Just Cause 3 |OT| Procedural Chaos


I've put nearly 4 hours in, and I am yet to suffer any serious framerate issues.

Loading times are long, yes, infact the first helicopter frenzy challenge takes ages to load, but framerates are, so far, fine.

PS4 on a default HDD.
4 PM Pacific / 7 PM Eastern today is when the embargo lifts.

4:01 Pacific/7:01 Eastern to be exact :p

As for the person asking which system to buy it for: Choose the one you like more and can compete with friends' scores on. I haven't heard of great performance on either console.



found this scene from this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v6bk37CqRpg
The performance threads are always kinda scary at first. They seem to promise doom and gloom when it comes to the console versions, to the point where it makes me wonder if they play a Souls game and go crying into a corner when the framerate hits occur.

Similar things were said about Saints Row 4 or Sleeping Dogs. As a console gamer I accept that the PC version is gonna look better (and boy, does it!) but I don't have a great PC rig with a high end graphics card and a 4k monitor. I'm sure I'll be fine with the console version.

Though, yeah stuff like Skyrim's save bug was awful and waiting for a patch sucked if you were affected, so that's something to always take into consideration if bugs like that are rumored to be occurring.

Basically, if you want 60 frame stuff, go for PC. If you are fine with less frames and stuff, but like the comfort of the console, get that version. Either way, seems like you'll have fun.


I've put nearly 4 hours in, and I am yet to suffer any serious framerate issues.

Loading times are long, yes, infact the first helicopter frenzy challenge takes ages to load, but framerates are, so far, fine.

PS4 on a default HDD.

I can't wait to get my hands on this tonight and see for myself. I'm sick of all these mixed and possibly overblown responses. As long as I can blow shit up without the game breaking I'm fine for now. Even the NXGamer video didn't look that bad too me, and certinaly not like the pile of shit people have made it out to be.


I can't wait to get my hands on this tonight and see for myself. I'm sick of all these mixed and possibly overblown responses. As long as I can blow shit up without the game breaking I'm fine for now. Even the NXGamer video didn't look that bad too me, and certinaly not like the pile of shit people have made it out to be.

Yeah, I am trusting the tons of footage I have watched of all versions. The game is going to be great fun for me.


That is what it's all about with this game. I don't give a flying fuck if it drops frames here and there. The world and tools are amazing... period.

That's why i played the shit out of JC2 because of that sort of stuff. You are michael bay but deadlier.
Played for a couple of hours, and it's great fun. Had a stupid grin on my face as I caused untold carnage... I'm going to spend a lot of time on this. Loading times are fucking brutal though. Xbox One version.

Edit: Also, it's pretty hard at times. Although it may because I'm picking the wrong targets!


So steam says 11 hours left... Error right?

Australia: 11:01 AEDT 1st December 2015
London: 00:01 GMT 1st December 2015
Los Angeles: 16:01 PST 30th November 2015

My PC Specs...

GTX 750Ti

will this be good enough to run at 1080p on high settings?

If I were to guess by the capability of that system, I'd say console or better. Probably better. Console settings at a more stable 30 or more FPS.
My PC Specs...

GTX 750Ti

will this be good enough to run at 1080p on high settings?

I have the same setup basically, but my 750 Ti is factory overclocked, my 2500k is at 4 Ghz, but only 8 GB of RAM. From what I can gather, I agree with the previous post: we should hit console visual fidelity at 1080p with 30+ FPS, possibly better even.


does anyone know if the game has DRM on the PC? im thinking about installing it on my SSD.

Pretty sure there is no DRM. I remember reading the devs opinion on it saying that its pretty useless.

EDIT: so i guess it uses denuvo. Even tho its not a Digital Rights Management.


Pretty sure there is no DRM. I remember reading the devs opinion on it saying that its pretty useless.

EDIT: so i guess it uses denuvo.

Is Denuvo the one that fucks over SSD's? My rig only has an SSD in it, so... this might be bad for me.


Is Denuvo the one that fucks over SSD's? My rig only has an SSD in it, so... this might be bad for me.

Thats the one that has reports of it breaking the SSD after use with Dragon Age Inquisition. I'll look at more info if there is a formal statement about the problem.

EDIT: so far, countless of debunks on the issue. I think its nothing.

People have tested this on SSDs and could not replicate the effects.
The DEV has publicaly stated that mass en and decryption as well as read write opperations on your SSD is not what the DRM does. You can take this or leave it, but I'd believe the statement of someone with legal liability any time over an anonymous voice on the internet.


I haves never played a jc game but this seems like a game that i would really enjoy.

