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Just Picked up Star Wars Battlefront!!!!!

So I get off work call my local momma popshop and bam they have star wars. Four of my friends and I picked it up but...We are all alone online. Did anyone else find it early? The game is great I just played endor and ewaks are running around throwing spears at AT-ST's the getting blown up. I was crying then turned around at took that AT-ST down. Blow up my ewaks I think not. This game is tight having no one to play with on a 24 player server sucks but hey it's practice time. If you guys have questions let me know.... also it's defaults to 3rd person and controls a little like socom but in the options menu you can set it to 1st person, then it plays a little like riddick then. Ok ok back to the game be back in a few.... Late if you live in LA PM me and I will tell you where to go. Late.


Junior Ace
Spazbiohaz said:
So i get off work call my local momma pop shop and bam they have star wars. me and 4 of my friends picked it up but.....We are all alone online did anyone else find it early? The game is great i just played endor and ewaks are running around throwing spears at AT-ST's the getting blown up. I was crying ithen turned around at took that AT-ST down..Blow up my ewaks i think not. This game is tight having no one to play with on a 24 player server sucks but hey it's practice time. If you guys have questions let me know....also it's defaults to 3rd person and controls alittle like socom but in the options menu you can set it to 1st person plays alittle like riddick then. ok ok back to the game be back in a few.... Late if you live in LA PM me and I will tell you where to go. Late.

Wait, what the fuck are you trying to say?


works for Gamestop (lol)
Is the game fun if you're only gonna play single player? How's the framerate?

And is this Xbox or PS2?
Ok me and my buddy just did the single player mode splitscreen it was a blast. There is a way to get a jedi on your side to he;p (Luke or Darth) and they just start mowing down the other team it looks hot from a distance when your coming up to them. They did a great job of making a game that makes you feel like you are in star WARS. The single player is a little lacking but you get scence from the movie every now and then but it is still fun...after playing multiplayer with 5-6 people (All who bought the game at the same store as me) Singleplayer is just not as fun but had I never played online then I would say this game holds up.


Tag of Excellence
I don't want to call bullshit but you haven't said anything new and you didn't exactly go into the details of it.

How did the manager of the store have the game anyways? Is there a demo out?
No. there are NPC's that run around in endor it's ewaks so they attack Iperial troops with Spears. Oh yeah and the logs in the trees it looks crazy.
Ask me anything I can tell you. Here I unlocked Vavin concept art and there is a Commando trailer on the disc. What more do you want I got you covered.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Littleberu said:
Ok. And I thought my English was bad.

It's like one of those Gamefaqs threads. You know, the typical "hey guys i just played game n today, ask me any questions about the game it rocks"


GameFan Alumnus
I dropped by Spaz's desk today and this game looks sick. A lot of people were stopping by to check it out. The graphics are amazing, and the scope is just epic. I haven't seen a full game played yet, but he jumped in a game real quick to show me what it looks like and it's amazing.

He was a battle droid in the fight against the gungans at the end of episode I. You could jump in that Imperial hover vehicle, and the gungans had that shield up while the imperial droids were advancing on it. Those dinosaur-like gungan beasts were also roaming around inside the shield as 'vehicles'. I saw him snipe a gungan on a turret also.

Most of what I've seen are the tutorials where they explain the character classes and what they do. The graphics are real slick in this game. I wasn't planning on buying it, but it looks like a must-have. We'll see how the overall gameplay balance is later, which will determine the long-term playability.

Between this, Fable, Gungrave Overdose, Astroboy (recent purchase late to the party) and next week's games (Kingdom under fire: Crusader, Monster Hunter, Katamari Damacy and Xmen Legends)... it's a crazy time to be a gamer. I'm still trying to pick up a copy of Guilty Gear, but it's sold out everywhere. Q4 is upon us in full force. If you guys have any questions about the gameplay, you should ask spaz.


Spaz - can you confirm any of this stuff?

Custom Soundtracks ? John Williams may get a little long in the tooth
16:9 ? A bit of a tactical advantage for widescreen owners
5.1 ? Nothing like total immersion
Number of max players on XBL ?
How team/global chat works?

I know it's a lot to ask, just off the top of your head.
Spaz - can you confirm any of this stuff? -Yes-

Custom Soundtracks? -No Custom soundtracks-
16:9? -No support that I can tell will check after lunch (does not say so on the box or manual)-
5.1 ? -Yes Dolby Digital is in and kicks. Love it-
Number of max players on XBL ? -Max on the box says 16.... But on the dedicated it states 24 players. Bots play online as well if not enough players are on (this is a server option). There are no Stats in this game though, that is a bummer-
How team/global chat works? -Ok this is tricky most games I played every one hears everyone on the same team whether you are alive or dead. But one time it was only proximity sound. I will find out more tonight on that.


