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Just curious: Would -YOU- recommend Megaman Command Mission??

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Been out for a couple weeks now and I know many of you snagged it, just wondering if anyone has a verdict yet, or some impressions on how it has fared beyond what the reviews have said. Be brutally honest!

Oh and PS2 vs. GC?



The game is easily completed within a weekend - PENDING you don't bother collecting all the action figures or do the sidequests for the ultimate equipment.

What makes this easily a weekend rental is the difficulty, as it's just too damn easy! Except boss battles, you may have a bit of a scuffle with them, but Cinnamon alone makes this game exponentially easier.

I didn't bother with any of that and I had no problem completing the game with the regular equipment and whatnot.

I would honestly say this game is a weekend rental, not really worth $40, maybe when it's $20 status.

GC VERSION ALL THE WAY! Or PS2 if you really want that X8 demo.
Im playing through it now. Its fun, but mostly cause of the mega man aspect. Im getting 200 times the story I ever got through the platformers and I like it. Hyper Mode makes the game too easy in a lot of places but its still a fun little game.

Get it for 20 and youre aces.


It's good, but it ain't exactly worth 40 bones. The battle system/voices/story is pretty good and collecting shit is fun, but the dungeons are boring as fuck (basically Dragon Quarter corridors stripped down to their most basic elements) and it's really fucking short. But, being this IS a Capcom game AND a Megaman title, there'll be a sequel, and it'll be longer/better.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Since you seem to be so damn wanting to spend your money on games, Brandon, you NEED to go and get MONSTER HUNTER. :)

Command Missionn isn't a bad game, but Shadow Hearts 2 is better, and I have a feeling Nocturne will be as well.


Lyte Edge said:
Since you seem to be so damn wanting to spend your money on games, Brandon, you NEED to go and get MONSTER HUNTER. :)

Command Missionn isn't a bad game, but Shadow Hearts 2 is better, and I have a feeling Nocturne will be as well.

Yeah, SHC kicks the shit out of this game. Better dungeons, characters are about the same but can do more stuff in battle, MUCH better writing, etc.
I need to back these guys up. Command Mission is one of those '20 dollar bin impulse buys', while monster hunter and SHC seem to be a different breed. ;)


belgurdo said:
Yeah, SHC kicks the shit out of this game. Better dungeons, characters are about the same but can do more stuff in battle, MUCH better writing, etc.

Well you said it yourself earlier, it's a megaman title :p (I'm really pissed about the lack of character development in CM tho) Though I doubt it could get a sequel. Not sure what CoJ was expecting from it in Japan as sales were really low. Actually, I want to see US sales figures (And hopefully gc version kicking its ass ala MMAC) In any case, unless you want the X8 demo, don't get the PS2 version. GC version is much better technically. (framerate, colors, loading)


I have the GC version and really am enjoying it. There are a ton of unlockable collectables which you get through a mini-game and through exploring. The story is the same as in any mega-man game... You fight a bunch of minor bosses and then finally enter the end game where you fight much harder main bosses. It is fun to see how they took the standard formula and turned it into a RPG.

Combat is fun and varied. Lots of diffrent types of enemies and tons of new items to get in each chapter. A decent amount of hidden stuff. So far I have found a hidden shop and a (so far) impossible to beat optional boss, and I am only half-way through.

Graphics are great, voice acting is not so great. I would give it a thumbs-up if you have the extra time right now, but keep in mind there are a ton of great RPGs either just out or on the horizon that may better warrent your attention.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Ok cool. I wasn't planning on buying it now anyway, just wanted to gather some thoughts since it has been on my mind lately.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Brandon F said:
Ok cool. I wasn't planning on buying it now anyway, just wanted to gather some thoughts since it has been on my mind lately.



I think it's a great game for fans of the X series. It expands on a lot of stuff and gives fans a chance to see X environments/characters in a more in-depth light. (Even if the story is kinda bland to a point.) There are twists in the story though, from time to time, so that's at least something.

I agree about the comment regarding the dungeons. They're overly simplistic and really boring to go through. It's basically just a race to the boss while collecting items along the way, no strategy or exploring involved period. I did hear that the GC version is more challenging due to the fact that the random battles pop up more often than in the PS2 version, and that's pretty obvious, even to the point of becoming annoying after a while.

One thing that I think I like most about it is the cutscenes. Some of them are really cool, especially the opening scenes involving X, Zero, and Epsilon. The voice acting doesn't bother me, as it could be much much worse.

But anyway, if you're a fan of the X series or just a blue bomber fan in general, pick it up. If not, rent it.
I don't like RPGs, but I picked up CM due to my love for Mega Man, plus I heard Dragon Quarter was excellent. What a waste. A ultra boring fighting system (even though I don't RPGs, there have been some where combat was fun and never boring), lame story (the main reason I got the game in the first place), and passable graphics and music. The game seriously feels like its unfinished.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
I just picked up this game off of eBay for just about $20 so we'll see... hell who am I kidding who knows when I'll actually GET to it....
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