I suppose you only play this for the madness es of the gameplay right?

What about the story? I dont expect much but maybe what i should expect is interesting and well designed missions?

Lets see...


Thats the one that has reports of it breaking the SSD after use with Dragon Age Inquisition. I'll look at more info if there is a formal statement about the problem.

EDIT: so far, countless of debunks on the issue. I think its nothing.


Phwew, glad to hear that. Thanks for looking into that! I can now resume my plans of blowing up Medici without having to worry about blowing up my SSD.


I haves never played a jc game but this seems like a game that i would really enjoy.

I suppose you only play this for the madness es of the gameplay right?

What about the story? I dont expect much but maybe what i should expect is interesting and well designed missions?

Lets see...

Campy story so far from the previous 2 games. Both games have a story that is there to just pretend to connect the dots. but its really pointless. Its all about the destruction, havok and crazy things you can do in the open world. So don't expect a good story.

Phwew, glad to hear that. Thanks for looking into that! I can now resume my plans of blowing up Medici without having to worry about blowing up my SSD.

Directly from the people at Denuvo

Last but not least, the team addressed the SSD rumors and claimed that they were false.

“Completely wrong rumor which is repeated over and over although many 3rd party tests (as well as we) state that our solution does not perform read / write operations to the HDD (hence we have no negative impact on the lifetime of SSDs or any other hardware component).”

I guess you can look more into it. But i doubt its an issue and have never heard of this until you brought it up tbh. lol.


Boo, my SSD isn't getting here until tomorrow. I'd rather install directly to the SSD than try to move, so I've skipped the preload.


Gold Member
Finally found a fighter jet, took it all the way to the edge of the skybox to see how high it would be.

It's 5 km, and reaching the edge unfortunately is nowhere near as cool as in Just Cause 2. In JC2 you'd actually get above the clouds, skydiving through the clouds was one of my favourite things. In JC3 unfortunately there's no cloud layer. And no backflips from Rico anymore either.. :(

It might be a minor thing, but I seriously don't get why they'd remove the parachute backflip, or didn't add more stunt moves for freefalling. Skydiving isn't really worth doing now.

On the upside one of the fighter jets [the F-16/Sukhoi hybrid] is super cool, it lets you carpet-bomb an area. Totally wrecked an oil platform doing nothing but fly-bys.

I haves never played a jc game but this seems like a game that i would really enjoy.

I suppose you only play this for the madness es of the gameplay right?

What about the story? I dont expect much but maybe what i should expect is interesting and well designed missions?

Lets see...

Best to let go any expectations for a good, mediocre or even poor story; it's pretty bad.


My run through the first wing-suit challenge you come across...

Youtube Link

Still haven't gotten used to swapping between and using the parachute, wing-suite and tether well together... to often I confuse myself and swap to the wrong device and faceplant into a mountain side.

While loading times aren't too bad when you are playing through the game just doing missions (due to how few and far between one dies, at least early on) they are a real shame when considering challenges and events like this, as ideally you want them to be quick retires.


My PC Specs...

GTX 750Ti

will this be good enough to run at 1080p on high settings?

What we can say right now with a fair amount of confidence is that the GTX 950 paired with a Haswell Core i3 processor can easily run Just Cause 3 at 1080p maxed with SMAA anti-aliasing and 8x anisotropic filtering and stay well north of 30fps. Our 'go to' card for budget PC gaming - the GTX 750 Ti - does struggle though, dipping to a minimum 23fps even with shadow quality pared back to the high setting (though overclocking can help).

From the DF performance anaysis

Are they legit?


And I think it's a negative. What's wrong with pulling a Witcher and having virtually every part of the HUD removable?

One's eye is often drawn to the corner when there's a map there. Anecdotal, but in my experience, you start playing the game as "a to b: the game" rather than "explore the world" or "engage with the mechanics".

I think designers are wising up to this. Hence MGSV didnt have one, AC Unity had it switchable with one button, now JC3. It's a great choice and keeps you focused on the game world (rather than minimap).

Arguably, if you design your game with a minimap in mind, your objective/quest design takes a hit. There are essays about it.
What time does this unlock on PS4? I wanna buy a game, can't decide between this or Uncharted...

Do you want to experience scripted explosive chaos or create it yourself?

Do you want a good story?

Linear or open world?

That's about what it comes down to.
Legit as in "You'll get the key you paid for." Yes.

Legit as in "The developers authorized the sale of these keys and Steam won't remove the game from my library in the future." Nope.

They're like G2A.

They're likely gray market with buying keys from cheaper regions but they're not like G2A.
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