Did Christian do that awesome move where he shielded his eyes then pointed at people? Hopefully he's physically able to point to his waist showing he wants a belt too.
Was that legit? You don't see a wrestler support another like that if it is a work.
more injury/countout angles.
vince is crazy
If that's a work, then why? I saw the spot, and looked like nothing happened, but I just fail to see the point in scheduling a no dq match, then stopping it for a fake injury that didn't even sell that well. Low blows happen all the time, and never stop matches. PEACE.
lmao what the fuck is going on?
DB is walking out on his own. WTF WWE?
Did Christian do that awesome move where he shielded his eyes then pointed at people? Hopefully he's physically able to point to his waist showing he wants a belt too.
Fuck, I missed CHRISTIAN!?!??!
You get a concussion! You get a concussion!