Junior Ace
OK, I just got done playing the PC version at lunch. I'm very surprised. I was expecting a pretty average console port of a battlefield clone, but the game is just plain awesome. I checked out Endor, Hoth and one of the two Bespin levels. If you're a fan of the movies, you'll be completely impressed.
So are the levels pretty good in size? I saw that Aussie video and it looked pretty slick with a decent playing field but the folks playing it never roamed far enough to see what the limits of a stage were. Also-I noticed that there were barriers that kept your ship from flying out of the area. What I'd like to know is,is there enough actual freedom to roam abit more with an air craft? Probably not i suppose,you can't ask for miracles,heh.

I've been hyped for this game since E3,its almost here baby. :)

Btw-its weird how some games somehow ship to a store much earlier than their street date says. I guess Battlefront is just another story here. But anyway I saw Terminator Redemption last week at a Target store. I figured it was total crap so they sipped it past reviewers and rushed it to stores just to get a jump on some extra sales before reviewers could rip the game a new one. Ofcourse my Terminator fetish got the better of me,I bought it ofcourse. Weird though,because the game plays fucking great. Its been one hell of a fun rail shooter. Its pretty short though,it can be beaten in about 2 days. Massive difficulty too,it feels very old school in its start the stage over till you get it right formula. In its defense-once you know how to deal with a stage and itsd bosses,the game is alot more hands on the next time around.


I'm seeing the Battlefront commercial everywhere...

Smackdown(not unusual to see a game ad during wrestling)
Cubs game on cable(they NEVER have videogame ads during baseball games)
David Lettermen(even if it is late night, you rarely see game ads on the big 3 networks).

They're definately promoting the game. It will be interesting to see the sales figures next month.


yeah we got our copies in today, so someone broke the street date for you. There were warnings upon warnings (hell the tape they used was a warning itself) about the Sept 21st street date.
You're just a lucky son of a gun. Course I'm not sure how much a mom n' pop cares about street dates.


It was my understanding that console games don't have street dates.

there are manufacturer SHIP/RELEASE dates (which is usually Monday, but could be Wed, Thur, etc.).

there are also retailer RELEASE dates, which is when they estimate they will receive the game, one or two days after ship days...

Madden Release date was 8/12, but anybody could sell them as soon as stores got their copies...


RevenantKioku said:
yeah we got our copies in today, so someone broke the street date for you. There were warnings upon warnings (hell the tape they used was a warning itself) about the Sept 21st street date.
You're just a lucky son of a gun. Course I'm not sure how much a mom n' pop cares about street dates.
didn't read that, I was responding to JediMike's comments...

yeah, I guess there are console exceptions here and there...


efralope said:
It was my understanding that console games don't have street dates.

Console games can definately have streetdates. There have been a couple of Xbox titles(PGR 2 for example)that have stickers across the top that say "Do not sell before (insert release date here)".


Chi-Town said:
Console games can definately have streetdates. There have been a couple of Xbox titles(PGR 2 for example)that have stickers across the top that say "Do not sell before (insert release date here)".

Interestingly enough, SW:BF does not have those stickers, though I thought it might. That may cause some confusion in stores where shipping tags get placed over top of the warnings on occasion.


Junior Ace
Grey Fox said:
Hey Spaz can you control the vehicles in first person?That would be so sweet.

Can't speak for the console versions (haven't popped them in yet), but on the PC the first person in the cockpits of the vehicles is so damn cool. The AT-AT cockpit is exactly as seen in ESB.
Grey Fox said:
Hey Spaz can you control the vehicles in first person?That would be so sweet.

YES YOU CAN. I never tried it. Man the AT-ST is sweet you look out of the little hole. Nice suggestion.
Where did you purchase it and how much did you buy it for?

I've been on the fence about buying the trilogy but there are too many extras to pass it up now. I'm not crazy about dishing out 70 dollars for it though.
T-1000_Model3 said:
Where did you purchase it and how much did you buy it for?

I've been on the fence about buying the trilogy but there are too many extras to pass it up now. I'm not crazy about dishing out 70 dollars for it though.

20/20 video broke the date. selling for 55 bucks. But now some other places are breaking the date for 40 buck a pop. I feel a return is in order :)


0G M3mbeR
We got copies in at my TRU yet they came attatched with a love letter that says they will chop your balls off if it is sold before the trilogy hits. Spiderman 2 was the same way.


Junior Ace
Anyone have the PC version and feel like playing? I checked online and there was one server with no one on it.
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