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June Wrasslin |OT| When you lose, you're a jobber, when you win, you're Cena.


Del Rio has potential to be a good wrestler, but he has to do the "play it safe" style of the WWE. He just needs to work more on his mic skills or atleast nudge him with some different angles to go on when he talks.
Del Rio has the ring work and the mich abiity. I blame the writers. Its almost like they havent decided whether he is going to be face or heel. Maybe they should contact Ted Dibiase to figure out some ideas. or throw in The Bellas.


- When RAW goes to 3-hours every week starting July 23rd, the show will not air live in Canada on The Score. The time slot will be 9pm-midnight, which is late for viewers on a weeknight. The show will replay on Tuesdays from 4-7pm.

Vince really hates Canada. Seriously WWE, find a different network to carry the damn show live already.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
Vince really hates Canada. Seriously WWE, find a different network to carry the damn show live already.

The Score is awesome. They have televised wrestling shows to discuss what happened on Raw and Smackdown. You can't find that here...hell even Mun2 which shows Raw and Smackdown on tape delay has a show that discusses what happened on WWE tv.

edit: The Score showing Raw an hour later is new news? I thought it known already.


Hey ya'll. Are you ready for live Impact tonight?


My body is.


The Score is awesome. They have televised wrestling shows to discuss what happened on Raw and Smackdown. You can't find that here...hell even Mun2 which shows Raw and Smackdown on tape delay has a show that discusses what happened on WWE tv.

edit: The Score showing Raw an hour later is new news? I thought it known already.

They used to air it an hour later, but changed to 15 minutes later. Going back to an hour later is new news. The Aftermath is kayfabe so it's worthless.
some dirtsheet site said:
The word coming out of this week’s WWE television tapings is that there was a round of Wellness testing a few weeks back. Randy Orton, Cody Rhodes and a third name I have been unable to confirm had positive tests.

As I reported earlier here on Richard’s Backstage Blog, I’m told Orton’s test revealed a form of Dianabol and traces of marijuana thus resulting in his suspension. This marks Orton’s fifth suspension from WWE but only his second under the company Wellness Policy.

In regards to Cody Rhodes, he thought that he was going to be suspended for a dietary supplement. Rhodes hinted at the forthcoming suspension with a post on Twitter last week that simply read “Time off.” As it turns out, his positive test was cleared by doctors and he was not given a Wellness strike nor did he face a suspension.

Due to the fact that I cannot offer 100% confirmation on the third name, I am withholding it. I’m told there’s a good chance this worker will either be suspended or terminated, however, there are still issues preventing WWE from making a move.

There is a very emotional story developing around the suspension of Randy Orton. I’m told he has a lot of backstage heat with many people lobbying for the company to fire him. One source directly connected to the situation told me the backstage segment on Monday’s Raw Supershow where Dolph Ziggler was watching Orton on the monitor was WWE ribbing The Viper.

The feeling from many WWE officials is that if Orton continues to get away with it and he continues to be pushed, he will do it again. There are obvious concerns from the writing team how they will be able to book him, especially in a role as the company’s 1b, given the fact he now has “two Wellness strikes.” Triple H, who has never seen eye-to-eye with Orton, is scheduled to meet with him along with Vince McMahon and other company officials later in the week.

I’m told McMahon is livid and thought Orton had “grown up” and understood the ramifications this could have. It’s believed Orton felt like he was “above” being tested and his cockiness isn’t setting well with management or co-workers,

I reported on Monday here on Richard’s Backstage Blog that CM Punk had surpassed Orton as second in WWE, behind only John Cena. I’m told with Orton’s latest suspension, that fate has been cemented. Some of the workers were hoping WWE would really take hard stand with Orton, with some wanting a longer suspension than the Wellness Policy would indicate given all his past problems. Keep in mind, in addition to the aforementioned suspension issues, Orton has defecated in Divas luggage, put food coloring in shampoo, trashed a hotel room and recently drew the company bad publicity when they had to pull him from The Marine 3.

The heat is so hot right now I’m told Orton’s future still remains very uncertain. However, there are a number of things keeping the company from releasing him, including the fact that he could literally end up “signed, sealed and delivered” to TNA during a time when I’m sure they would immediately act. The reason Orton was not written off television at Tuesday’s Smackdown taping is the company flat out didn’t want him there.

Emotions are so high that when WWE Champion CM Punk, who doesn’t get along with Orton, made a joke about the company writing him off, it wasn’t met with laughter.

You people and your crazy made up terms, Jugglers? it's Kaneanites, we don't throw those juggling balls around but I can see why you would get confused what with all the fire based tricks also at the circus.

I had to look up what a juggalo was....what the heck?!


Never forget:



It’s believed Orton felt like he was “above” being tested and his cockiness isn’t setting well with management or co-workers,

So only HHH and Cena are above getting tested? Or was Orton just a dumbass and took something he knew they test for while Cena and HHH take stuff that isn't tested.


Guys, there's too much hatred in this thread. So to bring us all together, i will buy one member of Wrassle-Gaf a copy of PWG's DDT4, the best wrestling event of the year so far. Just write about why you miss tag team action, who your fav tag team is and why, and your fav tag match and why. Ill choose someone at random


So not worth it
Orton really does sound like an utter dick to work with.

Shame really, but I can't say I've enjoyed his character very much over the last two years, his matches are always good, but damn his face promo work just sucks donkey balls.
Orton going to TNA would be a big deal for about a month.

Plently of big wwe names jumped ship and then there impact faded pretty quick.

Jeff Hardy was OVER AS HELL in WWE when he left the last time.

Kurt Angle wasn't as over but it was still a shock.

Then after there first feud interest fades and TNA gets back to normal.

I guess now with 2 strikes officially on Randy its up to WWE to think about ether asking him if he wants to be released or risk him getting a third strike.

Personally I say keep him and if he fails again let TNA have the drug taking loser. Annouce he was fired on RAW because of drug problems and just damage his image completely.

And then if he goes to TNA he will fit in with the rest of the roid monkeys and stoners down there.


Guys, there's too much hatred in this thread. So to bring us all together, i will buy one member of Wrassle-Gaf a copy of PWG's DDT4, the best wrestling event of the year so far. Just write about why you miss tag team action, who your fav tag team is and why, and your fav tag match and why. Ill choose someone at random

That money would be better spent buying a WrassleGaf member a viewing of Chikara's iPPV.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
Since I was promised changes I think I will watch Impact tonight.

The last time I really tried to watch it they used the word "bitch" at least 10 times in about 15 minutes. If they do that again I'm out though.
Since I was promised changes I think I will watch Impact tonight.

The last time I really tried to watch it they used the word "bitch" at least 10 times in about 15 minutes. If they do that again I'm out though.

They have toned down alot since Russo left. They censor pretty much every bad word someone says now.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
They have toned down alot since Russo left. They censor pretty much every bad word someone says now.

That's good. Honestly I don't mind that they used the word it's just the frequency of it. It's like it was written by a 12 year old as he was playing Call of Duty.



How graceful!!


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
It's hilarious how orton's face turn all stemmed from a toronto crowd trolling WWE by cheering Orton as a heel.
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