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Justice League Vs Suicide Squad announced

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Just announced.

Art by Fabok

The core of the comic-book event — which pits Batman and Superman’s superhero team against the covert team of supervillains working for ruthless government operative Amanda Waller — will transpire over six issues, two in December, four in January. It will also tie into “Suicide Squad” #9 and #10 and issues #12 and #13 of “Justice League” during January. “This is something DC had been talking about for a while, even before I came on,” said writer Joshua Williamson (“The Flash”).

The story will revolve around Batman questioning the need for Waller’s Task Force X in a world where the Justice League already exists. “He decides to put a stop to it,” Williamson said.

Williamson said much of the story would also focus on the character Killer Frost, a new addition to the Suicide Squad. “We’re going to be doing a lot with her and her point of view in the event.”

The miniseries will explore themes like redemption and corruption, and the two teams will also find a common foe against whom they must unite.

“Do you believe in second chances? I think that’s a big part of what Rebirth has been about,” Williamson said.

“Justice League vs. Suicide Squad” won’t occur in a vacuum, and there will be ramifications. Other titles, such as the return of “Justice League of America” in February, will spin out of the event.

Batman V Waller.
I haven't been paying attention to comics lately. Are the teams anywhere near comparable or should the Justice League be able to completely stomp them?


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Ummm hasn't Batman created several covert op teams that worked outside of the Justice League? Isn't there anyone else that could play the morally outraged one in this scenario?
Ummm hasn't Batman created several covert op teams that worked outside of the Justice League? Isn't there anyone else that could play the morally outraged one in this scenario?
No one gives a shit about the outsiders and Batmen of all nations

what the fuck is a metamorpho
Weird The Justice League roster overpowers the Suicide Squad by a huge fucking margin.

I haven't been paying attention to comics lately. Are the teams anywhere near comparable or should the Justice League be able to completely stomp them?
Current teams are:

Amanda Waller, Rick Flag, Captain Boomerang, Deadshot, Enchantress, Harley Quinn, Katana and Killer Croc(with an interview saying one of three OP characters will join the Squad for an arc which most think will be Zod because Doomsday and Mr. Mxzyptlk doesn't fit).

Cyborg, Flash, Aquaman, Green Lantern Simon Baz, Green Lantern Jessica Cruz, Batman, Wonder Woman and Superman.


Ummm hasn't Batman created several covert op teams that worked outside of the Justice League? Isn't there anyone else that could play the morally outraged one in this scenario?

Batman is directly responsible for the death of thousands. He has no room to talk.
Couldn't Flash solo the entire SS? At least when Avengers/XMen happened the X team was buffed as fuck.

So that's it, huh? We're the patsies. We're some kind of Justice League vs Suicide Squad.

You know Booster, we really are the Justice League vs Suicide Squad.

Batman is directly responsible for the death of thousands. He has no room to talk.

Is Infinite Crisis still canon?


Couldn't Flash solo the entire SS? At least when Avengers/XMen happened the X team was buffed as fuck.

You know Booster, we really are the Justice League vs Suicide Squad.

Sir..Sir did you not see Rick Flagg's name

Couldn't Flash solo the entire SS? At least when Avengers/XMen happened the X team was buffed as fuck.

You know Booster, we really are the Justice League vs Suicide Squad.

Is Infinite Crisis still canon?

Honestly? Who knows


Psh. It was done before in JLI #13. Of course, the rosters were different back then. JLI didn't have all the heavy hitters and Suicide Squad had Vixen, Nightshade and Duchess who added a lot more firepower than the current lineup has.


Psh. It was done before in JLI #13. Of course, the rosters were different back then. JLI didn't have all the heavy hitters and Suicide Squad had Vixen, Nightshade and Duchess who added a lot more firepower than the current lineup has.

Vixen almost killed Superman in her first appearence


Did Suicide Squad have a Batfleck vs. The Wall scene? I don't think it did from what I know. If not, it should have had one.
The mid-credits scene was this. She meets with Bruce Wayne and hands him information he was looking for in turn for a favor. It ends with Waller letting him know she knows he's Batman and him sending a threat right back at her.


I mean, okay. I'm pretty sure "Suicide Squad vs. literally any single member of the Justice League" would be a fairer fight but hey, sure, go for it.

lol at them spoiling the "unite against a common enemy" ending in the announcement article, though. Not surprising but man, what a cliche.


Right....that match up makes zero sense at all.

It does make thematic sense, consdering the idea behind the Squad is Covert Mission for the Us government. If the Government wanted to take out the Justice League sending in the squad would work for a variety of reasons.


That cover is ass. Terrible. And of course everyone is down for the count but Batman and Harley. /rolls eyes
Ugh, no thanks. I love Rebirth for the most part but I'm sick of Harley and the Justice League titles aren't exactly in great shape right now.

I'll skip this and I hope this event won't affect the titles I'm reading too much.
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