Afraid Jesus would stab himWhen did Roman stop coming down from the audience btw? That was a pretty cool unique thing he did, but guess it didnt work that well when he got booed so hard.
Dean's been over for a long time.
Reigns always caves under the audience
He's not a bad guy. He's not a good guy...Telling the crowd to shutup when you're a face? Da fuck?
He knows enough to earn a paycheck for sure.I mean I get the Roman hate, but the guy can wrestle. Those chants are just being mean.
Roman being heel only to men would be amazing.
Perfect.this segment reminds me of
LmaoI feel bad for Roman. He definitely can wrestle, he is actually one of the best in the ring they have imo.
I feel bad for Roman. He definitely can wrestle, he is actually one of the best in the ring they have imo.