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Junior Gaming Research (and trends?)


(more a nerd than a geek)
As some of you may know, I'm a teacher. I was visiting a 5th grade classroom today and noticed that students had recently been conducting polls and surveys as part of a unit on statistics. Some interesting trends were evident in the polling results, and I thought the rest of the GAFfers might be interested in seeing them. Please keep in mind that each poll was conducted by a different student, and is entirely unique. All data is listed in the same order the students listed it on their graphs.

1. Favorite Game System
PS2 -- 8
NGC -- 8
XBOX -- 5
GBA -- 9
Yes, they used the "official" NGC abbreviation.

2. Favorite System
XBOX -- 5
PS2 -- 14
GBA -- 5
GameCube -- 9
Other -- 5

3. Favorite Games
Nintendo Games -- 16
PS1/PS2 -- 10
Xbox -- 3
None -- 1
Interesting choice -- they split the games by company platforms.

4. Pokemon Game
Fire Red -- 46.9%
Sapphire -- 18.6%
Leaf Green -- 15.9%
Ruby -- 15.3%
Yellow -- 3.3%
I heard Fire Red was selling better, but this seems ridiculous.

They had a few other polls as well -- if anyone cares to know their choice in fast food restaurants or TV shows, let me know.


Tag of Excellence
What part of the world is this poll from? Just to get a better idea.

My girlfriend's 12 year old niece and all his friends thinks the Xbox is the greatest thing ever, followed by the GameCube and the GBA. I know this isn't exactly nice woking data but it's a funny little anecdote I thought I'd share.

I'm trying to get them into PC games but so far it ain't working! I mean how can anyone not like the Thief series and Anachronox, dumb kids. :)


(more a nerd than a geek)
TekunoRobby said:
What part of the world is this poll from? Just to get a better idea.

Northern California.

There are a few interesting factors in those student polls... one being that the Xbox always comes in dead last, which is something I didn't expect at all. I assumed that the order of popularity would be PS2, Xbox, GameCube... the PS2 dominates in one survey, ties with the GameCube in another. I really didn't expect these results among young kids these days.

I am curious as to precisely what the question asked in poll #3 was. "Favorite Games" seems to imply a question along the lines of "Which makes the best games -- Nintendo, PS1/PS2, or Xbox?" (yes, I know, errors abound). The funny thing is that I'd bet a poll of GAF about the very same question would yield the same results because of the way the poll was split: all Nintendo games versus all Sony games versus all Microsoft games.


TekunoRobby said:
What part of the world is this poll from? Just to get a better idea.

My girlfriend's 12 year old niece and all his friends thinks the Xbox is the greatest thing ever, followed by the GameCube and the GBA. I know this isn't exactly nice woking data but it's a funny little anecdote I thought I'd share.

I'm trying to get them into PC games but so far it ain't working! I mean how can anyone not like the Thief series and Anachronox, dumb kids. :)
Great relatives you have there. What games is a 12 year old girl playing on an Xbox? Surely the parents must be following the ESRB labels.


Tag of Excellence
M3wThr33 said:
Great relatives you have there. What games is a 12 year old girl playing on an Xbox? Surely the parents must be following the ESRB labels.
Tell me about it.... It's really sad that I'm more concerned about what the kid plays than the parents. Atleast it gives me some quality time educating the kid about morality and the distinction between reality and fiction. Oh well they live half a state away from me so there isn't much I can do. :(

Aside from the Halo and the GTA purchases (which I warned them about when they bought him an Xbox/PS2) he mainly plays games that are suited for his age. Also he is a big RPG (he loves Morrowind) and Nintendo/Capcom (as in Mega Man and Viewtiful Joe) fan so it's not all that bad.


Those Pokemon numbers are surprising, especially how the Fire Red is more popular then the Ru/Sa games… But it might be the wireless adapter which makes it more enjoyable.
Xbox has lots of games for kids. Not all kids want to play Mario's or Zelda's. My sister's kid is 10y old and loves hockey and racing games. And there's ofcourse all the licenced games like Spongebobs and Harry Potter's...


(more a nerd than a geek)
Project Midway said:
Xbox has lots of games for kids. Not all kids want to play Mario's or Zelda's.
Well, those kids seem to want to play the Mario and Zelda games.

Again, it's just an interesting poll... I am really curious as to why the Xbox was ranked so poorly, though. I've heard kids talking about it enough, but that was around the launch.


Tag of Excellence
Project Midway said:
Xbox has lots of games for kids.
Yep very very true. I can attest to that statement since I've been in charge of videogame purchases for the past three Christmases for the family and their friends. HEE HEE.
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