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Just played through Quantum Break


I recently bought Quantum Break in the Microsoft Store. I assume it includes all the video and doesn't stream it anymore.

I had the XBox version, but did not get around to playing it. The pc version will be more convenient to play and gets it off console hardware.

Really, I got most of the Remedy games on PC now.

What is great about a Remedy game is that they are so well crafted.
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We had a thread about this game like a month ago, about exactly the same thing.

Got overlooked mostly because it was an Xbox exclusive and didn't have any good advertisement backing it up.
Was also overlooked because it had godawful performance at launch and outside of the combat was pretty meh.
I enjoyed it regardless though, it walked so the masterpiece Control could fly.


I feel bad for anyone who hasn't experienced QB. Remedy's best game.
My favorite is Alan Wake, then Quantum Break. Then Max Payne, and lastly, Control. I am skeptical about Alan Wake 2 though. They better bring back the magic the game had with Barry.


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
Just bought it on Steam for 8.79$ Canadian. 80% off during this sales.

Can't wait to try it out. Always loved Remedy games, somehow skipped on this.
It launch on Xbox One when it was popular to hate anything and everything about the Xbox One.
The original PC port was a UWP application so that didnt help it either.
The Steam version launch some 6 months later so by then people were kinda already out of the crusiosity phase.
Im not that surprised you didnt get to it.

Our PC are also no powerful enough to play the game with Upscaling set to off.
The temporal reconstruction in this game isnt as good as newer techniques available today.

I always wanted the physical release cuz I loved this game that much.


There were experimenting with streaming video on this game, but I don't think it really panned out. There was an option to download the video.

I think people got annoyed by it because it was not like they owned the whole game.
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Call a spade a spade, it was shit on because it was exclusive to xbone. If it was multiplatform it would be as highly regarded as Uncharted.

To be fair though, the Xbox specific media weren't all that kind to it at launch either. I think the mixed media aspect of it through them a bit, that was the weakest part of it, IMO.

It's a game that could use a reboot/sequel that just stuck to the game and relied on cut scenes to fill in the necessary details from the live action show. But, extend the story and include the content that would be a traditional sequel. It has a solid plot by video game standards.


Gold Member
I'm currently playing it and damn, so much potential but I've spent like 70% of time reading and watching the live action than the wandering around... Sometimes I shoot stuff btw.

I think it's too cinematic and try to be anything but a game so hard that it bores me, the lore and story are good though, but when I have to read like 5 pages of text of a diary again after reading 2 pages of something else... Hmmm damn, it gets too tedious and heavy no matter how much I like the story.

Thanks God they came out with Control, the way they made this game so restrictive in every possible way and left every possible narrative to text and video is just awful, so much potential lost... And the thing is that skipping text and movies feels like losing on 80% of the experience so I'll just keep doing so, I'm on Act 5 anyway so I appreciate it doesn't overstays it's welcome.

I'm coming from 80+ hours of Sekiro and wanted something more relaxing but damn it gets pretty boring too frequently considering I want to play a GAME that feels like a game, not walk 40 seconds and read for about 2 to 6 minutes a wall of text, repeat, fight for 1 minute and then watch a 30 minutes TV show.

It's a good thing this approach was rejected by players, I wouldn't like the industry going this path, but like with From software games, almost no other devs could replicate this level of quality anyway, I'm somehow enjoying it for the story, I'm just too disappointed this came from the same minds that made Alan Wake and Control.


Act 1 was great. Good action, interesting story, great graphics(even for 2024)... The game captivated me, but now I'm starting to wonder how they messed it up after act 1 and got those mixed reviews.


Are the cutscenes playing ok on the Steam version? It streams the cutscenes.

I only they would let you download the cutscenes on PC.
Cutscenes on Steam version worked fine for me on PC when I played the game last year, but they didn't worked on Steam Deck. But yeah, they were streamed

Act 1 was great. Good action, interesting story, great graphics(even for 2024)... The game captivated me, but now I'm starting to wonder how they messed it up after act 1 and got those mixed reviews.
I think the main issue people had was that gameplay, especially combat felt barebones and uninspiring and that indeed was a fair criticism. But if you are in for the story, you will definitely enjoy it
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What a great game.

