Artadius said:There should be a stairwell down to a cargo area around the short runway in the back of the blimp (near where the tower and fuel tank is).
Someone already found one in the demo: said:Where is the best location for this?
HamPster PamPster said:In the demo I CAN NOT for the life of me get the hang of pulling yourself along the ground with the grapple to keep your parachute going
Any tips? I don't see what I'm doing wrong but I can't go more than one or two pulls before hitting the ground
You have to sort of catapult yourself when you do it. It's hard to explain, but when you're grappling, press downward on the joystick which sort of moves you upward with the momentum from the grapple.HamPster PamPster said:In the demo I CAN NOT for the life of me get the hang of pulling yourself along the ground with the grapple to keep your parachute going
Any tips? I don't see what I'm doing wrong but I can't go more than one or two pulls before hitting the ground
HamPster PamPster said:In the demo I CAN NOT for the life of me get the hang of pulling yourself along the ground with the grapple to keep your parachute going
Any tips? I don't see what I'm doing wrong but I can't go more than one or two pulls before hitting the ground
glaurung said:Someone already found one in the demo:
TheKurgan said:Cool, thanks. I might have to grab a jet and fly over there.
FuttBuck said:Speaking of base jumping, what's everybody's record so far? Just wanted to grab the trophy last night but I think I got 1600 or so.
TheKurgan said:Where is the best location for this?
Pandoracell said:
KAK, indeed.Roelatie said:NOPE! my gameshop still doesnt have it. KAK!
Pandoracell said:
Pandoracell said:
pr0cs said:QFT.
I can't find the last item in one of the camps and there are absolutely NO hints as to where it could be. I wasted 20 minutes looking around but for the life of me I can't find it.
You should be able to buy something from the black market to point out the nearest "item" to help you clear out that particular base.
I hope they implement something like this.
Phoenix4 said:but i loved the first one despite its repetitiveness.
No, even in the demo I found a number of places that I simply couldn't get 100% on. It would be nice to have something ELSE to spend money on and some sort of marker or HUD item that would show where the missing items on are nice. Especially in a game as large as this I hate having to waste so much time on one tiny piece when there is so much to be completed.Hawkian said:Sorry was this a joke?
EviLore said:5 hours played, 9% complete. This last faction mission I didwas pretty wild.with 100 year old Japanese soldiers on an island with electromagnetic pulse towers making sounds out of Lost
pr0cs said:No, even in the demo I found a number of places that I simply couldn't get 100% on. It would be nice to have something ELSE to spend money on and some sort of marker or HUD item that would show where the missing items on are nice. Especially in a game as large as this I hate having to waste so much time on one tiny piece when there is so much to be completed.
Don't like that? Don't buy it and struggle to find everything on your own.
TheKurgan said:Where is the best location for this?
Don't remind me about Crackdown, still a sore spot for me.Ramma2 said:Like Crackdown! Damn those orbs.
pr0cs said:No, even in the demo I found a number of places that I simply couldn't get 100% on. It would be nice to have something ELSE to spend money on and some sort of marker or HUD item that would show where the missing items on are nice. Especially in a game as large as this I hate having to waste so much time on one tiny piece when there is so much to be completed.
Don't like that? Don't buy it and struggle to find everything on your own.
:lol You are in for a treat when you pay more attention to the HUD.pr0cs said:No, even in the demo I found a number of places that I simply couldn't get 100% on. It would be nice to have something ELSE to spend money on and some sort of marker or HUD item that would show where the missing items on are nice. Especially in a game as large as this I hate having to waste so much time on one tiny piece when there is so much to be completed.
Don't like that? Don't buy it and struggle to find everything on your own.
Salaadin said:I thought there was? Doesnt that GPS thing show everything? I was able to 100% several demo areas using just the GPS icon thingy beneath the radar. It appears when you are close and the bars get bigger/smaller as you get closer/farther from the item.
Doesnt it work all the time?
bridegur said:I think the biggest advantage JC2 has over Crackdown is that it's fun to be on foot and in vehicles. The vehicles in Crackdown were essentially worthless.
Klocker said:so do I need to buy an item form BM every time I want to use it or if I leave it elsewhere can I call it out from an inventory again somehow without repurchasing?
Same ?? with the DCL Gamestop
Salaadin said:I thought there was? Doesnt that GPS thing show everything? I was able to 100% several demo areas using just the GPS icon thingy beneath the radar. It appears when you are close and the bars get bigger/smaller as you get closer/farther from the item.
Doesnt it work all the time?
bridegur said:I think the biggest advantage JC2 has over Crackdown is that it's fun to be on foot and in vehicles. The vehicles in Crackdown were essentially worthless.
slasher_thrasher21 said:Whoa someone explain this better, I'm confused as shit now!
bridegur said:I think the biggest advantage JC2 has over Crackdown is that it's fun to be on foot and in vehicles. The vehicles in Crackdown were essentially worthless.
painey said:the vehicles are worthless in JC2, apart from the helis/planes.. the map is just too big for long sloppy handling driving.
FlyinJ said:Next to the mini-map, when you are near a pick up, a small indicator will appear showing up to five bars. The closer you are to a pickup, the more bars are displayed.
When you are at 5 bars, they will flash, and a white HUD arrow will appear pointing out where the pick up is.
FlyinJ said:The ground vehicles are essential for running away from the enemy and reducing heat. There aren't always helis/planes around.
Pick ups yes but I have a feeling that there is some small item that' I've missed to destroy that doesn't appear on the GPS or map.FlyinJ said:Next to the mini-map, when you are near a pick up, a small indicator will appear showing up to five bars. The closer you are to a pickup, the more bars are displayed.
When you are at 5 bars, they will flash, and a white HUD arrow will appear pointing out where the pick up is.
INDIGO_CYCLOPS said:I just had to share this hilarious image:
This is why the BOLO patch is one of the greatest mods.
Archaix said:I've never wanted more in a videogame to skip cut scenes. I just got it and I'm practically screaming at my TV. I don't care I don't care I don't fucking care let me cause chaos I DON'T CARE WHAT THESE PEOPLE HAVE TO SAY.
Dineren said:Played this for a couple hours last night and loving it so far. I have to agree with some others that I wish there was some other way to track what objects are left, even if it's something you buy from the black market. I spent probably 20 minutes yesterday just wandering around an empty base trying to find what I missed. Not a big deal for me though, it's still a blast even if I don't 100% clear every base and village.
EviLore said:Can you not skip cutscenes in the console version? I can on PC.
Archaix said:I tried just about every button, along with holding in many different combinations to skip them. Also spent a decent amount of time trying to skip the one in the demo, and had no luck with that either. Unless it's just the opening cut scene, because it took me all of five seconds to get frustrated with that nonsense.