We get Sunhi tonight?!
Or Heat won last night.THE POWER OF JUNE!!!
I don't know what's going on
Well, the theory that she's still somehow in cahoots with Bryan doesn't make a lick of sense now... she's pretty much screwing with Kane to get in with Punk, which isn't nearly as interesting.
I don't know what's going on
I don't know what's going on
WE have seemingly taken over WWE Creative for this storyline is whats going on
I don't get this feud. There are elements of good in there but it just feels slapped together for the hell of it. CM Punk keeps winning despite everything, AJ is going crazier, Kane is confused, and D. Brine is a punching bag. What's the point to all of this?
I don't get this feud. There are elements of good in there but it just feels slapped together for the hell of it. CM Punk keeps winning despite everything, AJ is going crazier, Kane is confused, and D. Brine is a punching bag. What's the point to all of this?
We watch this shit every week and we are as lost as you are.
I don't get this feud. There are elements of good in there but it just feels slapped together for the hell of it. CM Punk keeps winning despite everything, AJ is going crazier, Kane is confused, and D. Brine is a punching bag. What's the point to all of this?
YOU DAMN RIGHT I AM!!!!!!!!!!!!!Oh god.
Is it bad that the first thing I thought when AJ came out in the Kane mask is "Welp, SoulPlaya is gonna be insufferable tonight"?
They should have Joker Sting come to WWE, and date Harlee
For a psycho 14-year old?
you fucking sicko.
My dreams, she's making them come true
Ok. Which one of you joined wwe creative?
For real
I can't see AJ being with Punk being the endgame. It doesn't make sense when Punk is a face and she's frankly doing a heel routine.