Harvard graduate.
A degree from YLS, HLS, CLS, etc keeps the legal door open for a long time no matter what sojourns and detours you take in your career. The network and name brands are no joke.According to Obunga, law was only his fallback career. How smart do you have to be to have Harvard as a fallback!?
Apollo and Ryder should form a tag team called Black and Tan.
I'm interested to know what else he wanted to do. He's certainly one of the most interesting characters that they have. Too bad they didn't really capitalize on making him a real gimmick like IRS. Just seeing him interact and tell Taker he's the real judge and jury is enough to make me scream.According to Obunga, law was only his fallback career. How smart do you have to be to have Harvard as a fallback!? And, at least as of 2 years ago, the man is undefeated in the courtroom.
Obunga da best
AJ has stepped up his promo game considerably, dude can almost hang with Cena.
The red/looks kind of pink shirt in the front row is my wrestling character! My boys represent all around the world!
Bro, I swear to God you gotta do this bro.Vince Russo is on the new Steve Austin podcast. Can I get someone to listen and count all the 'bro's?
Still buzzing from NXT last night, though my voice is strained and I am not hearing so well out of my right ear now.
1. Fortune Dream 3 Special Talk Battle: Kenta Kobashi vs. Kensuke Sasaki
Angle vs Sabre is up: https://rpwondemand.pivotshare.com/media/angle-vs-sabre-(full-event)/48176
I wouldn't say you have to check out Angle/Sabre, Angle couldn't really do much, and it's a very short match. The atmosphere made it more than worth it live, but I don't know if that'll translate.
Ospreay vs Bailey is really good as well, as is the rest of the card (though I went for a piss during the tag match, so I can't comment, but Garrett and Redman are super dull and generic, bar their finisher combo).
Definitely getting the RevPro on demand once I am finished up with SSS16.
What did you think of End/Hero btw? I really went in expecting something special but I dunno, they needed like 35 minutes for the type of match they had laid out. They beat the "exchange big strikes while staying on your feet" spot into the ground, it might have worked if they had just done a regular match for the previous 30 minutes. Maybe if I had managed to stay unspoiled on the results the drama of the closing sequence would have hit me more.
I loved it, but I haven't rewatched it since the show. Hero had my top 3 matches of the weekend, and I would have to rewatch to put Mandrews or End as #1.
Natalya Niedhart is one of the worst interviews in wrestling. She's been around for years and hasn't improved one bit. If it's possible, she may have gotten worse.
She recently did an interview with Tom Phillips and Becky Lynch on WWE's Facebook page. The gist of it was Becky and Natalya are going to beat Charlotte and Dana, etc., at Money in the Bank.
First, Natalya says she and Becky have "this crazy thing in common ... tapping out" and has to correct herself. This is normal Natalya misspeak, but then she proceeds to listen to Becky who makes some odd point Phillips bringing his GI Joes because playtime is now in session before walking off.
Natalya then says, "I think what's she's trying to say is playtime is over."
Dean Broadhead had 12 hours to find interim financing in order to pay the production crew. Corgan stepped up.
Definitely getting the RevPro on demand once I am finished up with SSS16.
What did you think of End/Hero btw? I really went in expecting something special but I dunno, they needed like 35 minutes for the type of match they had laid out. They beat the "exchange big strikes while staying on your feet" spot into the ground, it might have worked if they had just done a regular match for the previous 30 minutes. Maybe if I had managed to stay unspoiled on the results the drama of the closing sequence would have hit me more.
Because Chris Hero is the fucking shits.
He knows how to have 1 type of match. It's been the same since the IWA-MS days.
Well this is the wrongest thing I've read today.
Really, when every Hero match is the exact same formula?
He loves to be long winded in every match, and yet struggles with the most basic of things. He has years of work, and hundreds of matches that back that up. His routine is tired and his idea of mixing things up is just holding the holds for longer.
I have no idea what your talking about. His match with Mandrews was short, sweet and excellent with a great big man/small man story. His series with ZSJ has been unbelievable and he works so well at making a man at least 100 pounds smaller than him look like a threat. His matches with Thatcher have saved the man's Evolve title run and each one builds on stuff from other matches. He made Colt fucking Cabana look like a legit contender when he tagged with him against Killer Elite Squad over in NOAH. His match with Big Daddy Walther was just a joy to watch and he took some disgusting lariats. His mic work is head and shoulders above nearly everyone else on the scene. The knockout gimmick he runs in Evolve makes every match unpredictable. The way he looks and moves just makes him feel like a legitimately dangerous person.
Yes, he can be excessive at times and I think End brings out the worst in him (letting End kick out of a top rope Gotch piledriver, come on, even after a super delayed pin) but he is absolutely one of the top 5 wrestlers in the world right now.
You enjoy what you enjoy. His matches do zero for me.