I've heard that it's not the best place to work but beggars can't be choosers. It's either this or slaving away at an amazon warehouse and eff that noise.
Should I maintain eye contact whilst doing so, or would that seem too threatening?i heard they make you take your pants off, first thing
I think you're going to get the job.Should I maintain eye contact whilst doing so, or would that seem too threatening?
We take you in the back room and ask about what kind of vidya you like to play. Literally.
Not worth it at all, OP. Selling games/upselling is nowhere near as fun as playing them. Also, Gamestop doesn't have much of a future.
Are some answers better than others? Should I go mainstream and say I a play whatever the current COD or go the hipster route throw out artsy games like Journey and the like?
Good point, but man i would rather do something like stock shelves at Target or something for $15 hour instead. No fear of getting fired over bullshit quotas and fewer people to deal with in general. That's only assuming OP has more options. Wish you luck, OP.Something tells me he isn't trying to make a career out of this, Tay. lol
Good point, but man i would rather do something like stock shelves at Target or something for $15 hour instead. No fear of getting fired over bullshit quotas and fewer people to deal with in general. That's only assuming OP has more options. Wish you luck, OP.
$15 an hour you say? That sounds pretty good. Working with people who have similar interests and making less money is preferable to more cash with a job that drags all day though.Good point, but man i would rather do something like stock shelves at Target or something for $15 hour instead. No fear of getting fired over bullshit quotas and fewer people to deal with in general. That's only assuming OP has more options. Wish you luck, OP.
Something tells me he isn't trying to make a career out of this, Tay. lol
OP, I'll tell you this much. The pay sucks, and you're gonna get dicked around a lot over the dumbest crap. When i worked there, we absolutely had to meet these dumb quotas for sales, trade ins, and membership cards with no incentives apart from "you dont want us to fire you - do you?"
Lots of annoying hustle as far as trade ins were concerned. Try having to test systems, check in cell phones, and be prepared to be severely understaffed and unable to do about it. Gamestop will literally "write you up" for getting OT of any sort. You get one warning and then you're shit canned - no matter how busy.
I'd just be honest. Basically, I was always looking for someone who knew their shit, seemed like a non-douchebag, and could at least speak with relevancy to what was going on in the industry currently.
Mention modern stuff. It's just kinda a 'getting to know you' question, but they also wanna ensure you can talk to customers and provide the impression that GS are game experts or whatever. No need to be a hipster, but I was initially hired in because I knew about JRPGs and they didn't have a guy for that yet at my store.
Job sucks though dude, take it temporarily and look for something better immediately.
Trust me building up "day drag" resistance is a valuable life skill. I've worked large retail outlets and usually you have a high staff count so your chances of having someone to get along with and have a laugh are much higher there. As is finding a corner to hide in from customers and managers to slack off and chat.$15 an hour you say? That sounds pretty good. Working with people who have similar interests and making less money is preferable to more cash with a job that drags all day though.
And that's even if they give you full time hours. GameStop is known for shorting you on shifts.According to the internet, they pay 9.30 an hour. Considering you work 8 hours a day and 5 days a week, that's less than U$ 1500 a month....
I've heard that it's not the best place to work but beggars can't be choosers. It's either this or slaving away at an amazon warehouse and eff that noise.
I dont think GameStop during a new launch year and holiday season And pandemic would be superior choice over a Amazon warehouse job.
I would imagine amazon at least has routes for advancement. GameStop has none and the future is finite
I've listened to most it and he seems genuine.![]()
I like telling embarrassing stories. I'm a masochist. So please tear me apart!www.youtube.com
This YouTuber I believe was a gamestop manager at one point and has done countless videos on his experiences at gamestop, if you ask me your better off at Walmart but if you want to work at gamestop check out this channel first.
Working at GameStop will legiterally make you hate people who buy video games lol
Just find out how what system the manager likes and pretend to like it.
If you own a car, why not take on a landscaping job? Or snow removal especially with the cold weather approaching.
It was the best job I ever had but unfortunately had to quit it because I lacked my own transportation.
Also, the money it pays is really good and you never have to worry about overworking yourself.
A game store job is a great dream but the reality is that it sucks
I've heard that it's not the best place to work but beggars can't be choosers. It's either this or slaving away at an amazon warehouse and eff that noise.
People should take advantage of the pandemic and find jobs that both pay well and will always offer long term security.Why not just go back to school and get a skill or trade.
The options your presenting sounds horrible and I doubt both jobs even pay decent money.
You telling me my entire staff at the store I managed weren't really PC/Xbox fanboys?!!
Those dirty lyin' weebs!!!