The Last Wizard
Yes, they're thugs. They're skin color scares me in this world of privilege I possess. /sHOLY SHIT. It never ends. And minorities are the problem, right?
Hope he gets his ass whooped. Goes after a fucking child.
Yes, they're thugs. They're skin color scares me in this world of privilege I possess. /sHOLY SHIT. It never ends. And minorities are the problem, right?
I wonder how long it takes for the claim that "this wasn't racism, he's just mentally ill" to show up.
See this is one of the many reasons the whole "Maybe we shouldn't call them racists." nonsense from white moderates is so infuriating.
I wonder if he'll get a slap on the wrist like he did with assualting his daughter... I mean she was white and nothing happened to him.
Victim James Harvey Means (RIP):
See this is one of the many reasons the whole "Maybe we shouldn't call them racists." nonsense from white moderates is so infuriating.
I wonder if he'll get a slap on the wrist like he did with assualting his daughter... I mean she was white and nothing happened to him.
GenPop please.
The world's gonna be a depressing place over the next 4 years isn't it? :|
Should be in the op.
GenPop please.
Like it hasn't already been for black people?Fixed
You know it, probably getting the best treatment in there too.They slapped Roof in solitary the second they could, you know they're gonna protect this old ass racist too.
This is what gets me! He didn't even just punch her in the face he also kicked her in the stomach! Like where is the concern for unborn life in this scenario? Even the original sentence of 36 days seemed too light and then to suspend that - fuck this world.You can beat up your pregnant daughter and get probation with credit for time served?
hahahas;lfi hwil;gbha eb'njrt
n tn
Same and it's 6am hereHe killed him for bumping into him? He beat his pregnant daughter? I can't really say anything else. My day's been ruined
Yesterday, Nov. 22, was the two year anniversary of 12 year old Tamir Rice's death. Today, Nov. 23, is the 4 year anniversary of 16 year Jordan Davis' death. (who was murdered over an argument about loud rap music) James Means' murder occurred on the 21st.
Means & Davis' killers both went for a bite to eat as their victims lay dying on the street. In Jordan Davis' case, Michael Dunn went back to his hotel room & ordered pizza. In James Means case, William Pulliam went home to cook & eat his spaghetti dinner, then visit a friend, as his young victim passed away.
It was as if these men gave no more thought to their victims than they would an stray dog.
Folks, these are the children of the people that held family picnics at lynchings & took smiling photographs. In case you were wondering where those kinds of people went. You better believe that undercurrent of hatred & evil lives on in America, its just been brewing under the surface, waiting to resurface at the right moment.
I tried to imagine him as someone a bit older, as if somehow it would make it not as bad.This picture made me physically ill. He looks like a fucking 10 year old baby, 90lbs soaking wet.
I'm not in favor of the death penalty because of innocent people getting killed, but this is the type of person who should no longer draw breath. Fuck this piece of shit.
is it still bannable to wish foul things to happen to someone while they are behind bars?
because.... this fuckin trash pile deserves every terrible, humiliating, destructive and violent thing that happens to him. Wherever the fuck he ends up.
I'm really just starting to hate people more than ever before. Fuck.
He kinda look like my lil nephew. WTF!!This picture made me physically ill. He looks like a fucking 10 year old baby, 90lbs soaking wet.