Missed out on it first time round. Picked it up on Steam Deck (plays very nicely) and had a hoot.

Remedy are a special studio and produce interesting games. They have a singular vision; you can see how they are essentially perfecting the same game.

Control feels like a continuation of QB. Even the set pieces - the dockyard in QB is evolved even further to become *that* amazing level in Control.

Good game. Good studio.
The problem is Remedy is top tier AA studio. Every single time they have dreams of AAA grandeur they get burned.
Definitely up there in terms of video game stories, because the whole thing does come together and it does work as an interesting take on time travel. The gameplay was fun too - zipping around the battlefield mixing and matching your powers with individual cooldowns. The tv show episodes could get pretty bad at times though. I wish Remedy would give up on the live action stuff.


I replayed it after AW2 purely cause of all the tim breaker stuff. It still definitely has its flaws but compared to modern games it's actually banger, it just came out at a time when gaming was really heating up (that year we had Doom, U4, Inside, TF2, BF1, Honestly the list is massive).

it's also worth remembering the game launched with a plethora of technical issues. I remember the game almost being unplayable at launch, things got fixed though.

the greatness comes from the seeds it lays for control and without QB we don't have control and that's my personal favorite remedy game.
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Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Don't bother with gamepass PC version, which can't "stream" live action videos. This is bs.

Seems to work on the console version last I played a few months back, haven't heard anything about the servers being taken offline.

Do you have the option to download them offline?


I wonder if I can stream the Quantum Break cutscenes through my phone. YouTube works fine, so I assume I can.

I got this app that lets me use my unlimited internet.


Seems to work on the console version last I played a few months back, haven't heard anything about the servers being taken offline.

Do you have the option to download them offline?
Yeah. The PC versions don't let you download the cutscenes. It is dumb.
There is a repack version that has them downloaded, but you should not have to resort to piracy to get that.


The game itself is pretty large. It is 68GB. The videos may push much higher. Not certain.

The game does have a videos directory. I bet you can just put the streamed videos into that directory. The game probably checks that directory before trying to stream it.
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When it comes down to it, it is really best to play the XBox One version so you can download the video pack. That way, you got the videos no matter what.


The game does have a videos directory. I bet you can just put the streamed videos into that directory. The game probably checks that directory before trying to stream it.

I wonder if there is some kind of command line setting in the game that would let you download all the videos.

When it comes down to it, it is really best to play the XBox One version so you can download the video pack. That way, you got the videos no matter what.
I thought you were onto something but you chose Phil's way lol.


Replayed it like three or four times. I love the flashy visuals, how everything breaks apart and flows around. The shooting is fun, I love the locations, the graphics and mood. Just the live action stuff was mediocre at best and I'm glad Sam Lake found a way to incorporate his TV show perfectly to AW2. You can really see this improvement arc beginning from AW where he wanted it to feel like episodes, then the blatant live action stuff that was completely seperate from the game in QB, then the small live action overlay in Control and now the seamless blend of TV shows, live action into the gameplay of AW2.

Looking forward to more games from Remedy and especially their Max Payne remakes. They'll probably look amazing with ray tracing and in their Northlight engine!


Never did beat the last boss. Should replay it sometime. Not sure I'll be able to sit through the cheesey FOX cop show cutscenes though. I wonder how playable it is if you intend to outright skip all of them...


The game is great - so much better than Control. 30fps hurts it though, and the resolution was also very low (but I think a single man patch fixed that at some point).

And that last boss. It took me days and hundreds of attempts to beat him. Never again.


Played it last year, I thought it was average. Combat lacks variety, some abilities are too good and trivialize combat. Story was OK, Played it oc PC and the video stream was freezing every 10 seconds. Last boss was a tedious trial & error affair.
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