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Just got canned and applying for gamestop. Anyone know what the interview process is like?


What time is it?
What position? If it's just an associate, the store manager will meet with you at the local store. Nothing to be nervous about. As long as you present decently and have a pulse, you shouldn't have an issue getting the job.
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Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
I worked at Gamecrazy long time ago and if it's the same at all then it's basically a low paying high pressure sales environment that happens to involve something you enjoy. I've also heard that Gamecrazy was a whole lot more relaxed than Gamestop by comparison.

I applied at Gamestop once and the interview process was basically one round with the store manager.

I'll also say that in the future if you're really good with people and love sales then I recommend selling insurance or something similar since that can be a whole lot more lucrative.
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You don’t want to work for GameStop. I worked there for a couple months and it’s terrible. If you’re curious, for the interview process, at least from my experience, they take you to the back room, ask you really basic interview questions, and the last couple questions are gaming or comic related (who is your favorite super hero?) or something.

but work anywhere else for real.


Genuinely Generous
Do you like not talking about video games? Do you like to rip people off on trade-in offers? Do you want to look pretentious and think you know everything? Congratulations, you're hired. You start now.

Don't listen to me. I don't know what I'm talking about.

I've heard that it's not the best place to work but beggars can't be choosers. It's either this or slaving away at an amazon warehouse and eff that noise.

You could always start your own cuddling business, assuming you're good looking. Wear a mask.
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with all the doom and gloom regarding GS lately, seems like you'd want to keep looking even if you get hired. My advice- if they give you a personality test, don't be honest just pick what they want to hear and try your best to be consistent. As a younger pup I was honest about things and it didn't work out.


Not worth it at all, OP. Selling games/upselling is nowhere near as fun as playing them. Also, Gamestop doesn't have much of a future.
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Dai Kaiju

We take you in the back room and ask about what kind of vidya you like to play. Literally.

Are some answers better than others? Should I go mainstream and say I a play whatever the current COD or go the hipster route throw out artsy games like Journey and the like?


Not worth it at all, OP. Selling games/upselling is nowhere near as fun as playing them. Also, Gamestop doesn't have much of a future.

Something tells me he isn't trying to make a career out of this, Tay. lol

OP, I'll tell you this much. The pay sucks, and you're gonna get dicked around a lot over the dumbest crap. When i worked there, we absolutely had to meet these dumb quotas for sales, trade ins, and membership cards with no incentives apart from "you dont want us to fire you - do you?"

Lots of annoying hustle as far as trade ins were concerned. Try having to test systems, check in cell phones, and be prepared to be severely understaffed and unable to do about it. Gamestop will literally "write you up" for getting OT of any sort. You get one warning and then you're shit canned - no matter how busy.

Are some answers better than others? Should I go mainstream and say I a play whatever the current COD or go the hipster route throw out artsy games like Journey and the like?

I'd just be honest. Basically, I was always looking for someone who knew their shit, seemed like a non-douchebag, and could at least speak with relevancy to what was going on in the industry currently.

Mention modern stuff. It's just kinda a 'getting to know you' question, but they also wanna ensure you can talk to customers and provide the impression that GS are game experts or whatever. No need to be a hipster, but I was initially hired in because I knew about JRPGs and they didn't have a guy for that yet at my store.

Job sucks though dude, take it temporarily and look for something better immediately.


Something tells me he isn't trying to make a career out of this, Tay. lol
Good point, but man i would rather do something like stock shelves at Target or something for $15 hour instead. No fear of getting fired over bullshit quotas and fewer people to deal with in general. That's only assuming OP has more options. Wish you luck, OP.


I'm sorry about your job loss but man, don't do Gamestop.

Go watch some Camelot331 vids on the youtubes about it.


Good point, but man i would rather do something like stock shelves at Target or something for $15 hour instead. No fear of getting fired over bullshit quotas and fewer people to deal with in general. That's only assuming OP has more options. Wish you luck, OP.

Yeah dude we hired people at like $8 an hour and never gave 'em any shifts. Shit was brutal

Dai Kaiju

Good point, but man i would rather do something like stock shelves at Target or something for $15 hour instead. No fear of getting fired over bullshit quotas and fewer people to deal with in general. That's only assuming OP has more options. Wish you luck, OP.
$15 an hour you say? That sounds pretty good. Working with people who have similar interests and making less money is preferable to more cash with a job that drags all day though.

Dai Kaiju

Something tells me he isn't trying to make a career out of this, Tay. lol

OP, I'll tell you this much. The pay sucks, and you're gonna get dicked around a lot over the dumbest crap. When i worked there, we absolutely had to meet these dumb quotas for sales, trade ins, and membership cards with no incentives apart from "you dont want us to fire you - do you?"

Lots of annoying hustle as far as trade ins were concerned. Try having to test systems, check in cell phones, and be prepared to be severely understaffed and unable to do about it. Gamestop will literally "write you up" for getting OT of any sort. You get one warning and then you're shit canned - no matter how busy.

