Ask her if she fancies seeing some dicks on the iPad.
Get all your shit first.
Paging op! He's prly sleeping right now, or trying to. Man people can be fuckers.
Her, not op. Lol
Why were you talking aboiut marriage 1.5yrs into dating...seriously.
...she said she made some friends on it before meeting me and she still talks to them on it. I thought that was OK.
Yuuup.Why the fuck some of you keep posting these? People have all sorts of reasons to get married sooner than later while in a relationship, ideally you do want to pass the 2.5-3 year mark, but life (timing) is not always "ideal"
Holy shit that thread was incredible
Sorry to hear that.
1.5 years deserves a face-to-face break-up, so do that. Keep your emotions in check, confront with facts, and let her know that the relationship is over. Block her number and social media accounts. Move on.
I know this is off topic, but how the fuck did a "My gf is cheating on me" thread get 93 pages long? Like that's a commitment to wade through.
I know this is off topic, but how the fuck did a "My gf is cheating on me" thread get 93 pages long? Like that's a commitment to wade through.
But you know, not one that guy's g/f would bother with because shes' a cheater :V
Just ghost her. Why you gotta create conflict by talking to her anymore? That rarely ends well
But why the hell is she on the dating app still and meeting guys when we were clearly in an exclusive committed relationship?
He took a day before he confronted her (while he was getting advice from GAF), then he confronted her by saying "fancy seeing some more dick?" (that line probably got a few pages alone), there was a lot of fighting and OP posted all of the follow-ups of him moving out. Also a Sunhi video got posted which is usually good for 1000s of posts in and of itself.
Not really all that surprising. The guy seems fairly level-headed, so nothing in this thread is probably coning as much of a surprise to him. Not really much to add if the situation isn't going to progress until tomorrow anyway.5 deep pages of posts and no OP?
OP needs to talk to his gf first.
For all we know this dude could just be lying to try and get her to be single.
Why the fuck some of you keep posting these? People have all sorts of reasons to get married sooner than later while in a relationship, ideally you do want to pass the 2.5-3 year mark, but life (timing) is not always "ideal"
Sucks, but be glad you found out before you were married
She used to say she really liked this about me- the complete trust.
Hit the gym!! Ignore her. Move on.
Hit the gym!! Ignore her. Move on.
Okay and if she lies or sugar coats the truth which is likely...Thanks for all the posts and help guys. Was trying to sleep. Could only sleep for 2 hours or so.
Looks like there is some confusion about how the guy knows my sister. They are FB friends since quite some time and earlier the guy used to live in the same town as my sis and thats how they met. Then after a while he moved to where my GF lives and thats where he met my GF through this dating app. So it wasnt that this random guy was messaging my sister about a girl he was dating. He just saw the FB pic of my sis and GF together so wondered how my sis knew my GF and asked on FB.
As of now the plan is to just meet face to face and let her know that I know this and just in case she had some explanation. I wouldve ghosted but since the guy might be lying or exaggerating I just want to make sure that what I am thinking is true. The plan is to see if she still has that app and what talks she has had with this guy. As soon as I get a concrete proof that she is still using the app and/or about the chats, I am out forever.
Right. OP seems to be holding onto hope that I don't believe is there. It's just too suspicious. I wouldn't truse her.Okay and if she lies or sugar coats the truth which is likely...
Okay and if she lies or sugar coats the truth which is likely...
I think that's the right thing to do so good luck with this.Thanks for all the posts and help guys. Was trying to sleep. Could only sleep for 2 hours or so.
Looks like there is some confusion about how the guy knows my sister. They are FB friends since quite some time and earlier the guy used to live in the same town as my sis and thats how they met. Then after a while he moved to where my GF lives and thats where he met my GF through this dating app. So it wasnt that this random guy was messaging my sister about a girl he was dating. He just saw the FB pic of my sis and GF together so wondered how my sis knew my GF and asked on FB.
As of now the plan is to just meet face to face and let her know that I know this and just in case she had some explanation. I wouldve ghosted but since the guy might be lying or exaggerating I just want to make sure that what I am thinking is true. The plan is to see if she still has that app and what talks she has had with this guy. As soon as I get a concrete proof that she is still using the app and/or about the chats, I am out forever.
Man, personally id Approach the dude before her at this point. If anything it seems like hes clueless. Talking to him will give you more proof than anything else. No reason to go through her phone. No reason to even hear what she has to say or see her. You have evidence and hes just as likely to give you the proof you need if you really need the closure. This way youre helping out someone else from falling into the same trap and yourself.I do plan to just keep her phone aside as soon as I meet her and then go through it to make sure. If she doesnt let me, I anyway know the answer.