I'd just be honest. Basically, I was always looking for someone who knew their shit, seemed like a non-douchebag, and could at least speak with relevancy to what was going on in the industry currently.

Mention modern stuff. It's just kinda a 'getting to know you' question, but they also wanna ensure you can talk to customers and provide the impression that GS are game experts or whatever. No need to be a hipster, but I was initially hired in because I knew about JRPGs and they didn't have a guy for that yet at my store.

Job sucks though dude, take it temporarily and look for something better immediately.

Thank you, that was surprisingly helpful for a NeoGAF post.


$15 an hour you say? That sounds pretty good. Working with people who have similar interests and making less money is preferable to more cash with a job that drags all day though.
Trust me building up "day drag" resistance is a valuable life skill. I've worked large retail outlets and usually you have a high staff count so your chances of having someone to get along with and have a laugh are much higher there. As is finding a corner to hide in from customers and managers to slack off and chat.

I've worked games retail, it's not somewhere you want to be at Christmas during new console launch year.


I dont miss retail or restaurant jobs whatsoever. I'm so fucking happy I worked my way to management in all those shitholes and secured myself an office gig

For a high school dropout, I did okay ultimately


According to the internet, they pay 9.30 an hour. Considering you work 8 hours a day and 5 days a week, that's less than U$ 1500 a month....

Isn't that a little too low? Can you survive by yourself with that money? Rent, food, bills, basic leisure time, etc?

One thing I learned in the past 12 years I've been working is that a low paying job is a low paying job, doesn't matter if it's an area you like, you'll feel screwed up and stressed out, specially because you'll notice you're not getting the recognition you think you deserve, after all, you love doing that, why does it have to fuck you up?

If I were you, OP, I'd honestly take the advice and find something that pays you more. $15 an hour seems decent. Thinking that doing what you like is more important than money is being very naive, because the fact that you don't make enough money will drag you down and extinguish any joy out of it.

Doing what you love only works when you can make a decent living out of it, so, if you're interested in selling gaming stuff, maybe it would be better to start your own thing, online, selling geeky stuff or whatever, and you can do that while you work on something less fulfilling but that will give you enough money to invest on your own.

Think about it, you may love the idea of selling games and GameStop seems like the most easy and obvious first step, but where will this step take you if you're not making enough to even live, let alone save and invest? It's wasted time.

You see my point? Find something that pays more, even if it's out of what you have in mind (any experience adds up to your career, even if it's not directly related) and save as much as you can while you simultaneously create your own thing. It's the only way to grow financially if you're starting from point zero (as you seem to be, considering you're considering working at GameStop)

Good luck on the quest, man!
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This YouTuber I believe was a gamestop manager at one point and has done countless videos on his experiences at gamestop, if you ask me your better off at Walmart but if you want to work at gamestop check out this channel first.
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I've heard that it's not the best place to work but beggars can't be choosers. It's either this or slaving away at an amazon warehouse and eff that noise.

Good luck.

I decided to skip working until end of year now. Just getting told from several companies that the application process takes longer due to corona. Getting answers like this since 3 months every month.

Iam doing now a 4000 Euro further education in "Internet Marketing" with focus on "Social Media". Unemployment office pays it 100 %. Normally it takes 6 month in parttime while you work but because iam unemployed i can finish it in 3 months doing it fulltime. (like 5 hours a day)

Even when one of those companies say that i can start working for them i have to decline it now to keep doing the furter education stuff in full time.

After that i can start applying for other jobs again.
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I dont think GameStop during a new launch year and holiday season And pandemic would be superior choice over a Amazon warehouse job.

I would imagine amazon at least has routes for advancement. GameStop has none and the future is finite


I dont think GameStop during a new launch year and holiday season And pandemic would be superior choice over a Amazon warehouse job.

I would imagine amazon at least has routes for advancement. GameStop has none and the future is finite

Dont work in the Amazon warehouse job. Try to get a job in the Amazon Custumer support. (its better due to home office and better payment)


Gold Member
I don't know how each job pays, but if you want a job later on having to do with retail or an office job, go with GS. If you want something more like warehousing roles, go with Amazon.

Amazon definitely has a better look on your resume and the company is a million times more successful now, but assuming the money part is a wash go with the one you think will lead to better long term roles.

Also, Xmas is coming so both companies will be busy But once January hits, I'd assume you got a better chance of still having a job at Amazon.


Gold Member

This YouTuber I believe was a gamestop manager at one point and has done countless videos on his experiences at gamestop, if you ask me your better off at Walmart but if you want to work at gamestop check out this channel first.
I've listened to most it and he seems genuine.

But when it comes to moaning and groaning stories, there's two sides to every story.

Also, what he's got to remember is any asshole boss above him is likely getting grilled by his boss. Shit flows downhill.

He promotes himself as a high selling store manager whose the nicest coolest guy.

He might have been just as dickish to his clerks to hit the numbers he was asked to too. I have a hard time believing his consistent top 5 store ranking (which he claims he accomplished where GS has 1,000s of stores) was done without some aggressive salesmanship from him and his clerks.

He hinted at sex in the back room and has another video entitled brothels. This guy must be living under a rock cuz shady sex stuff happens everywhere.

Ever been to a company annual sales meeting? People are having affairs in the hotel rooms. It happens.
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If you own a car, why not take on a landscaping job? Or snow removal especially with the cold weather approaching.

It was the best job I ever had but unfortunately had to quit it because I lacked my own transportation.

Also, the money it pays is really good and you never have to worry about overworking yourself.
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Gold Member
I worked there back in 06/07 when we got paid $5.05/hr. Way before min wage increased. Horrible job. I couldn’t even afford gas and they share hours. The store manager is salary and he has say 80 or more hours to distribute. If you start at the bottom tier you won’t make enough to survive. It’s a good first job, but not exactly a good career. Taco Bell or McDonalds would be better jobs.

I was asked about games and I had a lot of retail experience. I had worked telesales and in every department you could think of. You have to come off like you care about satisfying the customer and make money for the store. They told me that they could hire non-gamers if they had good customer service skills.

A game store job is a great dream but the reality is that it sucks unless you have some fortune of a satefy net. I could recommend a help desk job and then use that experience if you like IT to further advance your career. Help Desk jobs can pay close to $20 an hour depending on where you work.

GameStop has upper management positions, but they hire people who end up quitting months down the road. A lot of them aren’t huge gamers either. They know how to manage a store. The DM and most Store Managers I’ve known from the late 90’s either quit or moved on. I am aware of 1 or 2 employees that still work there since I shopped at Babbages. I got tired of talking about everyone I use to talk to when I went shopping for games.

You have to consider the benefits and if you’ll be happy being some big corporate video game store employee. It doesn’t exactly build anything except customer service skills.
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Gold Member
If you wanna go for it, state that you love games and are willing to communicate that to people. And that you are able to upsell.
If you own a car, why not take on a landscaping job? Or snow removal especially with the cold weather approaching.

It was the best job I ever had but unfortunately had to quit it because I lacked my own transportation.

Also, the money it pays is really good and you never have to worry about overworking yourself.

If you live in a nice area landscaping can legitimately be a good job. Honestly if I knew back in the day what I know now I probably would not have gone to college and instead become a landscaper. There are dudes getting 100 dollar contracts to mow the lawn twice a month in one of the nicer cities near me. That's like for personal residences that barely have a lawn. Alternatively A bunch of HOA's get landscaping services for whatever part of the community the HOA owns and it can be up to thousands a month, though I think you need a contractor's license to bid on those jobs. Sure, at that point you need a riding lawnmower, some other equipment and some skills, but the money is still no joke. The guys doing that stuff are doing it for 2-3 HOA's.

Landscaping is something people fall into and a lot of them dream of doing something different or feel resentful about it. I had to have my degree for years and do everything right for a long time before I ever started making enough money to justify my education. I've actually tried to talk a few of my younger relatives who don't have any plans for work to try it out in their area. None of them want to do it. They all think they are going to be making 300k a year before they are 30 years old doing tiktok or youtube, or selling T-shirts, or really just anything that's not a a normal job. I'm like "Yeah, try to get rich off tiktok or youtube or whatever, but you should do some normal stuff, get some experience and some cash now, and that will be great for you if that youtube money doesn't work out" and they are like "I'll start making money when I need to." It's actually quite infuriating talking to any of my younger relatives about work or money. I have even pulled out statistics that they are basically expecting to be the 1% of income earners at a super young age and they are like "Just cause you couldn't do it doesn't mean I can't. You don't understand."
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A game store job is a great dream but the reality is that it sucks
I've heard that it's not the best place to work but beggars can't be choosers. It's either this or slaving away at an amazon warehouse and eff that noise.

Why not just go back to school and get a skill or trade.

The options your presenting sounds horrible and I doubt both jobs even pay decent money.


Why not just go back to school and get a skill or trade.

The options your presenting sounds horrible and I doubt both jobs even pay decent money.
People should take advantage of the pandemic and find jobs that both pay well and will always offer long term security.

Because if the OP does apply to Gamestop, what will happen if the U.S enters a second lockdown?
I remember Gamestop got pretty desperate and literally threw their employees right into the height of when the infections where going around with no safety equipment.

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You telling me my entire staff at the store I managed weren't really PC/Xbox fanboys?!! 🧐

Those dirty lyin' weebs!!!

I worked there back in the day, from 97 to 2011. I was there for many console launches including PS2, DC, etc etc. Managers didn’t like Sony cuz they never gave us free stuff at the conferences. MS gave Every single manager a free Xbox when it launched, and they kept buttering our bread after that too.

I know I tried to hire a diverse group who liked multiple stuff, but not everyone does.0


i'm shocked theyre still hiring in their precarious situation.
my advice is don't apply for the job if you value job security.
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